00:00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the program. On the eve of four principal elections, presidential,
00:00:12regional in 2025, legislative and municipal in 2026, if you were asked what is the political
00:00:21program of each of the over 300 political parties in Cameroon, it is not certain. You
00:00:29will have a clear answer or an answer at all to this question. Whereas it is the answer
00:00:37to this question that is supposed to guide every citizen to make an informed choice
00:00:44on who should be their leader in any elective public office. The importance of this question
00:00:51or its answer is that we have to only elect someone who has convinced us with a manifesto
00:01:00and it is on the score of this that citizens can hold them accountable. The convincing
00:01:08political program by the Republican Party in the United States of America has unprecedentedly
00:01:15turned the tides with Donald J. Trump sweeping all the crucial swing states to become president.
00:01:24We can get there. I am Killian Dantiphone, a Yaoundé.
00:01:41Choose the rule of political program. That's what we are going to be talking about on
00:01:47press hour today. We want to look at the importance of a political program. Some people call it
00:01:53a manifesto because that is the only thing that should guide anyone to choose one person
00:01:59over the other to lead them. And in the absence of that, what will you choose someone? It
00:02:06is also only with that that you can hold them accountable after their tenure of office.
00:02:13That is what we are going to talk about today and we have invited the following persons
00:02:17on press hour today. Dr. Mathilde Mugnole is a super-skilled journalist working with
00:02:23CRTV and he has done a lot of research. You are welcome to press hour.
00:02:28Yes, thank you very much Killian, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for having me in the program
00:02:35Mr. Tanjikam Yakubo-Black is the CPDM Central Committee Communicator. He is just back from
00:02:45Douala where they had a meeting to strategize on the activities of their party. We are glad
00:02:51to have you on press hour.
00:02:53Good afternoon Mr. Killian, good afternoon to all the viewers of press hour on CRTV and
00:02:59special good afternoon to all the militants and sympathizers of the Cameroon People's
00:03:04Democratic Movement who came out in their numbers for the celebration of the 6th of
00:03:11November. We saw the mobilization, the effervescence during the celebration of this historical
00:03:17date for our national president, President Pogbia. I would like to give a special kudu
00:03:24to all the youths, the women and all of the CPDM militants and sympathizers and the friendly
00:03:30parties who came together in order to give an homage to our national president on the
00:03:376th of November.
00:03:38Thank you very much. President Pogbia was celebrated, that is the New Deal government
00:03:44as you have said, as the head of state, not necessarily as the president or the chairman
00:03:51of your party. Yes, you celebrated him in a special way but we have to note here that
00:03:57he is the president of the republic for 42 years. That's what interests us more. You
00:04:03did your best to do that as his comrade. Now we're going to introduce Mr. Bane Alvis who
00:04:11is the secretary general of the People's Action Party, PAP. You are the secretary general.
00:04:19What celebration did you give on the 6th of November?
00:04:23Thank you first of all for the invitation and I would say it is the Popular Action Party,
00:04:27not the People's Action Party.
00:04:29Popular Action Party. Thank you very much.
00:04:33I just want to seize the opportunity to greet all the viewers on CRO TV and all the millions
00:04:38of Cameroonians who are more than ever before determined to see change coming to this country.
00:04:43When you asked me what the PAP had to do with celebrations on the 6th of November, I would
00:04:48tell you that it was a non-event to us, those of us of the Popular Action Party, given
00:04:54that I'm rather surprised when I hear my comrade of the CPDM talk about effervescence when
00:05:00we all saw that the celebration this year was nothing compared to what we have seen
00:05:04in the previous years, be it on media, be it the agenda, it was nothing compared to
00:05:07what we used to see. That is to tell you that Cameroonians are more and more getting conscious
00:05:11of the fact that there is a need for change in this country and they no longer want to
00:05:15associate themselves with a system or a regime that has failed us for over 42 years. So
00:05:21the PAP had nothing to do with that, we've never had anything to do with that, and we
00:05:24are rather calling on Cameroonians to keep bracing up, as is the case right now, to see
00:05:30that come 2025 we bring about change in this country.
00:05:35Thank you very much. You have a bleak look at it. Well, that's your position as a member
00:05:43of an opposition party, but it's also evident that you look but you don't see because you
00:05:50don't want to see. Some of us actually saw a lot of mobilisation. Well, that's your
00:05:55opinion in the count. That is what I saw. That's what Blake also saw. Why you saw it
00:06:02that way, that is your opinion. Now, we're going to introduce the fourth panelist, Barrister
00:06:11Tejuqui Michael, who is a jurist, he's a civil society actor. Welcome to PressR, Barrister.
00:06:21Thank you, Ms Thanda. Good afternoon to you and good afternoon to my co-panellists and
00:06:26the millions of deliverers of the CRTV, particularly for this programme PressR. It is my pleasure
00:06:31to be here this afternoon for us to reflect on this very important topic we have to discuss,
00:06:39I think, because this is the centre of every human action in the life of a nation. Decision-making,
00:06:48elections and decision-making. I think this is something which we need to encourage similar
00:06:53programmes and to invite Cameroonians to participate in this type of programmes because it helps.
00:07:01We are looking already into the future, projecting into the future, and I think that it is a
00:07:06wonderful programme. It is my pleasure to be here for us to discuss. Thank you for coming,
00:07:11ladies and gentlemen. This is PressR. If you are just joining us, we are broadcasting live
00:07:16from Studio 4 of our production centre at CRTV Production Centre, Mbala Dhu in Yaoundé.
00:07:25At this point, we invite Emmanuella Vemnuy, who read the papers, to present what the newspapers
00:07:31have said in the week that just ended. It is about PressR. Emmanuella.
00:07:3842 years of the New Deal government is that one story running through most newspapers.
00:07:48The weak-ending nation begins retracing Bia's resilience in municipal updates as the Voice
00:07:54announces Bia at 42 and counting. The Guardian Post presents roses and thorns of Bia's 42
00:08:01years in power. Cameroon Insider captures scenes of joy and happiness across the polity
00:08:07to mark the New Deal at 42. Historic deals of Bia in 42 years are then carried in municipal
00:08:13updates at a time all eyes are fixed on 2025 in Cameroon Tribune. And so the South Region
00:08:20sets the pace, endorses Bia for 2025 in the Guardian Post before Manu CPDM shouts yes
00:08:28for Bia in 2025 in the media and calls on Bia to stand for 2025 presidential election
00:08:35in Cameroon Acres. The North West CPDM then urges Bia to rather visit Bermuda again in
00:08:42the Guardian Post. And as Cameroon Tribune presents Bia at the heart of Cameroon's development,
00:08:48the Sun newspaper reports that Bia is among top five longest-serving presidents in Africa
00:08:54Just when Archbishop Samuel Kleder laments the collapse of Cameroon's political and social
00:09:00life in the horizon, the political crackdown begins in the Voice with Ninja's house reportedly
00:09:06under police siege. To the Guardian Post, police and gendarmes storm Ninja's Douala
00:09:11residence before horror is reported in Chang as landslide kills four and buries vehicles
00:09:18injuring many in the Post newspaper. It is a tragedy in the eyes of Cameroon Insiders
00:09:24humans transport buses and bikes are buried in mudslide. The Guardian Post says four
00:09:30persons are dead and others missing in Chang cliff landslides happening when Meme SDO warns
00:09:37cocoa stakeholders stop funding terrorism or face the law. In the Dawn, trade union
00:09:44then urges government nail perpetrators of crimes against journalists in the Post newspaper.
00:09:50Donald Trump is 47th US president in the horizon as he marks stunning comeback to US presidency
00:09:57in the Post. The Guardian Post rather presents the implications of Trump's victory for Cameroon.
00:10:03Until I come your way again, this is your Hour with the Press.
00:10:08Thank you very much Manuela, we cannot wait to have you on our way again and that will
00:10:21certainly be next Sunday. Now, ladies and gentlemen, our theme for today's debate on
00:10:28Press Hour is elections. What is the role of political program? Now, we're going to
00:10:35start by looking at what is a political program. You are of the CPD. What is a political program
00:10:45and what is your program? Yes, thank you for that question. Yes, a political program I
00:10:53think is a vision, is the vision a leader has for the people he intends or he is governing.
00:11:03That is what we call a political program. So, economically, culturally, politically,
00:11:10what is your vision for the people for the mandate? That is, it is based on a program
00:11:16or on a vision that you go in for an election and if the people are convinced by what you
00:11:23are showing up, they will certainly and probably vote for you. That is therefore the backbone
00:11:29of any, that is what guides the electorate at times to vote for you or not. That is
00:11:38what has always been guiding Cameroonians to keep on giving their support to the President
00:11:43of the Republic. Thank you very much, we had to understand that. We're making allusion
00:11:49to what just happened in the United States of America with Donald J. Trump, the President
00:11:57Elect who convinced the swing states where it is always very difficult for one person
00:12:03to sweep and it was on the score of what he showed that he was going to do for the people
00:12:10in the United States that he staged that type of comeback. Now, do you have anything to
00:12:17add to what a political program is? I should say in some areas it is called political party
00:12:26platform or political manifesto. Elvis, my name. Well, I think I would just want to
00:12:34add that like my brother already said, it is a plan of action that a political leader
00:12:41or a political formation presents to the public as to what they intend to do. It carries their
00:12:46vision, their policies, their strategies that they would have to put in place to ensure
00:12:52that they actually serve the interest of the people if they are given power to lead
00:12:56or if they are already the persons even leading. So, I think not to go much further, that's
00:13:01what a political program is all about and of course we understand the place that it
00:13:07has, the value that it has when it comes to a contest like ours when we are preparing
00:13:11for an elective year. So, it is something that all political formation, all political
00:13:17leaders need to have one that actually resonates with their aspirations and the interest of
00:13:22the people because normally it is on that basis that we expect that the electorate
00:13:26can be able to show you confidence and vote you into office. Yes, Michael, anything to
00:13:34add to that? Yes, Ms. Tanda, I think that what I would like to add is that political
00:13:42programs should be conceived to meet the needs of the people. It should not be a question
00:13:49of a party manifesto because like in the past and what we have been living in Cameroon in
00:13:56particular, you see that most political programs or agendas are just simply some theories which
00:14:05have been prepared by the political parties which at the end of the day you find the people,
00:14:12the needs of the people or the aspirations of the people are not met in these programs.
00:14:16That is why we need to look at, when we are looking at, like you cited the case of Donald
00:14:21Trump in the United States of America, you discover that if he is talking about the economy,
00:14:28the security, he talks about immigration and you have to give people well-articulated
00:14:36plans of action that you want to undertake which is for their benefit. Political programs
00:14:43are for the benefit of the people, not for the benefit of the party and its militants.
00:14:49That is just what I would like to... Yes, and it is on the score of that that you will
00:14:53be assessed, you will be held accountable. Yes, Senior, Mathilde Mignoli, anything to
00:15:01add to this? No, I think that the previous speakers have really aired it out very well,
00:15:08they have pointed it out very well and the only problem that I always realize with most
00:15:17of our programs is the fact that most parties fail to understand that we need to update
00:15:26and upgrade all the time. Because somebody who came over to the program less in 2000,
00:15:33we are in 2024, you see that they still stick to it. Most of the political parties who worked,
00:15:40they were preaching some 20, 24 years, they are still preaching to the world. There have
00:15:45been so many changes and I think that we need to upgrade and update our political programs.
00:15:55Yes, now let us turn to the Popular Action Party. What is your political program? We are
00:16:02sorry we invited, we reached out to the SDF, one of the political parties that has moved
00:16:10people in this country that at one point was going, competing at almost the same level
00:16:16with the ruling party. The communication department didn't help us to get someone to
00:16:22us. We would have liked to have the SDF representative on the set. Well, without that we have a representative
00:16:30of a political party, Secretary General of Popular Action Party, PAP, Elvis Barney.
00:16:39What is the political program of your party? Thank you for that question, Kilian. You know,
00:16:45when you asked me on the platform that is why the political program of the Popular Action
00:16:49Party is. The first thing I would like to tell Cameroonians is that a political agenda
00:16:53actually is not what we can sit here like now within this short period of time to be
00:16:57able to elaborate or expand on it all, just like we are seated here. But what I would
00:17:03rather tell you is that when we talk about the Popular Action Party, the first thing
00:17:06that we would have to understand about the party itself is that we are a socialist party,
00:17:11we are social democrats, liberalists. And our ideology, first to begin with, we are
00:17:18for a federal system of governance, a system in which we do believe that if put in place,
00:17:24Cameroonians will have the possibility of determining who becomes their leader. In other
00:17:30words, they give power and the leaders become accountable to them. And when we talk about
00:17:34economic power, every state in that federation will have to manage its own resources. But
00:17:39now since we are talking in the context where we are preparing for 2025 presidential elections,
00:17:44I would rather tell you that the Popular Action Party, as of now, in case the CRTV is not
00:17:48yet informed, we are into a coalition, the Union for Reconstruction, where we endorse
00:17:55Barista Akeremuna as the presidential candidate. So we are rather like an alliance. And so
00:18:01like my senior brother was saying, we are working to update a program that will be
00:18:09put to the public in a few weeks to come, based on already the eight pillars that we
00:18:14got from Barista Akeremuna's acceptance speech when he was nominated as the presidential
00:18:20candidate come 2025. And already, I would tell you that in that document that we are
00:18:25still trying to expand on before we let it go to the public, we have the issue of health,
00:18:30for instance. If you look at health in our country today, you realize that it is a sector
00:18:34By the way, every sector in Cameroon, first of all, needs a real foundation. Absolutely
00:18:39every sector. Let me just first of all globalize that way because I may not have time to talk
00:18:42on all, but I want us to understand that in Cameroon today, every single sector needs
00:18:46a real foundation because everything does not seem to work. Nothing seems to work anywhere.
00:18:51Now when we talk about health, for instance, we realize that when you go into our medical
00:18:54facilities, the question we may need to ask ourselves is why do you think that in Cameroon
00:18:58today, every top government official, when he has a headache, he flies out of the country?
00:19:04It is because we don't have medical facilities. It is because we don't have what it takes
00:19:07to be able to cater for the people. And that is why most of them will always want to fly
00:19:11out of the country. But we are not all fortunate to fly out each time we have a headache. You
00:19:14see, you don't die, you don't die, you don't fly out, but you don't die. We mean that we
00:19:18have these health facilities. No, we don't fly, but you are healed. We should not also
00:19:25want to feel to think or see that everybody will have to die because they don't all fly
00:19:30out too. That's not what we are saying. If you come back to our society, many Cameroonians
00:19:34today are even trying to turn back into traditional health. I'm not saying, we are not here trying
00:19:41to say that the facilities don't exist at all, but they are not up to standard. There
00:19:47are certain ailments that when people get attacked with, like I say, most often than
00:19:52not they die because their treatment was not quite up to date, you see. And the officials
00:19:56themselves who are supposed to ensure that the people have the best of what they are
00:20:00supposed to have, they are conscious of that. That's why they fly out. Every division, for
00:20:03instance, in our program we are working on, is supposed to have at least a modern medical
00:20:09facility and you will discover that it will go a long way into curbing even the resources
00:20:13that we keep flying out of the country every day in the name of medical treatment. If you
00:20:18take education for instance. You cannot elaborate, you are the one who said that. Now let me
00:20:22just ask you this. Do you know that each region now has a regional hospital and most
00:20:32of them have referral hospitals and these are modern updates that we have in the country.
00:20:40Are you saying you are not aware or that you are also looking and not seeing like you did
00:20:45earlier? It's a question because this is a fact.
00:20:49And let me talk live on TRTV. I'm talking here as a living witness. I have been to one
00:20:57of such hospitals here in Yaoundé which I will not cite here, where you realize that
00:21:01you go into their pharmacy, which doesn't even exist per se, every order that you are
00:21:06given, if there are eight prescriptions, you must rush out of that facility to start searching
00:21:12to be able to have access to buy those drugs. I mean here in Yaoundé. You buy medication
00:21:16from that pharmacy, you are not issued a receipt on it. At the end of the day, you are not
00:21:20even sure as to whether the money goes into the coffers of the state or into...
00:21:23We are going to verify that. Yes, I stay with you. I stay with you because I will give Mr.
00:21:34Blake enough time to respond to that because I think he is up to. When you gave the
00:21:41program of your party, the Popular Action Party, it is not different from what I've
00:21:47been reading about the SDF, social democracy, federalism, interests of the whole nation
00:21:55but with a special importance or accent to the anglophones. It's about the same program
00:22:06that you have. Why are you different? Why are you different as political parties when
00:22:13you have the same programs? I haven't read the program of the SDF. I am giving you because
00:22:19I have read and it is exactly what you gave us. That is what you are telling me. I am
00:22:23giving you my own program, our own program, you see, and I'm saying the only thing that
00:22:28makes us unique in our own program as per what we are proposing to Cameroonians is a
00:22:33program where management goes directly into the hands of the people. The slogan of the
00:22:41SDF is power to the people. We know that in all our bedrooms. What is the difference
00:22:46between what you are saying you give power to the people and what we know from a more
00:22:50popular party than you? Then the power is to the people. That's their slogan. Not even
00:22:54to you. How would you even want to know the difference between us if already in reality
00:22:59we are not yet at the helm of magistracy? Because that's where the difficulty comes
00:23:03in because my elder brother just said something that sometimes... But you first have to present
00:23:07the program to the people before, if they are convinced. That is what... They will vote
00:23:10for you people. No, no, no. Ok, you have the mic. Go ahead. I will say something. The program
00:23:16is there. The program has been presented. That's the first eight pillars because like
00:23:19I said, what we are working on right now is the agenda of our presidential candidates.
00:23:24So I am not talking here per se now as of the Popular Action Party. Why? Because we
00:23:28have someone else we are presenting and we have an agenda which is for 2025 that will
00:23:33convince the people to give him that confidence when that time comes. Yes, Blake, he made
00:23:38some points there. I think that you have to react. Yes, I would like to say that in the
00:23:44CPDM, our motto, when you look at the motto of the CPDM, we first talk about unity, democracy
00:23:50and progress. That is the motto of the CPDM, meaning that we are out to militate for national
00:23:57unity, integration, the promotion of development and economic development and the diplomatic
00:24:05influence. That is globally what our national president is militating for. And for those
00:24:12who were unfortunate to read the book published by the President of the Republic in 1987,
00:24:18Communal Liberalism, you come to realize that the President of the Republic is a visionary
00:24:23because when we talk about updating other political parties, updating in order to meet
00:24:28up with the realities, the President in those days foresaw how evolution could be. That
00:24:37is why when you look at in the health domain, for instance, the President of the Republic
00:24:42in 1987 was already talking about the universalization of access to quality education and vocational
00:24:50training. And when we look at today, 87 to today, we will come to understand that in
00:24:55terms of vocational training, in terms of quality education, our system in Cameroon
00:24:59is one of the best. You will see how even in Europe, Cameroonian medical doctors, in
00:25:04Canada, they are scrambling for Cameroonian medical doctors, they are scrambling for Cameroonian
00:25:08teachers in Canada. It means that they are well trained. And that is an indication that
00:25:14if a medical doctor trained in Cameroon can find a job in Europe, in Germany, in France
00:25:22and ETC, it means that the medical, the vocational training, the technical platform which has
00:25:28been put in place in Cameroon is of quality. Secondly, we talked of universal access to
00:25:34health care. That is, for those who are fortunate to have the book, you go on page, from page
00:25:39199 to 201. That is where those points have been written. Universal access to health care.
00:25:46You were earlier outlining the fact of referral hospitals we have in all the ten regions.
00:25:53And then, in all isolated villages, we at least have health care services. Those are
00:26:01facts. Even if you go to which type of isolated village, you will find a medical centre.
00:26:07And I see in the reference, in the heart of Yaoundé, we don't have medication.
00:26:11Those, I don't know where you are. Those are facts. You go to any isolated village,
00:26:16any part of this country, you will find a hospital. And that is why we are not saying
00:26:21that all those hospitals have the same qualities of treatment like those in Europe or those
00:26:28in the US. No. The US, for instance, is a state which is about 500 years old. France
00:26:33or Great Britain, they are about 700 years old. That is why we are still a young state.
00:26:40That is, when we are comparing Cameroon, we should be comparing Cameroon with countries
00:26:44which have the same realities, which have the same history, which have the same sociology.
00:26:49That is why we should be comparing Cameroon in terms with other sub-Saharan Africans.
00:26:55And when we do so, we come to understand that Cameroon is really advanced than them.
00:27:06And that is why when you look at other countries, when they come to power, for instance politically,
00:27:11most of them come to tap from our President of the Republic.
00:27:15I will cite the examples of Gabon, Chad and many other young presidents.
00:27:20When they come into power, they will come to tap from our national president
00:27:25because he has the experience and he has the savoir-faire.
00:27:29That is why having the political program is one thing.
00:27:37And the credibility of the person, because the people, yes, you come and then on paper
00:27:41you cite things, people will clap and say, OK, it is good and fine.
00:27:45Then what is the credibility of the person carrying the program?
00:27:48That is another fundamental aspect.
00:27:50What have you done before?
00:27:51You have never managed even a small enterprise.
00:27:56You intend to manage a whole nation like Cameroon.
00:28:00We cannot talk about credibility of persons who have never organized fair elections
00:28:03but to have the possibility to also lead a nation.
00:28:06That is why when you look at in terms of experience, in terms of credibility,
00:28:12the national president of the CPDM, before coming to power in 1982,
00:28:17he had a lot from 62 to 82 when he came to the presidency at least.
00:28:25He had it.
00:28:26He had it, yes.
00:28:28He did not come up from nowhere to just come and go.
00:28:32Cameroonians are not stupid.
00:28:34That is why even when you are coming up with a good program,
00:28:36they will say, OK, on the paper it is good and fine.
00:28:39But what is the background of the person carrying the program?
00:28:42It is also a fundamental aspect.
00:28:44At the level of your party for 42 years today,
00:28:46he remains the only person with a good background
00:28:48who can be able to lead the nation.
00:28:50Now, we are going to give the microphone to Senior Mathilde Mignolet.
00:28:55Yes, Kilian, you see I was smiling all the time.
00:28:59You know, this whole idea of having a political program,
00:29:03a political program amuses me a lot
00:29:07because sometimes when you look at it detailly,
00:29:12when you look at it detailly,
00:29:14you try to compare what people say
00:29:18before, maybe before elections,
00:29:20as we are moving towards elections,
00:29:22and what they effectively do.
00:29:24After the elections,
00:29:26you remember the famous Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev
00:29:31who said politicians are the same,
00:29:34the well over.
00:29:35They promise to build bridges
00:29:37even when there are no rivers.
00:29:39So you can understand the rest.
00:29:41I think it's a good thing.
00:29:43But how effective?
00:29:45And it is because we don't take it so serious,
00:29:48that is why you see most of the political programs
00:29:51that we have, if you move around,
00:29:53you will discover that we just have programs
00:29:56that we copy and paste, copy and paste,
00:30:00and the bearers of those so-called programs
00:30:04sometimes cannot adapt.
00:30:08They cannot adequately articulate
00:30:10and defend those programs.
00:30:12Yes, you are a jurist,
00:30:14you are of civil society,
00:30:16and I know that much of the critical points
00:30:18come from civil society.
00:30:20The advantage you have is that
00:30:22you are a jurist,
00:30:26tetukwi, Michael.
00:30:28So from the point of view of civil society,
00:30:31how do you assess the political programs
00:30:34that our political parties give us?
00:30:37During elections.
00:30:39Thank you, Mr. Anda.
00:30:41I think that when we talk about
00:30:43political programs,
00:30:45like I earlier said,
00:30:47programs are supposed to meet,
00:30:49address problems which the people
00:30:51are facing.
00:30:53It's good that Mr. Njika
00:30:57mentioned the experience of
00:30:59the leader of the CPDM,
00:31:01which is mistakenly
00:31:03conceived to be a party
00:31:05which is that of
00:31:07I think it is
00:31:09the CPDM is mistakenly taken for
00:31:11the party created by
00:31:13President Pogbia.
00:31:15I'm not saying that he did not transform this party,
00:31:17but this party was
00:31:19the transformation of the CNU,
00:31:21which was to meet
00:31:23the aspirations of Cameroonians
00:31:25in 1966.
00:31:27And I think this party was delivering
00:31:29up to 1982,
00:31:31when President Pogbia
00:31:34took the batons of command.
00:31:36And we are talking about political programs.
00:31:38I think Mr. Njika has made mention
00:31:40of a program which came in 1987,
00:31:42or if I got him right,
00:31:44communal liberalism.
00:31:46But in 1982,
00:31:48what was that program which
00:31:50he proposed to the people of Cameroon
00:31:52to become elected?
00:31:54Or was he even elected in 1982?
00:31:56The answer is no.
00:31:58He was simply giving power
00:32:02Yes, constitutionally.
00:32:04The constitution is fundamental.
00:32:06Which means
00:32:08and the constitution by then
00:32:12are guided
00:32:14and protected by the constitution.
00:32:16The handing over of power
00:32:18to President Pogbia in 1982
00:32:20was constitutionally enshrined.
00:32:22So there is no question.
00:32:24There is no question about that.
00:32:26But what I want to say,
00:32:28the point I want to make here is that
00:32:30was there any program
00:32:32which permitted him to say
00:32:34you were the best to carry on
00:32:36this program for the nation?
00:32:38I think that the answer
00:32:40would be in the negative.
00:32:42Just simply because
00:32:44he was the constitutional successor
00:32:46of the head of state by then.
00:32:50in that case today
00:32:52if we are looking about political programs
00:32:54like Mr. Njika was talking
00:32:56I think that he should not be talking about
00:32:58such a communal liberalism as a program
00:33:00which President Pogbia brought to Cameroon.
00:33:02It's a vision.
00:33:04Thank you for that precision.
00:33:06So when you look at
00:33:08I think, let me just take a bit
00:33:10I would like to focus more
00:33:12on the CPDM which is
00:33:14the party in exercise
00:33:16if you look at the manifesto
00:33:18or the vision
00:33:20which has been
00:33:22you have seen that we have moved from
00:33:24greater ambitions
00:33:26greater realization
00:33:28and today I think we are talking about
00:33:30great opportunities
00:33:32that was what
00:33:34we talked about in 2018
00:33:36so now
00:33:38if you want me to
00:33:40make an appraisal of great opportunities
00:33:42I want to limit myself from
00:33:442018 to 2024
00:33:46that we are and projecting
00:33:48into 2025
00:33:50what are those opportunities
00:33:52that I want to think that
00:33:54CPDM whose candidate
00:33:56was elected or re-elected
00:33:58has offered to
00:34:02you virtually bear with me that
00:34:04I think the story is that
00:34:06we have the same person
00:34:08the same people managing
00:34:10the tax payers money
00:34:12but now on the life of the tax payer
00:34:14no major
00:34:18take for example
00:34:20Mr. Njika
00:34:22I was congratulating
00:34:24the celebration of the 6th of November
00:34:26which is
00:34:28normally the day that
00:34:30Cameroonians all
00:34:32receive their new head of state
00:34:34not the CPDM
00:34:36I was congratulating the CPDM
00:34:38militants who came out
00:34:40that celebration was not
00:34:42restricted to CPDM militants
00:34:44we have UPC militants who came out
00:34:46with their numbers
00:34:48we had President John DeGioia
00:34:50who came out with his numbers
00:34:52to tell you that
00:34:54Minister Chiroma with the FCC
00:34:56many political opposition parties came out
00:34:58because it is a national day
00:35:00it was not a day for the CPDM militants
00:35:02I was congratulating my comrade
00:35:04who came out for this day
00:35:06let me ask you
00:35:08the question
00:35:10you have explained it so much
00:35:12when you say the CPDM has hijacked
00:35:14it's like you came out
00:35:16to celebrate your president
00:35:18and then
00:35:20members of the CPDM said
00:35:22no, go back to your house
00:35:24let us be very clear
00:35:26we allow you to give your point
00:35:28but when you give your point
00:35:30they should convince me, convince the people out there
00:35:32did you come out
00:35:34to celebrate your head of state
00:35:36because that is the 42nd
00:35:40and then the CPDM people said
00:35:42no, that is our event, go back to your house
00:35:44perhaps, let me say
00:35:46I use the word hijack perhaps
00:35:48it's an exaggeration
00:35:50which is to say
00:35:52the point which I wanted to make
00:35:54which I was trying to
00:35:56make with the talking about hijacking
00:35:58is that
00:36:00on the 6th of November this year
00:36:04we had a misfortune
00:36:06which if our political programs
00:36:08should be to meet up with aspirations
00:36:10of the people
00:36:12the interest of the people
00:36:14I think in all honesty
00:36:16that the money
00:36:18which the CPD and militants
00:36:22on the 6th of November
00:36:242024 to celebrate
00:36:26the accession of President Biya
00:36:28to power
00:36:30and the needs
00:36:32of the families in distress
00:36:34at the Sancho
00:36:40landslide disaster
00:36:42and the needs that we need
00:36:44and that is why in leadership
00:36:46if we have to look at the needs of the people
00:36:48we can orientate to say for the sake of
00:36:50let me ask you this
00:36:54an accident, right?
00:36:56natural disaster
00:36:58did you not see
00:37:00the Minister
00:37:02of Public Works
00:37:04go there
00:37:06visit the families
00:37:08have you gone
00:37:10to see the families
00:37:12to ask whether the government
00:37:14has not taken care of them
00:37:16that's the first question
00:37:18he is not the only official of government
00:37:20who has gone to that place
00:37:22what else did you expect
00:37:24you expected Yaoundé to move
00:37:26to Sancho or something else
00:37:28I mean the whole physical
00:37:32like a place
00:37:34like a town to move there
00:37:36before you accept that
00:37:38that is not what I am saying
00:37:40that is not what I mean
00:37:42in moments of distress
00:37:44when we talk about nation building
00:37:46we have to give consideration to human
00:37:48person, the human life
00:37:50I am not saying that
00:37:52it is not sufficient
00:37:54for the Minister to go there
00:37:56but I am simply saying in the nation
00:37:58where we are in continuous
00:38:00we are in perpetual
00:38:04seeking for funds
00:38:06for realized projects
00:38:08and that we have just money
00:38:10which we can use to go
00:38:12and look into the needs of those in distress
00:38:14and to celebrate between joy
00:38:16when there is moment for joy
00:38:18let us celebrate the joy
00:38:20but when there is distress
00:38:22we can orientate, we can say no
00:38:24for the purpose of what
00:38:26we are going through this year
00:38:28we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:30which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:32but we have cancelled celebrations because
00:38:34we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:36which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:38but we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:40which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:42but we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:44which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:46but we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:48which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:50but we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:52which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:54but we have cancelled celebrations
00:38:56which is not that we don't recognize
00:38:58but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:00which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:02but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:04which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:06but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:08which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:10but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:12which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:14but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:16which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:18but we have cancelled celebrations
00:39:20which is not that we don't recognize
00:39:22but we have cancelled celebrations
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00:39:26but we have cancelled celebrations
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00:39:30but we have cancelled celebrations
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01:00:54but we have cancelled celebrations
01:00:56which is not that we don't recognize