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(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

A Roma master e corso in agopuntura addominale, in convenzione con l’Istituto Paracelso

Siaarti, anestesisti in festa per i 90 anni di una storia illustre

Sobi porta al Congresso Sie 2024 la sua ‘Geometry of care’: solidità in ematologia e innovazione in onco-ematologia

Magi dell’Ordine medici di Roma, 'carenza del personale e insicurezza, lasciano in 1.500 l'anno'

Presentata “Fai posto al cuore” la nuova campagna di sensibilizzazione sulla Cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva

Voglie, mangiare per due, bere un bicchiere di vino ed altre credenze comuni. I consigli del ginecologo per le mamme in dolce attesa

L’Uap manifesta a tutela della sanità privata per servizi più efficienti a servizio del cittadino

A seguire la 3° puntata della Serie “Tumore al seno e rientro al lavoro” dal titolo: “Perché è possibile tornare al lavoro, importanza delle terapie e quando con quali precauzioni”

Per concludere lo Speciale Salus Tv: “11.000 decessi l’anno in Italia per antimicrobico resistenza, da partecipanti a talk organizzato da Adnkronos possibili soluzioni”


00:00In this issue, in Rome, Master is running in abdominal agopuncture in convention with the Paracelso Institute.
00:18Sia Arti, anesthetist at the party for the 90th anniversary of an illustrious story.
00:23Sobbi brings to the Congress SIE 2024 his Geometry of Care, Solidity in Hematology and Innovation in Onco-Hematology.
00:32And again, Magi of the Order of the Doctors of Rome, Lack of staff and insecurity leave in 1500 the year.
00:40Presented, Fai Posto al Cuore, the new campaign of sensitization on osteotropic hypertrophy.
00:49Desire to eat for two, drink a glass of wine and other common beliefs, the advice of the gynecologist for the mothers in sweet waiting.
00:57The UAPP manifests to protect private health, for more efficient services, at the service of the citizen.
01:04To follow the third episode of the series, tumors in the breast and return to work, from the title,
01:09why it is possible to return to work, importance of therapies and when with what precautions.
01:15To conclude the special Salus TV.
01:1811,000 deaths a year in Italy for antimicrobial resistance.
01:22From participants to talk organized by ADN Kronos, possible solutions.
01:33The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, strong over 3,000 years of experience,
01:39is now recognized all over the world.
01:41In Italy, in 1982, the Court of Cassazione confirmed its validity as a medical act
01:47and the following year, the State-Regional Conference of February 7,
01:51declared that it is a system of diagnosis, care and prevention that supports conventional medicine.
01:57Reason that pushed, twenty years ago, Professor Paolo Arbarello,
02:01Director of the Department and Cathedral of Legal Medicine of the University of Sapienza of Rome,
02:07who took care of the medical-legal profiles of acupuncture, of professional responsibility,
02:12also supporting the validity and usefulness of traditional Chinese medicine,
02:17in integration with modern medicine,
02:19to give life in convention with the Paracelso Institute,
02:22to a master of Chinese acupuncture,
02:24which has immediately achieved great success and has now also expanded to the University of Torvergata.
02:31There is a very, very important integration between the principles of Western medicine
02:39and the principles of traditional Chinese medicine,
02:43as demonstrated by the masters that we have activated,
02:47because this also corresponds to an extremely growing demand in Western countries
02:56of performance of traditional Chinese medicine.
03:00Among other things, for chronic abdominal pathologies,
03:06there is a perfect integration between the two medicines,
03:09because the diagnosis is made on the basis of the criteria of traditional medicine,
03:16and the therapy is with great success faced with acupuncture.
03:20A system that, however, is constantly evolving,
03:23demonstrates the absolutely innovative methodical abdominal acupuncture
03:26in the acupuncture clinical practice,
03:28of which Professor Aldo Liguori,
03:30Vice President of the World Federation of Acupuncture Associations,
03:34ONG of the World Health Organization,
03:37was nominated by the Chinese Competent Institute,
03:40representative in Europe and teacher.
03:42Based on the ancient theory of the method of effective tartaruga,
03:46this type of acupuncture is similar but not equal in practice to the classic one.
03:51It is a safe and easy-to-learn method,
03:54which produces effects of remarkable relief,
03:56both in the anthalgic field, on pain,
03:59and functional on various pathologies,
04:01osteoarticular, psychiatric, vascular and neurological.
04:06Thanks to the cooperation of eight national associations,
04:10a path has been opened to learn abdominal acupuncture,
04:16which is a system of acupuncture
04:18very close to the formamentis of the modern medicine doctor,
04:23because it uses the same diagnosis of modern medicine
04:26and well-defined protocols for diseases.
04:29These paths have been illustrated throughout Italy.
04:33The last occasion will be in Rome on September 28-29,
04:37and Professor Bo Ziyun, who invented this method,
04:42famous throughout China and also in the world,
04:46will be in Rome and will present a brief synthesis of abdominal acupuncture
04:54and will make a demonstration at the Sant'Andrea Hospital
04:58of the Second University of Science,
05:00on Tuesday, October 10, at 2.14 pm.
05:04In 2002, the National Federation of Medical Orders
05:08made the principle according to which the practice of Chinese acupuncture
05:12is a medical act in all respects,
05:14which has certainly facilitated the knowledge and dissemination.
05:18There is a growing interest in people towards traditional Chinese medicine,
05:23both for preventive purposes and for curative purposes.
05:26Basically, people understand that health is linked
05:30to the components of movement, nutrition, behavior,
05:37and therefore women are particularly approaching.
05:40They have been a great driver of this phenomenon.
05:43Even basic doctors have given great help
05:46because they have realized the validity of these techniques
05:50and therefore, when the request of people has been made
05:54to research these methods, they have advised
05:58and we say that the use is growing,
06:03also because then in the public ambulatories
06:06there begin to be presides, such as in Sant'Andrea,
06:11where there will be the meeting with Professor Bozziun,
06:15there is an acupuncture ambulatory,
06:18as well as in other Roman and national situations.
06:23In the framework of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome,
06:27the celebration of the 90th anniversary of SIARTI,
06:31Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia,
06:34Reanimation and Intensive Therapy, took place.
06:37Ninety years of illustrious history,
06:39which has seen presidents and board of directors
06:42develop an activity in the field of the formation
06:45of scientific research,
06:48which has made SIARTI a real reference
06:51in the field of anesthesiology,
06:53reanimation, intensive therapy and pain.
06:56A moment of celebration that highlights
06:59everything that society has done
07:01and all the activities it is developing with institutions
07:04to improve not only the quality of the health offer
07:07in the reference sectors,
07:09but also to improve the quality of the health offer
07:12towards citizens.
07:15Today we wanted to make the celebration of the 90th anniversary
07:18coincide with all the activities
07:20that SIARTI has already developed,
07:22expanding the offer and constituting
07:25an international foundation that will be able
07:28to expand the offer in the international field,
07:31will be able to acquire other and new research funds
07:34that will be needed to expand the training,
07:37to establish a relationship with the citizens,
07:40because this is also the task of the foundation,
07:43giving the right message to those who must be
07:46the health interventions in a delicate sector
07:49such as anesthesiology and intensive therapy.
07:52The new SIARTI Foundation has been created
07:55with the intention of expanding research
07:58and deepening it in the field,
08:00giving further possibilities of evolution
08:03and work in the third sector.
08:05That is, that of non-profit societies,
08:08also to be able to enhance as much as possible
08:11a path that we have already taken as a society
08:14and that of the humanization of cures.
08:16The SIARTI Foundation for the 10,000 members
08:19and for our category in general
08:21represents an opportunity,
08:23an opportunity for collaboration,
08:25for internationalization
08:27and for institutional collaboration
08:29to expand all the research topics
08:32inherent in our specialty.
08:34Vice President of SIARTI Elena Bignami
08:36explains how she will be the anesthesiologist of the future.
08:39We try to imagine it with new technologies,
08:42artificial intelligence,
08:44wearable devices, telemedicine.
08:47In this sector, both SIARTI and the anesthesiologists
08:50are at the heart of this reasoning,
08:53with the territory, in hospitals, in ambulatories
08:56and we want to try to be protagonists
08:58also in this field.
09:04The 51st Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology
09:08is a key event for the medical-scientific community
09:11that has gathered in the Lombard capital
09:13Italian and international experts
09:15to share the latest discoveries and developments
09:18in the hematological field.
09:20Also present at the Congress is the biopharmaceutical company SOBI.
09:23With our presence at the SIARTI Congress 2024,
09:26SOBI wants to reaffirm the commitment
09:29to improve the lives of people affected by rare or little-known
09:33hematological diseases,
09:35but with clinical needs still unsatisfied.
09:38That is why, as SOBI, we are proud
09:40to be next to the scientific societies
09:42around this important goal that we have in common.
09:45The SOBI stand at the 2024 edition of the SIIE Congress
09:48follows the concept Geometry of Care,
09:51Shaping a New Future,
09:53a claim that reflects the commitment and philosophy of the company.
09:56The goal is to show our path
10:00within the field of hematology
10:04and rare and little-known diseases.
10:06The pride with which we present ourselves at this Congress
10:09is to underline once again
10:12the solidity of our commitment to hematology
10:15and our face within an innovative and challenging field
10:19such as oncology.
10:25Chronic lack of staff,
10:28use of defensive medicine
10:30to avoid contentment with patients.
10:32This is one of the main problems
10:34that Italian doctors face,
10:36to the point that every 12 months
10:3815,000 white shirts
10:40request to go to work abroad,
10:42thus abandoning the national health service.
10:44To denounce it is the President of the Order of the Doctors of Rome,
10:47Antonio Maggi,
10:48who with the DNA Kronos Salute
10:50makes the point on the state of health
10:52of the national health service.
10:54And he does it starting from the situation in the capital.
10:57A sign of discomfort for doctors
10:59is to go to work abroad,
11:02Rome is obviously the largest order in Europe
11:05and has a fairly important digital situation.
11:08Every year about 1,500 colleagues
11:11among young doctors and older doctors
11:13ask to be able to go to work abroad.
11:16The majority of young people
11:18ask for community countries
11:20and extra-community countries
11:22regarding the United States,
11:24Great Britain, Israel,
11:26these are the countries most in demand.
11:28The extra-community countries
11:30are the older ones,
11:32the doctors who try to go to the Arab countries,
11:35obviously because they also find
11:37an economic situation
11:39that allows them
11:41when they finish working
11:43to have economic tranquility.
11:46These are the main motivations.
11:49As Maggi emphasizes,
11:51for young people, however,
11:53the speech is not only economic.
11:55There is a big difference
11:57in the retribution in European countries
11:59compared to what happens in Italy,
12:01but above all for the possibility of a career
12:03and also for the fact that
12:05there is no criminal charge
12:07for a medical act.
12:09So obviously there is only the possibility
12:11in the event of an error
12:13to search also those who have been harmed,
12:15but there is no criminal part
12:17that clearly affects the doctor,
12:19but it affects him deeply.
12:21So he loses security,
12:23he loses tranquility
12:25and he faces psychological
12:27and serious difficulties.
12:29The doctor always thinks
12:31he can help the next one.
12:33He never leaves home
12:35because he wants to hurt someone.
12:37He leaves home when he goes to work
12:39to save lives.
12:41Today, in fact,
12:43these problems are increasingly added
12:45as the chronicles tell,
12:47the risk of being physically
12:49and verbally assaulted
12:51while doing their job.
12:53Clearly this fact is linked
12:55to a chronic lack of staff,
12:57of structure,
12:59of security at the workplace
13:01and also of serenity
13:03when one works,
13:05because obviously having
13:07pressures also created
13:09by violence against health workers,
13:11created by numerous complaints,
13:13and above all after COVID,
13:15clearly a large part of the staff
13:17has gone into a burnout
13:19and therefore obviously
13:21is not in a favorable condition
13:23to be able to operate in the best way.
13:25And this, unfortunately,
13:27clearly affects the patients.
13:29So we as doctors have
13:31objective difficulties
13:33that we must somehow solve.
13:35And what did you think
13:37to do in that sense?
13:39We try to make everyone understand
13:41that a doctor who works
13:43in the emergency department,
13:45in the ambulatory,
13:47is there to treat patients,
13:49because he is a friend
13:51and a person who tries to solve
13:53all those situations
13:55that obviously can be
13:57somehow discussed
13:59and seen in the context of
14:01the health problems of each of us.
14:03And what other difficulties
14:05does the doctor find to face today?
14:07He clearly finds a difficulty
14:09related to the fact that
14:11there is no depenalization
14:13of the medical act,
14:15so obviously
14:17he finds himself in a difficult situation
14:19where he should be
14:23So how does he defend himself?
14:25He defends himself with defensive medicine,
14:27therefore increasing the health expense
14:29even improperly.
14:31This and other problems
14:33clearly afflict the professionals,
14:35among which, of course,
14:37is not the last one,
14:39the issue of the poor returns
14:41compared to those of other European countries.
14:47On the eve of the third Run for Inclusion
14:49at the Villa Giallarco della Pace
14:51in Milan,
14:53Bristol Myers Squibb Italia
14:55presented with the sponsorship
14:57of the Italian Association of Cardiomyopathy,
14:59the Italian Society of Cardiology
15:01and the National Association
15:03of Cardiologists,
15:05the national campaign
15:07dedicated to promoting the knowledge
15:09of obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
15:11so as to be able to recognize it
15:13and treat it early.
15:15Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
15:17is represented by an increase
15:19in the thickness of the walls of the heart
15:21and the cavity therefore becomes
15:23smaller in general.
15:25What happens is that
15:27if conditions are created
15:29for which an obstruction is formed,
15:31that is, a difficulty in getting blood
15:33out of the heart,
15:35clearly the patient becomes symptomatic.
15:37Maybe he hasn't been for years,
15:39but when the obstruction
15:41begins to be very frequently present,
15:43he begins to be symptomatic.
15:45It is therefore of fundamental importance
15:47to sensitize the public
15:49regarding this progressive pathology.
15:51Patients also
15:53recognize the value of sensitization
15:57as you do for the heart.
15:59I believe that initiatives like this
16:01are very important,
16:03especially for people who are at home
16:05and feel alone, who may have received
16:07a diagnosis
16:09and feel it as a sentence,
16:11as a sword,
16:13as something that really
16:15upsets you.
16:17I say not to stop, not to be discouraged
16:19and to go all the way,
16:21to find specific centers
16:23where the cure
16:25has gone on
16:27and there are improving solutions
16:29not to stop
16:31at the first obstacle,
16:33at a first diagnosis,
16:35but to go deeper.
16:37A commitment, that of
16:39dissemination of knowledge
16:41aimed at promoting health and
16:43prevention, very dear to
16:47For us, this campaign is very, very important.
16:49We have been working on it for a long time
16:51and we are very proud,
16:53very proud to be able to launch it
16:55today with this initiative,
16:57with this beautiful bench,
16:59with the slogan
17:01Fai posto al cuore
17:03and take the opportunity to be able to
17:05talk about this disease, explain
17:07how it could be
17:09identified, diagnosed, treated.
17:11It is part of
17:13our social responsibility,
17:15which for us is a very, very important aspect.
17:23Nutrition during pregnancy
17:25is essential, both for the health
17:27of the mother and for the birth.
17:29Yet, on the subject, during
17:31pregnancy there are still many
17:33popular beliefs and misinformation
17:35that arouse in future mothers
17:37doubts and uncertainties about what
17:39and how to eat in this
17:41particular phase of life.
17:43But what are the mistakes that one risks
17:45making more commonly?
17:47We asked the gynecologist Marco Grassi
17:49of the hospital in Mazzoni in Ascoli Piceno.
17:51Pregnancy has always been
17:53accompanied by
17:55popular beliefs
17:57and myths, among others, by our grandmothers
17:59who very often do not have
18:01any scientific background.
18:03In fact, for decades
18:05it has been said that
18:07in pregnancy you have to eat
18:09for a long time, that
18:11you have to follow the rules
18:13that the pregnancy manifests
18:15and that you can drink
18:17substances that contain
18:19caffeinated and diluted
18:21without moderation.
18:23And there is no doubt that
18:25you can continue to drink
18:27alcoholic substances,
18:29the most false rule.
18:31So, what is wrong?
18:33So, when it comes to
18:35eating for two, during pregnancy
18:37it is essential to meet the nutritional
18:39needs of both the mother and
18:41the newborn. But this does not
18:43necessarily mean eating for two.
18:45Eating in pregnancy
18:47differs a lot from the normal one.
18:49The caloric need, in fact,
18:51increases by 350
18:53kilocalories per day in the second
18:55trimester and 460
18:57kilocalories in the third trimester.
18:59The recommended weight gain
19:01depends on the woman's initial weight
19:03and in normal conditions it should be
19:05between 11.5 kg and 16 kg.
19:07A moderate weight gain
19:09has a positive effect
19:11on the severity of pregnancy
19:13and on the weight of the newborn.
19:15For this reason, it is essential to
19:17follow a balanced diet with
19:19fasts distributed during the day.
19:21As for the wives,
19:23pregnancy wives are
19:25not indicators of the real
19:27nutritional needs.
19:29The diet of the pregnant woman requires
19:31attention, especially for the increase
19:33in the body fat content,
19:35while the density of carbohydrates
19:37and fats remains almost stable.
19:39A varied diet,
19:41which includes fruit, vegetables and
19:43legumes, generally covers the needs
19:45of friends, except for the gynecologist.
19:47Antiminerals such as calcium, iron
19:49and union are sufficiently
19:51absorbed by the longer diet.
19:53It is therefore essential to have a complete diet
19:55that includes different
19:57food groups every day.
19:59As for the consumption of coffee,
20:01this is a common concern
20:03among future mothers.
20:05Coffee, as well as other drinks
20:07containing stimulant substances,
20:09such as tea, cola and chocolate,
20:11should be taken with moderation
20:13because it decaffeinates
20:15the body. It is therefore advisable
20:17to opt for decaffeinated and
20:19dehydrated drinks.
20:21It is also essential to avoid alcohol
20:23in all its forms,
20:25even in small quantities, to prevent
20:27hypogenic malformations and mass
20:29obesity. Known as the
20:31hedonism syndrome.
20:33Not only, as specified by GRASSI,
20:35it is good to avoid consuming
20:37raw vegetables that are not washed
20:39carefully, raw meat,
20:41unseasoned bagged and smoked meat,
20:43which can cause toxoplasmosis.
20:45It is also good to avoid
20:47raw fish, unpasteurized milk,
20:49soft cheeses and ready-made foods
20:51such as cold meats, salted
20:53and pre-packaged sandwiches.
20:55To ensure food safety,
20:57raw foods must be separated from
20:59cooked ones, products should always be
21:01consumed within the expiration date
21:03and food should be kept at a temperature
21:05below 5 degrees.
21:07Also, keep the refrigerator clean,
21:09especially if it contains raw meat,
21:11as suggested by the Institute of Health.
21:13As for the recommended
21:15foods, however,
21:17it is good to consume vegetables and
21:19fruits every day, washed
21:21carefully with plenty of running water,
21:23consume well-cooked meat and eggs,
21:25limit simple sugars,
21:27favoring complex carbohydrates
21:29such as pasta, bread and potatoes.
21:31In addition, the gynecologist emphasizes,
21:33a pregnancy consumption of 3-4
21:35portions per week of fish can have
21:37beneficial effects on the development
21:39of the embryo-fetal nervous system.
21:41During gestation, then,
21:43it is even more important to reduce
21:45salt intake and prefer iodine,
21:47since the need for iodine is greater
21:49in this period.
21:51It is very important, then, the integration
21:53of folic acid, which should start
21:55at least a few months before conception
21:57and continue for three months later,
21:59since a low level of folates
22:01in the mother is a risk factor
22:03for defects of the neural tube
22:05in the fetus.
22:07It is essential, in fact, to take care of the diet
22:09from the pre-conception period and continue
22:11to do so until the conclusion of
22:13breastfeeding with the expert.
22:17What is UAP?
22:19What is UAP?
22:23Union National Ambulatory,
22:25Poli-ambulatory, Enti and
22:27Private Hospitality, has gathered together
22:29to ask for clarification
22:31on the 8,700 private
22:33ambulatory structures present
22:35on the territory of the national
22:37demonstration that protects the
22:39private conventional premises for
22:41an efficient and safe rise to the
22:43service of the citizen promoted by
22:45WAP is an entity that brings together the entire health system at the national level.
22:51For the first time, we have come together.
22:53We have come together to express a clear will towards the government
22:58with clear proposals so that public and private health is finally saved.
23:06Many voices in the sector were present at the event,
23:09who talked about the aspects to be considered.
23:12On the one hand, there is the issue of the nomenclature,
23:15which concerns professional dignity, with very low rates,
23:21on which the government took a commitment and sent it back in 2025.
23:26And then there is the issue of the guarantee of the performance
23:32also delivered within the pharmacies of the services,
23:37which poses an issue of equality of all professionals in the face of the rules.
23:44The pharmacist does the pharmacist, the doctor does the doctor.
23:47Together they can collaborate and therefore provide this important service of the pharmacies and services,
23:52but obviously in compliance with the rules, because we must be very careful about this.
23:58We must above all then protect the citizen.
24:00The citizen must know that wherever he goes to do blood tests
24:05or other professional medical and specialist performances,
24:08then in front of him there is a specialist and that the referral is signed,
24:12so let's say in some way certified.
24:15We ask the government and the ministry to listen to the parties involved,
24:23to listen to the professionals, to listen to the structures that have experience in this sector,
24:28to review the system in order to go in a virtuous direction that is convenient to everyone,
24:38in particular to our citizens, for their health, to which we must all care.
24:45At the UAP demonstration there was also the institutional presence.
24:50I believe that everyone should do their job.
24:53I estimate, it is an absolutely positive judgment, of the activities of the pharmacies.
24:57However, if the laboratory of analysis must have 400 types of checks and verifications to carry out its activities
25:03and if someone wants to do an analogue activity, he must have the same requirements and submit to the same referral.
25:10So I hope that from the government there will be a deepening,
25:13talking with the world of medical analysis, of which we all work with the UAP and with all the ambulatories,
25:21and also listening to the reasons of the pharmacy.
25:27Translation and subtitling by QTSS
25:58Describing the prospect of a complete return to normality thanks to innovative therapies
26:03for a disease that has become curable, with fewer side effects and faster and prolonged efficiency times.
26:10It is clear that the new therapies are so active that they still allow rapid responses,
26:16and therefore the response means a regression of the disease,
26:20sometimes also in association with support therapies such as pain therapy and so on.
26:25All this allows that from the beginning, from the first months of treatment,
26:30the woman must resume a normal working life.
26:36New therapies have faster and prolonged efficiency times.
26:40This time of progression is extremely prolonged thanks to new treatments,
26:49compared to previous and old treatments.
26:52So we can expect, unfortunately, moments in which the disease becomes resistant,
26:58but certainly in times more than doubled compared to the drugs used previously.
27:04And so, however, the possibility of prolonging the duration of the effectiveness of the treatment
27:12allows to maintain a normal quality of life.
27:19And among other things, since the therapeutic innovation is really rapid now,
27:24it is possible that after three or four years of a certain type of treatment,
27:29there are such innovations for which it is possible to have new therapeutic opportunities
27:37that four years earlier were not yet available.
27:40Details on the subject are available on the website e-tempo di vita,
27:44which is a project promoted by Novartis to support all women with advanced breast cancer.
27:59The lack of effective antibiotics against resistant bacteria
28:02and the available therapies causes 35,000 deaths every year in Italy alone and 11,000 deaths in Europe.
28:07On this topic of particular relevance and on the agenda of G7 Salute,
28:11the Antimicrobial Resistance Talk, the Challenge of Investing in Research,
28:15was dedicated to Ancona, an initiative promoted by DN Cronos.
28:19But what is meant by antimicrobial resistance
28:22and why does it represent today one of the most feared threats to global health?
28:26This is explained by Massimo Andreoni, Scientific Director of CIMIT,
28:29the Italian Society of Tropical Infectious Diseases,
28:32Professor Emeritus of Infectious Diseases at the University of Torbergata in Rome
28:36and consultant of the Ministry of Health, who participated, together with other interviewees, in the meeting.
28:41Antimicrobial resistance is a phenomenon for which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.
28:47So, in clinical practice, it means that the antibiotics we use
28:52will not have an effect on the bacteria, on the infection.
28:56It is a huge problem because it is estimated that in 2050 it will become the first cause of death
29:03with more than 8 million deaths a year related to antibiotic resistance,
29:08with at least 2 million deaths a year directly due to antibiotic resistance.
29:14So it is a pandemic phenomenon because it concerns all parts of the world
29:19in which we obviously have to strive to create new strategies to combat this phenomenon.
29:27And if the first thing we all have to be particularly careful about to prevent antibiotic resistance
29:34is to use correctly the antibiotics already at our disposal,
29:38we must also preserve those on which there is still no resistance, the so-called reserve antibiotics.
29:44But what are they?
29:45Reserve antibiotics are those antibiotics in which there is an indication to use them with great caution,
29:52that is, to use them only in cases of extreme need,
29:56that is, when we do not have other effective antibiotics.
30:00We have few antibiotics in this reserve class.
30:03In Italy, on average, we have only 5 antibiotics
30:07and obviously we need other antibiotics that allow us to overcome this problem
30:14because already today there are germs that are resistant even to reserve antibiotics.
30:21So research in this regard must give us new weapons.
30:25Another extremely important step in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
30:29is to invest more and more in research.
30:32On the other hand, as Nicola Silvestris, national secretary of IOM,
30:36the Italian Association of Medical Oncology and director of the complex structure of medical oncology
30:41of the Giovanni Paolo II Institute of Tumors, IRCS of Bari,
30:45bacteria and fungi are the primary or associated cause of death in almost half of oncological patients
30:51and this especially in intensive care hospitals, as documented by various studies.
30:56This clinical situation not only impacts survival, but conditions,
31:01in some cases even the timing of treatments, in some cases delaying or preventing them from beginning.
31:07The reason why managing these clinical situations has a fundamental relevance,
31:14especially if we take into account the progress that we can make in oncology today.
31:19What we get with new drugs and new therapeutic options in terms of survival
31:25risks being compromised by this type of complication.
31:29And what must be done to prevent all these diseases caused by antimicrobial resistance?
31:34To reduce the impact of infections by resistant antibiotic germs in oncological patients,
31:41there are some key words.
31:43The first is information.
31:45We must inform more and more.
31:47And in this case, patient associations play a fundamental role.
31:51We must train, we must learn to collaborate with different specialists.
31:56Interaction between oncologists, infectiologists, microbiologists and so on is essential.
32:02Let's not forget the importance of vaccination programs,
32:06which IOM has put in place, also by indicating them in some guidelines,
32:11and which can somehow help contain the phenomenon.
32:15The goal of the development of drugs that allow us to deal with antibiotic resistance
32:20is certainly a priority worldwide,
32:23as evidenced by the fact that it is even discussed at the G7 Health,
32:26of which Italy is the president.
32:28Guido Rasi, Professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome,
32:38is already the Executive Director of the EMA, as well as a consultant to the Ministry of Health.
32:42In my opinion, Italy will host a very interesting program at the G7.
32:47As we know, there are two types of aspects.
32:50One is to promote the search for innovation.
32:54The other is to promote the possibility that this is sustainable,
32:59because the antibiotic market has some issues.
33:03The Italian government is preparing two measures in this regard.
33:07Of course, they will be much more effective if they are in line with other global initiatives.
33:14And what are the policy proposals that you want to introduce to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance?
33:20Basically, to join the large funding from the so-called PUSH incentives,
33:27that is, those that promote the search for innovation,
33:32and then to find, instead of the Italian pharmaceutical spending,
33:37the modalities for the so-called PULL incentives,
33:41that is, those for which the fundamental antibiotics that arrive in the future
33:46can be used to the best of their ability,
33:50while guaranteeing a market that otherwise would not exist.
33:55This was our last news.
33:57To contact us you can write to salute-adnchronos.com
34:01Thank you for following us and see you next time.
