• last year
EDGE OF SANITY Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: a psychological thriller that delves into the blurred boundaries between nightmares and reality. Directed by Chad Bishoff, the film stars Christopher Backus ('Big Little Lies,' 'Mindhunter') as Easton, a man whose seemingly perfect life spirals into chaos as his darkest fears invade his waking world.

As Easton's nightmares intensify, his wife Sakura (Skye P. Marshall) and their daughter become caught in his disorienting descent, pushing his sanity to the brink. Caught between reality and his own unraveling mind, Easton must confront his darkest fears or risk losing everything.
00:00Hey sweet girl, daddy joined you for a little tea party?
00:07That sounds good, that'd be fun.
00:18How are you sleeping?
00:28You know, I got my moment.
00:31Hey, you're home early. Was work okay?
00:35You were so good.
00:36I like it.
00:37Classic old school you.
00:40In this dark place, without voicing your feelings, you just stay trapped in here.
00:48I just want things to go back to the way they were.
00:51I will always be here for you.
00:53For this family.
00:56We are gonna be okay.
01:18It's a nightmare.
01:22It was coming towards me.
01:24Closing in on me.
01:27Trying to figure out how I could escape it.
01:30You can't keep hiding, man.
01:32You're never here.
01:33I'm scared of what's out there.
01:35You are losing your mind.
01:36I want this to be over.
01:39Show me that game face, baby.
01:42Everything can go back the way it was.
01:50I can't.