• last year
THE BLACK MASS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The eagerly awaited first directorial venture of genre mainstay Devanny Pinn, a seasoned actor with over eighty horror films to her credit, having co-starred with illustrious personalities such as Linda Blair, Danny Trejo, and Sid Haig. This true-crime thriller is grounded in the chilling real-life events that transpired in Florida during the winter of 1978. The narrative spans a tense 24-hour period, focusing on a ruthless serial killer in the tense hours preceding his ultimate, unhinged rampage. Pinn presents a deeply disturbing glimpse into the warped psyche of a notorious killer while also shedding light on the far-reaching impact of his brutal deeds on his victims and their survivors.

Directed by Devanny Pin, THE BLACK MASS is stars Jeremy London, Kathleen Kinmont, Lisa Wilcox, Jennifer Wenger.
00:00 - L-C-A-P-H-I-S-I-G-M-A.
00:05 - See that thing on the news?
00:07 When people said they thought I was scarier
00:09 than the shark in "Jaws"?
00:11 - I'm not doing this again.
00:19 You can turn yourself in and change it.
00:21 You know it right now.
00:22 - I'm not going back to prison.
00:25 That's not a life.
00:27 (dramatic music)
00:30 - Anyway, I don't need to go back.
00:34 Innocent people don't go to prison.
00:36 - I don't know why you put yourself through this.
00:39 Are you hearing me?
00:42 It's not okay!
00:54 - I'm not doing this again!
00:57 - Is this the man?
00:58 Do you recognize this man?
00:59 Is this the man who attacked you?
01:01 (screaming)
01:04 (dramatic music)
01:06 (dramatic music)
01:09 (thunder)