• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La transizione ecologica è la sfida più importante per le aziende di trasporto pubblico”. È quanto dichiarato a Bari da Matteo Colamussi, presidente Asstra Puglia, a margine della presentazione del rapporto Intesa Sanpaolo – Asstra.

“Il concetto di trasformare le aziende di trasporto pubblico in imprese della mobilità è molto interessante – ha proseguito Colamussi -. L’elemento principale è quello dell’innovazione: la Regione Puglia è una delle protagoniste di questo processo attraverso il Maas, piattaforma che connetterà i turisti con i servizi offerti dalle realtà del territorio”.


00:00This is an important benchmark that shows the state of health of a sector that in Italy
00:13makes revenues of more than 12 billion, employing more than 150,000 people.
00:20In Puglia the situation of management and companies is discreet.
00:26In recent years we have seen an evolution that has been reconciled with good management.
00:33It is evident that there are some particular phenomena that concern the stability of some companies,
00:40but I am convinced that there are all the conditions to move forward.
00:46Moreover, it should be emphasized that the Puglia Region has always put the political agenda of public transport at the top,
00:54and this is demonstrated by the many renewals, the roundabouts that have been built in recent years,
01:00the contractual renewals, investments in security and also in innovation.
01:04I believe that this is the most important challenge for companies,
01:08that they have to innovate in their own ways of offering services,
01:14but that they need to innovate as companies and not more as companies.
01:20The difference is substantial. Today we need to regain credibility
01:26and we need to regain, as the report says, the demand from the users.
01:34We need to do it with innovations,
01:36so much so that in Puglia the Puglia Region is the protagonist of a mass,
01:42which is an innovative tool of a platform that will finally connect the various services offered.
01:49Not only for the many tourists who increasingly flock to our region,
01:53but for the many people who, every year, we hope, can use our vehicles again.
02:02The rest, in the report, is attested as our major competitor is the automobile.
02:12Unfortunately, in the post-Covid phase, we lost 43% of the demand in 2020.
02:19This year we celebrate the probable projection of a loss of 3%,
02:26despite the fact that in recent years there have been many investments in innovation,
02:30but above all in our territory of completely renovated roundabouts,
02:35both in terms of buses and trains.
02:42Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
