• anno scorso
Milano, 11 nov. (askanews) - Il mondo non può "ridurre" le ambizioni climatiche a causa della rielezione di Donald Trump a presidente degli Stati Uniti. Lo ha dichiarato Yeb Sano, direttore esecutivo di Greenpeace Southeast Asia, durante una conferenza stampa ai colloqui sul clima della COP29 a Baku, in Azerbaigian.


00:00There might be a climate denialist elected to the White House, but we cannot deny the tragedy of this young boy or the lives of so many others suffering across the world.
00:12Climate impacts are happening globally, irrespective of who is in the White House or which country is most responsible for the fossil fuel pollution that has brought this crisis to our doorsteps.
00:26For too long, world leaders have failed to act decisively. We need climate action, not climate neglect, and this requires money.
00:35That's the centerpiece of COP29. Climate finance is at the heart of the Paris Agreement, and at COP29 the work must go on.
00:44It cannot and does not hinge on any one country. A robust and ambitious new finance goal must be agreed upon, and Trump's re-election can never be an excuse for other nations to scale back the ambition needed.
