A guide to dog-friendly beaches on the South Coast.
00:00So there's heaps of dog-friendly beaches. We've got, you know, Rowley, Wimby. They're
00:07great for taking your dog off. Obviously there's bylaws and restrictions like, you know, keeping
00:14your dog on lead if there's other dogs around, picking up your poo, because obviously it
00:20is a luxury and we want to keep these open and have fun. But they're great places to
00:25come for a day with friends, family and let your dog run free. People that don't have
00:36dogs, obviously you're allowed on an off-leash beach for sure. Obviously if you don't like
00:42dogs, probably not the best place for you to be, but they're welcome to all. They're
00:46great for friends, family. Like there's friends of mine bring their kids down here all the
00:53time. And then we've got the brew house as well, just over the road. So you could come
00:59have a, run the dogs, run the kids, go for a beer. So it's a great little spot to be.