• last year
Can you imagine doing all that instead of just saying you're sorry and moving on???

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00:00You don't want to f*** with me!
00:14You don't want to f*** with this Italian old lady!
00:25You weren't-
00:26Alright, then get out of my face!
00:27I didn't come to your face.
00:28I'm gonna call the cops.
00:29You're not-
00:30I'm gonna call the cops.
00:31How are you gonna call the cops?
00:33Call the cops, you're ruining my time.
00:35You hit us!
00:37What do you mean prove it?
00:39There was a lady that walked past!
00:41I've got a witness here too, I told you!
00:49I did not hit you in the face, you hit me.
00:50We watched you!
00:52Are you serious?
00:53Do it again!
00:54Do it again!
00:56Look, you ran into my car, I'm not trying to apologize.
01:04Apologize and say, I'm sorry I hit your car.
01:06I've already said that twice!
01:08Now you're screaming at me.
01:09You're freaking out!
01:11You hit our car!
01:13You weren't gonna stop!
01:15You got out of the car, mad at us that you hit us!
01:19I'll give you my phone number.
01:20You were mad-
01:21You got yourself quite a watchdog here, don't you?
01:24Are you serious?
01:32You can't hit people in parking lots!
01:34I stopped!
01:35Why are you-
01:36You know what, I stopped.
01:38Why is she-
01:39Because she hit us!
01:41Why can't you just say, oh it doesn't look like there's any damage?
01:44Are you kidding?
01:46Just say, I hit your car!
01:53What's your name?
01:54My name is Molly.
01:56What's your f***ing name?
01:57When you run into somebody, you hit a car, you say, hey-
02:02Did I not say, oh I bumped into my car?
02:04Hey Kevin, I'm sorry I ran into your car here, like-
02:11You know what?
02:12You need to go f*** yourself.
02:14You need to lay him more often.
02:19He needs to get laid way more often than he stands.
02:29I did not do that!
02:30That's not me!
02:31That's not normally me!
02:32You're bringing this out of me!
02:34I don't-
02:35Oh my god!
02:36It's your ring!
02:37Leave me alone!
02:38You're the one being a crazy person!