• last year
La reconocida actriz María Valenzuela ha decidido autointernarse en una clínica de Ituzaingó debido a un cuadro de estrés y profunda angustia. Esta situación recuerda momentos difíciles de su pasado, como la pérdida de un amigo cercano que también afectó su salud mental. Su hija Malena ha sido un apoyo constante en estos momentos críticos. La noticia destaca la importancia de abordar la salud mental con seriedad, ya que representa el 40% de las consultas médicas en hospitales importantes, según una médica mendocina.



00:00The alternation of María Valenzuela for a very large picture of stress and a deep anguish that she is suffering at this moment.
00:11It is impossible when we say María Valenzuela, all the novels of so many years that María has starred, all the beautiful characters come to us.
00:20But it is also impossible that we do not see all the tragedy that surrounds life.
00:26The struggle of life with Malena in 2003.
00:29With her daughter.
00:30Of course.
00:31She put the double or triple of courage in a note, she said, that she knew how to have.
00:36She put the triple of courage to get her daughter ahead.
00:39And it must also be said, Malena is the woman, today woman, who puts courage in several opportunities to take her mother by the hand.
00:47And it seems to me very unhealthy and important for everyone to naturalize something that impacted me a lot.
00:52I come from Mendoza, I was on the weekend and I spoke with a doctor from one of the most important hospitals in Mendoza.
00:59And he told me, the requirement regarding mental health in the hospital is 40% of the consultations.
01:0640% are for mental health?
01:08Of course.
01:10Clinical health is left aside today and we have to speak with height and wisdom of something that goes through us all.
01:16Of course.
01:17It is very good to have that data.
01:19A little more information, Dani, please.
01:21And in this case, added to what Luis is saying, very right, by the way, the wisdom in this case of María Valenzuela,
01:29because we are talking about a very strong picture of stress and we are talking about a picture of very deep anguish.
01:37And she made the decision, María Valenzuela, made the decision to self-intern in a clinic in Ituzaingó,
01:47where Diego Armando Maradona was also interned, for example.
01:51When was this, Dani?
01:53Exactly two weeks ago that María Valenzuela is interned.
01:59Now the information was not hidden, taken care of, let's say, it did not go anywhere.
02:05María Valenzuela had gone through another moment in her life a few years ago,
02:10a similar situation to the one that Dani is talking about, of anguish, of self-interning at home with the loss of a friend.
02:18She lost a very dear friend at the time and that led her to self-intern at home,
02:24perhaps not to meet all the meals, to be very sad, very distressed.
02:30And that was also a sign of alarm for her children.
02:33And also at that time Malena acted, she spoke to her, she told her, she spoke to different doctors.
02:40And it seems to me that there was also a situation of self-internation.
02:44A little bit of what has to do with that.
02:46That happened several years ago.
02:48She had moved to Lujan, had bought some fields with this friend to make a kind of hotel.
02:56Obviously, later, well, that could not be done, it was not fulfilled.
03:03The friend died.
03:05No, from 2015 to 2016, first, obviously, change of government management, change of economic qualities of the country.
03:12And María Valenzuela ended up selling absolutely everything to strengthen the project.
03:16Until Gaspar, this dear friend, dies in Buenos Aires, being far away from her.
03:21And when he came to Buenos Aires, he could not even see the body of his friend.
03:25The economy and the death of the friend were triggers for that crisis.
03:29Well, one of those closest triggers has to do, for example, with a crash that he had a couple of months ago.
03:39You remember that he had a car accident where the car was absolutely destroyed.
03:46And he is still fighting with the insurance company to recover the money to be able to buy another car again.
03:55Let me recap for the people who are joining us in the afternoon.
03:59We open this program telling you and giving you a news that we do not like to give at all.
04:05That has to do with a delicate moment that is going through María Valenzuela.
04:09This actress so loved by all Argentines.
04:12She has been the protagonist of so many novels, so many years ago.
04:17A woman who, throughout her life, had different situations linked to pain, to tragedy, to moments of despair.
04:26Today she is hospitalized, as Daniel Ambrosino said.
04:30She has decided, of her own will, to be hospitalized in this place.
04:35Because she is going through a deep crisis of anguish.
04:41We are recapitulating her life, counting the different moments through which Maria went through.
04:49And we are getting this information that is why we want to share it with you.
04:54Let's review a little more.
04:55Karina, precisely with the date of that crash is what motivates María to leave a work that is a success.
05:02The work of Mariano Martínez, Harry, Dickie, Larry, if I'm not mistaken.
05:05A comedy where he played a prosecutor who intervened to see if a marriage could or could not adopt a girl.
05:11She had a permanent presence, an applause.
05:15I think one of the best along with Mariano.
05:17And a very long comedy in season.
05:19This goes against many prejudices that exist with mental health.
05:22That a stabilized person cannot perform a task.
05:25Perfectly yes.
05:27Now, after this crash, something happened to her.
05:29Totally, but also what you are saying.
05:32It also brings us the information that she was not completely out of the market.
05:37Or that she was without a job.
05:39That this can also lead to immense anguish.
05:42She was in activity.
05:44I remember that recently she also had a serious problem with her denture.
05:49With the denture.
05:50And it was complicated for her to feed.
05:52She had a food problem as a result of the denture.
05:56She had a lot of support from people in the media.
05:59She traveled to Ushuaia to be able to fix that dental problem.
06:06I mean, she went through a lot of things, Maria Valenzuela.
06:09Totally, of course.
06:11Well, we are going to share with you a brief report that the production of A La Tarde prepared.
06:16Precisely with this hard moment that Maria Valenzuela is going through.
06:22The difficult moment of Maria Valenzuela.
06:25The actress goes through a storm that seems to never end.
06:30Maria is going through a delicate picture of anguish and stress.
06:35Everything ended in a self-internment in a clinic.
06:39I have been suffering from malpractice in my mouth for four years.
06:46Very anguished, without commenting, without saying it.
06:49Three years ago, I started a treatment with an odontologist to get implants.
06:54Over time, I had such a great pain that I couldn't eat.
06:59Manuel, I am weighing 35 kilos.
07:03And in these three years, I have already been hospitalized several times.
07:06I can't die now because I still have things to do on this planet.
07:11I feel that the park is what I tell my children.
07:14The park is what I tell my children.
07:16It's like it's always blowing my neck.
07:19But it doesn't mess with me.
07:21It messes with the environment, with my surroundings.
07:25But I'm not afraid of them.
07:27I put my chest on it.
07:28One of my children says I put my chest on the train.
07:31I lost everything.
07:32What I had saved, I lost it with a project I was going to do in the countryside, which was my dream.
07:37That one at the hotel?
07:38Exactly. Hotel and restaurant.
07:40And I lost everything.
07:42And now it's time to start again.
07:47Yes, there we saw María Valenzuela with a very thin body.
07:52She was going to weigh 35 kilos.
07:54This was when her friend passed away and she had this hotel project in the Luján area.
08:01I remember Malena, who knew how to speak, and she said,
08:04I'm very worried because I see my mom, who is very locked up in her house.
08:09She doesn't keep up with the meals, with the four meals.
08:12She was very worried about María's diet.
08:14And María weighed 35 kilos.
08:1635 kilos, and at one point she posted when she weighed 42.3 kilos.
08:20It was a joy for her.
08:22Because it was to recover the path that nutritionists and health professionals had shown her.
08:28Let's see, last-minute information.
08:29Let's see, Ambrosino, what is it about?
08:31Yes, it has to do with this last moment.
08:34With respect to what Luis just said, which is very important.
08:38As a result of this shock, María Valenzuela does not leave the work.
08:42She does not leave the work.
08:44What they are telling me is that she paid an Uber to go and come back home every day.
08:54Every day that the work was done.
08:56The information they tell me is that she finished her task about two months ago,
09:00that's why I associated it, and that the work ended on October 27.
09:04No, the work ended a little while ago.
09:06Well, what they tell me is this.
09:08They tell me that as a result of the car crash that we are seeing on the screen,
09:15she had an expense of 600,000 pesos, which is a fortune.
09:21The truth is a fortune.
09:23Beyond what she can earn in the theater, I do not know the values ​​that are paid today in the theater.
09:30And to avoid those expenses, precisely, María ended up staying at the house of one of her children here in the capital.
09:39She was living with Malena, her daughter, in Pilar.
09:45She made the journey from Pilar to Corrientes Street, obviously to the capital, by Uber.
09:52Another fact, regarding what I hear you say,
09:58would she live an economic crisis or would she not be doing so well economically?
10:03In April of this year, I gave an interview, one of the last I did,
10:07and it referred to the measures that the government of Javier Milay had taken
10:10regarding the medications that his daughter received.
10:15He had to take two boxes of medication as a result of the sequelae of the stroke,
10:19and now he only receives one.
10:21And even at the time, he crossed Guillermo Franchella,
10:24from the interview he had given on Radio Mitre,
10:27which aroused so many criticisms because Franchella had backed the measures
10:33or had asked to exercise patience.
10:36Franchella had said, you have to give time, you have to wait.
10:38So, María comes out with the box of medication saying,
10:41I'm missing one, how can I wait?
10:43When you go to another box, maybe Malena cannot continue living.
10:48Well, speaking of fortune, to put numbers on this,
10:51we were talking about the failed venture in Lujan.
10:53She had counted, at the time, here I was going over it,
10:56$50,000 she lost with that venture.
10:59Then, added to the car, to the teeth, to a lot of things that were happening to her.
11:03A mammary operation too, she underwent a mammary operation,
11:07which also, well, everything happened to her very suddenly, you see,
11:10she got up and something else happened right away.
11:12If you just hooked up with Alatarde, we have this information,
11:16really, well, mobilized, would be the term.
11:20We get the information through Daniela Ambrosino,
11:23who has to do with the health of María Valenzuela,
11:26this beloved actress that we have seen so many times on television,
11:32who is going through a hard emotional moment.
11:35She has decided, just 15 days ago, to undergo a hospitalization
11:41because she is going through a very, very deep anguish.
11:45What we are doing with the colleagues is adding information
11:48that comes from the last moment and recapping a little of the life of the beloved actress.
11:53We add information that arrives.
11:55Let's go, Ambrosino, go ahead.
11:56Well, we are talking about the hospitalization of María Valenzuela,
11:59obviously, a deep picture of anguish and a very strong stress.
12:05And they are also clarifying to me that in this last time
12:09she suffered a virtual scam for $ 1,800,000.
12:14No, everything happened to her.
12:15No, no, everything happened to her, poor woman.
12:18They are trying to solve this issue, obviously,
12:22with the virtual wallet services that are happening lately.
12:26She suffered a virtual scam for $ 1,800,000.
12:33Now the hospitalization.
12:35Exactly, added to that, the expenses she had with the trips to do the play and everything,
12:42she has prepaid, she has prepaid, where is she hospitalized?
12:46I would not be able to tell you about the prepaid.
12:49I know she is hospitalized in a place, in a clinic in Ituzaingó,
12:54in a place where Diego Armando Maradona was also hospitalized at the time.
12:59I also know, Karina, that yesterday Malena was visiting her.
13:06They communicate, obviously, every day with Maria.
13:10They also go to visit her. There is also a schedule stipulated.
13:14Who is she with? Who is she with?
13:17Maria Valenzuela, her children.
13:19For her three children, basically, her children.
13:21Malena, perhaps a little more at the head of everything.
13:24Guys, and this speaks of another reality.
13:26I do not want to open the portrait of what is happening to Maria,
13:31but of another reality.
13:32A woman with almost 60 years of career in our country,
13:35who has only made successes, and yet many people,
13:39many people who do not know the cloth, treat the actors as vagrants.
13:42When being a big woman, she could be comfortable.
13:45Yes, but symbolically we are talking about a person, a woman,
13:49who was the one who installed the phrase, we are actors, we want to act.
13:52Of course, good memory.
13:54Yes, yes, totally.
13:56Totally, of course, because it was a moment,
14:00a moment where there was little fiction,
14:02there were many programs where the famous were invited,
14:05but there was little fiction.
14:07And he installed it in a thank you, in a Martín Fierro.
14:10And it was one of the actresses who stood up,
14:13being a friend of Adrián Suar, precisely in Polca.
14:17Yes, Ambrosio, let's go.
14:18More information is still coming to me.
14:20I tell you the truth that a lot of information comes with respect to this.
14:24And that is why this succession of unfortunate events is understood,
14:29which caused the picture of stress and the picture of anguish
14:35that Maria is suffering.
14:36If we have to list them in recent years,
14:39in recent years.
14:41What would you put in your head, Corita,
14:43of the tragedies that Maria had to go through?
14:45Well, without a doubt, first of all.
14:47The death of her friend.
14:48No, no, first of all her daughter,
14:50what she went through, but that was a long time ago.
14:52And then immediately the issue of her friend
14:55and the investment he made at the time to make the issue of the hotels.
14:59And the traffic accident.
15:01I was just reading, trying to compile it too.
15:04She told me that when she was hit by a truck
15:06and they end up against a light pole,
15:08Malena's glass exploded on Malena's side
15:10and that she threw herself to cover it,
15:12thinking about all the injury Malena was carrying.
15:14So she never stops with that.
15:16Remember that Malena had to wear a helmet for a long time.
15:20Because, of course, she had to protect her head a lot
15:23because of the operation that Malena had had.
15:25Notice that in the middle of a crash,
15:26she is worrying about taking care of her again.
15:28But it was always mother hen,
15:30I graphed it in a perhaps a little flatter way,
15:34because since Malena's protection,
15:36in the containment of the children when Pichuca and Mendizábal die,
15:39great figure of television too.
15:41And here what they bring to me is that she was doing well
15:44with the odontologist,
15:45do you remember the odontologist of Susana Jiménez's daughter?
15:48Yes, yes.
15:49The one who lent him services.
15:51And he had moved to Ushuaia
15:53after the cheating of the couple of Susana's daughter.
15:59And that's why he had to travel to Ushuaia
16:01to deal with that same professional.
16:03But was that issue already resolved?
16:05No, he solved it.
16:06That odontologist solved it.
16:09That video that we are watching,
16:11that we see on the screen, that we see behind you, Karina?
16:14Well, that's the video where she tells the situation
16:18I would like to see it again, Dani,
16:20you are telling me very well, but since we have it,
16:22can we see it from the beginning?
16:24Do we see it?
16:25Do you have it?
16:27Three years ago I started a treatment with an odontologist
16:30to get implants.
16:32Over time, I had such a great pain
16:35that I couldn't eat.
16:37The odontologist's name is Manuel,
16:39for legal reasons I can't say his last name.
16:43Manuel is not in Argentina.
16:45Cataldo's doctor says I can't do anything
16:49because I can't notify him.
16:51Manuel, I am weighing 35 kilos
16:55and in these three years I have already been admitted several times.
16:58Manuel, I beg you to give me your insurance company's name
17:02and this hell will end.
17:04Manuel, I can't die now
17:06because I still have things to do on this planet.
17:10Manuel, I beg you,
17:13have mercy on me.
17:16Tremendous, what a tremendous request.
17:1935 kilos because he couldn't eat
17:21because the pain was so great that it was in his mouth
17:24that it didn't allow him to eat.
17:26Internations throughout that year
17:28that he had to go through due to weakness
17:30and how the issue of health was being modified.
17:33And in addition to the clinical, the psychosocial,
17:35that no one takes into account,
17:36but for an actress to expose herself,
17:38to be demacrated,
17:39not being able to articulate,
17:41because the pain doesn't allow you to speak well,
17:43it was very serious for her.
17:45Totally, very serious.
17:47I'm checking her Instagram
17:48to see where her worries and occupations were going.
17:51And well, this that Ventura said,
17:52notice that it is defined, well, with his name,
17:54public figure,
17:55hold the theater, damn it.
17:57Hold the theater, damn it.
17:58Another of the phrases like that, the little ones he said so much.
18:01Another of his phrases,
18:02don't hold the fiction, damn it.
18:04Do you remember Martin Pierro from 2002?
18:06The actors and all the Argentines
18:08were having a terrible time
18:10and 22 years later,
18:12well, a similar situation, right?
18:14Where many actors do not have a job,
18:17added to all the problems that Maria Valenzuela has,
18:21but in a critical situation,
18:23with a lot of expenses to face
18:25and a reality that does not help her in the least.
18:28And does he have friends, friends within the media,
18:31Dani, with so many years of career?
18:33Yes, yes, he has many, many friends.
18:34Who are his friends in the media?
18:36Pablo Codevila is one of them.
18:39There are many.
18:40Suar, although he was faced at a certain time,
18:43but he was always there.
18:45Well, but, sorry,
18:46let's remember that after what Luis said,
18:48hold the fiction, damn it,
18:50there were some businessmen
18:52who took it as a personal affront
18:54when she just wanted to say,
18:56boys, let's not be lazy with fiction,
18:58that 3% of the actors work,
19:00and today less and less,
19:01and they work to survive.
19:02The same thing that is happening today.
19:03It's fine, but no one works, or few.
19:06I think that soon there will be an assembly of actors
19:08to rethink how to continue to sustain
19:10a job that almost does not exist.
19:12And on top of that, when it exists,
19:13it does not allow you to live well.
19:14But he not only banked,
19:16not only banked the issue of,
19:19let's say, the diagnosis of his daughter Malena,
19:21where they had to open her skull,
19:24they had the brain in their hand,
19:27and she was left without a cell cover
19:30for a long time,
19:31exposed to any blow
19:33that could affect her.
19:34She still doesn't have the titanium plate,
19:36they told me.
19:37But don't forget that
19:39a situation was also put on the shoulder
19:41that either they have forgotten it
19:44or they have shifted it.
19:46Let's see.
19:47The economic problems
19:49generated by Juan Carlos Mendizábal
19:52at a certain moment
19:54where the one who stopped the pot
19:56was her.
19:57It was her, yes, yes.
19:59She was the queen of the novel
20:00from Subí que te llevo, with Sandro,
20:02Muy atrás en el tiempo,
20:03hasta como pan caliente,
20:05and so many other fictions.
20:06She was a figure
20:07in all the fictions
20:09that were a success in 2013.
20:11It must be said,
20:12she was always in the trio
20:13of the protagonists,
20:14first the young ones,
20:15then the middle-aged ones,
20:17because she was always a figure.
20:19Of course, totally.
20:20She was a figure.
20:21I'm going to tell you something.
20:22Yes, tell me.
20:23Something very personal.
20:24Go ahead.
20:25When this happens to Malena,
20:29where she was in a coma for a long time,
20:31quite a long time,
20:33Maria had a diary.
20:35Maria, every day,
20:37she wrote in that diary
20:39what was happening.
20:40Day by day,
20:42everything that was happening
20:44regarding health
20:45and what they were going through.
20:46Because what Maria said
20:48at that moment was,
20:49when Malena wakes up,
20:51I'm going to give her that diary
20:53so that Malena knows and reads.
20:55You're telling me this
20:56and I remember it was in the news,
20:59at noon.
21:00I lived it personally
21:02in the Dupuitre Clinic.
21:04Every day, she went through the news
21:06and talked about Malena's health.
21:08We were all watching
21:09because it seemed like that girl
21:10was not going to survive.
21:12And the book she published,
21:13Despierta Malena, I think it was called,
21:16which is this diary
21:17that Dania Ambrosino is telling,
21:19where she also played music
21:21to Malena every day,
21:22she talked to her all the time,
21:24she told her the situation.
21:26She was 24 by 7
21:29in that room of that clinic
21:32where she didn't move,
21:33they couldn't get her out.
21:34The love heals,
21:35even if pharmacies are not sold,
21:37even if love heals is not prescribed.
21:39And in the same way
21:40that Maria rescues Malena,
21:42maybe Malena today
21:44is rescuing Maria
21:45with a trust of partners.
21:47How close are you to the family?
21:50I talk to Malena,
21:51I'm a friend of Malena
21:52and it has to do with this too,
21:54because Malena wakes up
21:56on February 10th.
21:58She wakes up on February 10th
21:59and it's my birthday.
22:00No, Daniel.
22:01It's my birthday.
22:02So it's like we have a...
22:06I feel that we have
22:07a very important connection
22:09and I talk to Malena very often.
22:13And for example,
22:14one of the things
22:15regarding this information,
22:16which obviously
22:17is information that I have
22:19because I have it
22:21because I talk to Malena.
22:24Of course, of course.
22:25And what Malena tells me
22:27regarding all this
22:28is that what she feels,
22:31as you were saying just now,
22:33today Malena is the one
22:34who puts herself on Maria's shoulder,
22:36as Maria put herself on Malena's shoulder
22:38at the time,
22:40that Maria lost the desire.
22:43Well, that's...
22:44Like that, Malena feels
22:46that Maria lost...
22:47That she lowers her arms.
22:49That desire,
22:50that desire.
22:51It's incredible, isn't it?
22:52That desire to do.
22:55I close this for you
22:56and I leave it to you, Diego.
22:57Because what Malena tells me is
23:00that Maria says
23:01I have to do such a thing.
23:03I have to go to the theater.
23:05And what Malena wants
23:07and what she wants
23:09about her mother
23:10is that she wants
23:12to have to go to the theater.
23:14She wants to have to make a meal.
23:16She wants to have to go to the movies.
23:18Dani, in this video
23:19where she talks
23:20and the odontologist talks to her
23:21and asks her for mercy and so on,
23:23she clearly says
23:24I still can't leave this world.
23:26I have many things to solve.
23:28I see her clinging.
23:29I tell you,
23:30it's like a procession
23:31that goes inside, right?
23:32Because in each of the interviews,
23:34always with the same tone,
23:36with the same push,
23:38it's not the current situation,
23:39but despite all the problems,
23:40I say,
23:41what's more serious?
23:42That your daughter is on the verge of death
23:45and that you are at the foot of the canyon
23:47holding her.
23:48After that happens,
23:50she gives an interview
23:51weighing 35 kilos
23:53with all the problems
23:54that remained in her mouth,
23:56with something that had no solution.
23:59she is seen with the same interest,
24:00with the same strength,
24:02with everything that happens to her,
24:03with the go and come
24:04that any actor has in his life.
24:06However, always at the front.
24:07But evidently,
24:08at some point,
24:09she says,
24:10but look at the strength
24:11that she even got to self-intern,
24:13to take the decision
24:14to take care of her health.
24:16That speaks
24:17of a tremendous desire
24:19to keep going.
24:21This is how Maria Valenzuela spoke
24:23in 2022
24:25about death.
24:27Let's see.
24:31I'm not afraid of death.
24:33I always talk a lot about death.
24:35And my character
24:36in the play
24:37called Lola,
24:38who is 78 years old,
24:40obviously I characterize myself,
24:42because I don't give,
24:43I'm 66,
24:45is a character
24:47who plays a lot with irony
24:49and plays a lot with black humor.
24:52And if there is something
24:53that I adore,
24:54it's black humor.
24:55Do you apply it
24:56in your life too?
24:57Yes, I also apply it in my life.
24:58It's like a shield,
24:59isn't it?
25:00In some way,
25:01it's a defense.
25:02Yes, I feel that the park
25:03is what I tell my children.
25:04It's like
25:05my neck is always blowing,
25:07but it doesn't get in with me.
25:09It gets in with the environment,
25:11with my surroundings.
25:13But I'm not afraid of him.
25:14I put my chest on him.
25:15One of my children
25:16says I put my chest
25:17on the bullet train.
25:19And well,
25:21I have that strength
25:22to be able to get ahead.
25:23You have a strength,
25:24you've been through
25:25the hardest things
25:26in life, of course.
25:28And we're going to go to that.
25:29But, I mean,
25:30if you thought
25:31you were at risk of dying,
25:33you weren't afraid.
25:34In fact,
25:35I had three hospitalizations
25:37for lack of weight,
25:40So I was hospitalized
25:42to be able to increase
25:44the weight a little.
25:48Well, this way,
25:49you see,
25:50death is close to me,
25:51but it doesn't get in with me.
25:53Like very planted.
25:54And in the rescue,
25:55and she always says it,
25:56it's Malena,
25:57or her other children too,
25:58who I don't want to leave aside.
26:00But several times she said,
26:01sometimes I feel pressured
26:03to be strong.
26:04What do I mean by this?
26:06Maria went through
26:07fucked up duels.
26:08That for all those
26:09who have gone through a duel,
26:10they say, well,
26:11for all duels
26:12they are fucked up.
26:13It's fine,
26:14but it depends on
26:15how they hold you.
26:16And there is a point,
26:17there is a movie
26:18about a woman
26:19called Melancholia,
26:20which talks about
26:21what a state of depression is.
26:22That is not,
26:23ah, you don't put waves
26:24to be fine.
26:25There is no wave.
26:26There is no possible wave.
26:27And it is something
26:28that even enzymatically
26:29doctors can check,
26:30and that's why they can accompany.
