• 4 days ago
The story begins with Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old with a lackluster life, who finds out that his ex-girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, and her younger brother Naoto were killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. Heartbroken and disappointed with himself, Takemichi recalls his high school days, realizing how he peaked in middle school, and is stuck in a job that makes him feel worthless.

While deep in thought, he finds himself pushed in front of a moving train. However, instead of dying, he's mysteriously transported 12 years back to his middle school days. Here, he reconnects with Naoto and ends up saving him from a gang attack. Takemichi explains the tragic future to Naoto, which surprisingly creates a time-travel link between them.

As the episode ends, Takemichi realizes he now has a chance to change the course of events and save Hinata. Thus begins his journey to rewrite the past, take on the ruthless Tokyo Manji Gang, and find redemption for himself and those he cares about.

