अजमेर/राजस्थान: देव दिवाली (कार्तिक पूर्णिमा) पर पुष्कर सरोवर के 52 घाटों पर भव्य महाआरती और दीपदान का आयोजन हुआ। जयपुर घाट को दुल्हन की तरह सजाया गया, जहां डिप्टी सीएम दीया कुमारी ने पूजा-अर्चना कर महाआरती में भाग लिया। कार्यक्रम में पारंपरिक वेशभूषा में महिलाओं ने दीपदान किया और जिला प्रशासन ने भव्य आतिशबाजी की। दीया कुमारी ने पुष्कर के विकास और भव्य कॉरिडोर निर्माण की योजना का जिक्र किया। आयोजन में मंत्री सुरेश रावत, कलेक्टर लोकबंधु और एसपी वंदिता राणा सहित कई गणमान्य लोग मौजूद रहे।
#DevDiwali2024 #PushkarMahaaarti #KartikPurnima #DiptyCMInPushkar #PuskarSarovar
#DevDiwali2024 #PushkarMahaaarti #KartikPurnima #DiptyCMInPushkar #PuskarSarovar
00:30The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
00:41The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
00:46The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:16The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:21The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:26The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:31The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:36The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
01:56The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
02:01The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
02:06The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
02:11The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
02:16The temple is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and this is the world's largest Sarovar.
02:21The construction of the temple is going to start very soon.
02:26The construction of the temple is going to start very soon.
02:31The construction of the temple is going to start very soon.
02:36I am very fortunate that I got a chance to attend the Mahabharata.
02:41I am very fortunate that I got a chance to attend the Mahabharata.
02:46We will do our best to make the construction of the temple as soon as possible.