Varsavia, 12 nov. (askanews) - L'Alto rappresentante Ue per la Politica estera Josep Borrell ha affermato che "nessuno sa" quali siano i piani del presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump riguardo all'Ucraina, aggiungendo che "qualunque sia lo scenario", l'Europa deve avere una risposta. Durante la conferenza stampa insieme al ministro degli Esteri polacco Radoslaw Sikorski a Varsavia ha spiegato che l'Europa deve assumersi le proprie responsabilità.
00:00I don't know what Trump is going to do. Nobody knows. The Dominican administration will be still two months before working.
00:11But what they know is the Europeans have to be a clear understanding of what they want to do in any circumstances.
00:19Whatever the scenario, we have to have an answer.
00:22We cannot continue saying we will support Ukraine without having an agreement that this will be done in any scenario.
00:31We cannot be in the situation where the US act and the Europeans react.
00:38We have to take our own responsibility.
00:42And we have to ensure Ukraine that our support will continue.