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Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 20 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 21 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 20 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 22 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 20 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 20 Completo HD
00:00I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm the one who called the cops.
00:30And even if it breaks my heart, I did it because I realized that you have to pay for the things you've done.
00:35And you finally got rid of me.
00:39Because you know that I was never the son you wanted.
00:43Daughter, Circe. Circe.
00:45Calm down, please. Daughter.
00:50I'm sorry.
00:53I'm very sorry for you.
00:55But I want you to know that I just found out about all the things my son got involved in.
01:00And the relationship he has with your daughter.
01:03If I had known it before, I would never have allowed it.
01:06I apologize to you and your family on behalf of all the Chamorro-Chagoyan.
01:09Everything that happened.
01:11We'll talk about it later, Licha.
01:13Now the best thing is for you and Chano to accompany your son.
01:17They already told me where they're taking him, so let's go.
01:21And excuse us for everything. Excuse us.
01:26Circe, calm down, please, my love.
01:29And my mom and Circe were fighting.
01:31And besides, other screams were heard.
01:33I think Circe did it again.
01:36It doesn't seem strange to me.
01:37And if my mom runs my sister out of the house?
01:39No, that's not going to happen, Pulgui.
01:41Well, I hope so.
01:43Well, have breakfast, because it's late for them to go to school.
01:46Hey, Rina, do you know why they were screaming?
01:48And does anyone know where Circe is?
01:50Stop asking questions.
01:53Stop bugging Rina.
01:55And don't even look at me, because we don't know anything.
01:58Hurry up, because they're running late.
02:04You can't close your eyes, Circe.
02:07That boy denied his father in your face.
02:10He lied about his family and his economic position to get close to you.
02:13Because he wanted to make a profit, daughter.
02:16Of course, I know you don't believe it.
02:17But Checo got close to you because he belongs to the gang
02:19that tried to kidnap Emiliano and Scarlett.
02:22You didn't know, did you?
02:23And don't think we're lying to you,
02:24because we have proof of what we're saying.
02:26Of course, exactly.
02:34My lawyer already told me that you, Aidee's lawyer,
02:37have not wanted to give in to a single one of my requests.
02:40Oh, don't be stupid.
02:42I'm doing it so my cousin doesn't suspect that I'm on your side
02:45and so I save time so you can take advantage of the goods
02:48that Aidee is so eager to acquire.
02:51Explain it to me with apples, because I don't understand.
02:54You can't fight Maxi Click's shares,
02:56of which Aidee owned before her wedding
02:58because of the regime they got married under.
03:01Ah, but...
03:03But now that she's going to buy all her shares from her partners,
03:06all of them, all of them, all of them,
03:08you can fight that.
03:10And if you win,
03:11it would increase your participation in the corporation.
03:14Did you understand or do I have to explain it to you again?
03:17Yes, I understood.
03:19You're always with your great ideas, Motomami.
03:23Hey, and to celebrate,
03:25how about if we roar like wild beasts in the middle of the jungle?
03:30Oh, sorry, but right now I'm not in the mood to rummage, you know?
03:33I have to hurry to go to the office, so get out of there.
04:11I thought I could handle the situation,
04:14but no, I saw that I was wrong.
04:16For not overwhelming you, I forgot that we are a team.
04:19This hurts me so much.
04:22I was naive when I believed everything
04:25and when I let myself be deceived by my own daughter.
04:28It's not time to share guilt, Tino.
04:31The fact is done.
04:33And regretting is useless.
04:35For how things are,
04:37the best thing is that our children know that we are together, don't you think?
04:41You're right.
04:43It's time to tell them that we have a relationship.
04:46And the best thing is to do it now.
04:51When you were arrested for theft of the gym,
04:53an investigation folder was opened.
04:55And since you already had a previous complaint for theft of car parts,
04:59you will remain here locked up until the investigation is over.
05:03This is how we process criminals.
05:05I'm very sorry, boy.
05:07I hate you for being poor.
05:10I hate you because you don't have aspirations.
05:13And for me, I hope I never see them again.
05:16Take him away.
05:19You did well, Mr. Echamogo.
05:21You have to correct your son before he does worse things.
05:24Now what do we do, officer?
05:26If he doesn't have a lawyer, we'll assign one to him.
05:30And if he is found guilty,
05:33he will remain in this detention center until the majority of the age is met.
05:39Excuse me.
05:47I have a broken heart, Chano.
05:50Well, like people say, it's for the best, right, Chata?
05:54I regret it, Chano.
05:57And if it wasn't right for you to call the police,
06:00I don't know.
06:02In one of those, you and I could have set my son straight.
06:05Chale, don't whine.
06:07Well, if I was there, I said that we could have done it.
06:12But it's worth repenting, right?
06:17Well, I've done it, and now it's time to repent.
06:21Well, yes, so now support me in this.
06:23I know, but right now I can't, okay?
06:26I'm leaving.
06:27Hey, hey, hey, hey.
06:29Are you just going to leave like that?
06:31Can't you see she's driving me crazy?
06:33She's driving me crazy, too.
06:38Good morning.
06:39Good morning.
06:41Hey, Mom, why didn't Circe come down for breakfast?
06:44We had a problem.
06:46But we're not going to give more details because it's a very personal matter of Circe.
06:50But is my sister okay?
06:51She's fine, princess.
06:53Only she's not going to school today.
06:55Are you going to stay here alone?
06:57No, no, no, Lila.
06:58I'm also going to stay.
06:59I'm going to work from here to take care of her.
07:02Well, there's something we want to share with you.
07:06We're going to let you spend more time, but it's better if you know it already.
07:11It's a matter that has to do with us, with the family.
07:17We have to be honest with you just because you, our children,
07:21are the most important people in our lives.
07:24Well, family, what do you think?
07:27We're boyfriends.
07:30Did you hear that?
07:31And we're going to do everything in our power
07:33so that together we can form the united and happy family that we all want to be.
07:46Are you okay?
07:47It's because of my little boy who's involved in very silly things.
07:52That's why I can't stop thinking that I did a good job as a mother.
07:57I'm not giving up.
07:59Not as a mother, not as a wife.
08:01Oh no, you also have problems with Chano.
08:04Yes, you know.
08:06Don't let marriage get to you.
08:08There are times when I really feel like throwing up, I swear.
08:12The responsibility with the children never ends.
08:15One thinks that the kids are when they are just born,
08:18and the mortifications grow, the problems grow.
08:21Are you really that crazy?
08:24Do you realize that I thought that when Chico grew up,
08:26the burden would lighten for us?
08:28That I would feel freer, calmer.
08:31No, man, it's gotten worse.
08:33I still need to finish raising two more kids.
08:37Well, maybe it's just a stage, Lichita, and then everything will settle down.
08:42I never imagined that life would be so hard.
08:45Right now you feel like everything is coming at you,
08:48but everything happens.
08:50The anguish, the sadness, the fear.
08:53You will see that little by little everything flows,
08:56and you are doing it right.
09:01I am very excited to be a couple.
09:03It's like having a complete family.
09:07I feel faith in my dad,
09:09but I see you very happy, Mommy.
09:12Oh, my love, because I am.
09:15And you, Ulises?
09:16Well, I like the idea of seeing you happy,
09:18and although I do have mixed feelings,
09:20I always wanted to have a dad.
09:22And a son like you, Ulises.
09:24I hope Circe will one day think the same way I do about this.
09:28Well, you have to wait for what is needed.
09:31You have your times, Circe and Scarlett have theirs.
09:35And you, Lila?
09:37My love, she's talking about babies.
09:40It's important to say what you feel.
09:42I will never accept you as a couple, never!
09:45I don't want to be part of this family that wants to make things up.
09:49I hate you!
09:57We didn't become parents.
09:59It was the best thing we could do in life.
10:01We already knew that,
10:03but what did you see that affected you so much?
10:05I talked to a friend who is a mom,
10:07and I realized that having children is a huge responsibility
10:11that lasts a lifetime.
10:13A lifetime!
10:14If you say it like that, it sounds horrible.
10:16It's not like you can take a break and stop worrying for a while.
10:19You can't!
10:20You can't!
10:21You can't stop taking care of a child, even if it's a teenager.
10:23Well, I'm an adult now, and my mom is still worried about me.
10:26Do you understand?
10:27Okay, okay, okay, okay.
10:28But don't talk to that friend anymore, she upsets you a lot.
10:31No, I'm not upset because of my friend,
10:33but because of the terrible reality hit I received when I heard her, Rudolf.
10:37When you have a child, you go into the background.
10:40You forget about your friends, your fun, your dreams.
10:44You forget about yourself.
10:46Do you see how strong that is?
10:47You forget about yourself, because the child comes first.
10:50You stop being you to become the mother of.
10:54Do you understand me?
10:55And as if that weren't enough, you torture yourself every day
10:58if you're doing it right, if you're a good mother.
11:02Rudolf, I'm not made for that.
11:05And now more than ever, listen to me carefully.
11:07Okay, we have to get away from Pipe.
11:14What were you going to say before you interrupted Circe, honey?
11:17It doesn't matter, dad.
11:18No, it doesn't matter.
11:19For me it is important to know what you think of my relationship with Aidea.
11:23I don't think anything.
11:24You can have all the girlfriends you want.
11:27Let's see, since your mom went to heaven,
11:29I haven't had a girlfriend.
11:31You know that.
11:32Don't blackmail me, dad.
11:34You always do what you want.
11:36You always bring us from one place to another
11:37and you never ask me my opinion.
11:39Now it turns out you want to know what I think.
11:42Honey, don't talk to me like that.
11:43It's important to me.
11:45The only thing you should know
11:47is that I'm never going to accept Aidea as my stepmother.
11:50And much less as my mom.
11:52End of story.
11:58You left me in shock with everything you told me about Circe.
12:02I'm going to ask for an app taxi right now.
12:04No, no, Fede.
12:05I need Maxi Click more
12:07because due to the absence of Guzman, we have many pending.
12:10You tell me, I'll apply.
12:12I need you to check all my properties
12:15to make sure they are in order and to be able to put them up for sale.
12:18Then I'm going to the corporation.
12:20I just have to take the laptop file with your personal documents
12:23to check everything with Nuta.
12:25Yes, yes, I know what file you're talking about.
12:27I'm going to ask Tino to take my car
12:29so he can pick you up and help you with that.
12:31You command and I obey, cousins.
12:34Just ask him to send me his location in real time
12:36and then go up to my depot to load everything.
12:39You don't know how grateful I am
12:41that you have become a sister to me.
12:44That's it, that's what we are.
12:52Chano, what are you doing here?
12:53At my job I don't intend to deal with personal matters.
12:56Please leave.
12:57Well, just tell me, did you talk to Aidea?
13:00No, and I don't know what decision she's going to make.
13:02In one of those, she even fires me from my job.
13:04Well, then let's talk, Chata.
13:06We can't be like this.
13:08You didn't leave Chuchito.
13:09Don't worry.
13:10Chatito is in a nursery that I got for him
13:13because I need to find a job.
13:15What's wrong with you, irresponsible?
13:17Between the two of us we should have decided that.
13:19I had to check the nursery.
13:21How do you make decisions like that without consulting me?
13:23Let's see, let's see, let's see.
13:24You know what?
13:25It looks like you're just looking for a fight, really.
13:27Well, I came to see how you were and solve our problems.
13:30But you know what?
13:31We'd better leave it at that.
13:32I'm going to pick up Chofis and Secu
13:33before you keep scolding me.
13:35Really, don't stop, man.
13:36Again and again and again.
13:38When I solve, because I solve.
13:39When I don't solve, because I don't solve.
13:41What are you talking about?
13:43That I'm no longer a virgin?
13:44In part, yes.
13:46Because you took an important step that changed you
13:49and that is worth talking about.
13:53I'm still the same Circe Beyer.
13:55No, my love.
13:57There are things that change
13:59and I don't mean the physical,
14:01but something that goes much further.
14:04I know because it happened to me when I was with Tino.
14:07It was also my first time.
14:09And I don't want to say with this that it's the same situation
14:12because I got pregnant.
14:14And I hope that you have protected yourself
14:16because Checo is...
14:18Is it true that you come home?
14:20To tell me a thousand times
14:22that Checo is a liar
14:24and that I look stupid?
14:26If so, let me tell you
14:28that Tino is the same
14:30or a thousand times worse than Checo.
14:32He only messed with you
14:34when you were drunk.
14:36Do you realize that he raped you?
14:38It wasn't like that, Circe.
14:40I also wanted to be with him.
14:42Oh, mom.
14:44We think so differently
14:46that not even in a thousand years
14:48we're going to agree.
14:50But don't worry.
14:52You already met your mother's quota
14:54who wanted to talk to her rebellious daughter
14:56about her first time.
15:02Leave me alone.
15:04And respect.
15:06Even if you don't believe it,
15:08I understand you more than you imagine.
15:10And above all things,
15:12I love you.
15:14And I'm for you
15:16when you're ready to talk.
15:24I love you.
15:50Jesus Christ!
15:52If you're looking for a job,
15:54you already have it.
15:56With these Tarzan arms,
15:58you fulfill the packaging profile very well.
16:02Here we need strong men
16:04and formalities to pack
16:08Well, I've put on more than one sock
16:10to get to work.
16:12You just tell me where and when I start.
16:14Just let me finish my skirt.
16:18That fast? Are you for everything?
16:22And no, Tarzan.
16:24Here everything has a process.
16:26So come with me and I'll tell you how,
16:28when and where.
16:30My name is Gori and you can talk to me.
16:32And you?
16:36But you can tell me...
16:40But I feel we're going to get along very well.
16:44Come with me.
17:16What a shame!
17:18I'm sorry.
17:20The door was open.
17:28I'm upset with you and Igor.
17:30I don't understand how,
17:32because of an indiscretion of your assistant,
17:34Facundo found out he has shares in Maxiclick.
17:36With what right did he tell you that?
17:38Besides, I checked my email.
17:40And yes, Igor sent me two emails
17:42warning me about the meetings.
17:44But strangely, they went to the tray of unwanted.
17:46What I don't get is that neither you nor he
17:48took a minute to tell me that the partners
17:50wanted to fire me.
17:52Let's see, Aide.
17:54I was sick and that's why I left the company.
17:56It wasn't out of pleasure.
17:58And your assistant was sick too?
18:00Gori doesn't have to know the reason for the meetings.
18:02And yes, I know he's a bit of a nosy guy.
18:04But he's not behind the doors
18:06to see what's said in the meetings.
18:08Aide, if you consider
18:10that Gori and I have failed you,
18:12you have every right to
18:14fire us whenever you want.
18:16But first, remember something.
18:18I've always been aware of your business
18:20and also of your health.
18:22Guzman, I...
18:24I was sick.
18:26And you know what's saddest, Aide?
18:28You didn't go to my house to see me.
18:30You didn't talk to me.
18:32Guzman, I was at the hospital.
18:34You left the day before.
18:44I'm sorry.
19:06I didn't mean to see you like that.
19:08I mean, please, Fede, forgive me.
19:10What surprised me is how you looked at me.
19:12You looked at me like...
19:14like you were looking at a monument.
19:18Let's see.
19:20I came in because the door was open,
19:22but I rang the doorbell
19:24and you showed up.
19:26Okay, okay, I understand.
19:28I'm sorry, but we're adults, right?
19:30You noticed I had my headphones on, right?
19:32That's why I didn't hear you.
19:34I don't want you to think I did this
19:36with the intention of, I don't know,
19:38seducing you, provoking you.
19:40No, no, no.
19:42Let's see, Fede, how do you think?
19:44I respect you a lot.
19:46I mean, for you.
19:48Because you're the cousin of the woman I love.
19:50Oh, so my cousin and you...
19:52I don't know.
19:56I'm sorry I'm not such a good friend
19:58with you as you are with me.
20:00I don't know what happened to me.
20:04You and I
20:06have known each other
20:08since high school.
20:10We were 15 when we met.
20:12We did the worst bullying in the world.
20:14That's how we met.
20:16And that's what brought us together.
20:18Since then, you and I have been a team.
20:20We take care of each other.
20:22You take care of me, I take care of you.
20:24I will never do anything against you.
20:26I'm sorry.
20:28You know I trust you blindly.
20:30But what happened with the partners
20:32shook me.
20:34And there's something else
20:36that you don't expect either.
20:40You're going to love this.
20:42Oh, tell me.
20:44The annual presentation of e-commerce projects was postponed.
20:46Do you know where it will be?
20:50That's great news!
20:52No, no, no.
20:54The best part is that they just told me
20:56that they're going to give you a recognition.
20:58And you know what?
21:00The best thing you can do is present Kino's project.
21:02That's going to be a bomb.
21:14Oh, Kino.
21:16I really needed to feel
21:18someone with me
21:20who would really love me.
21:22And that someone is you.
21:24And reciprocal.
21:26Because you don't know everything
21:28I value what you do for me,
21:30for my people.
21:32And yes, I've told you many times.
21:34But I'm very in love with you.
21:38It's been a long time
21:40since I felt all this emotion
21:42that I feel for you today.
21:44You know, I've thought a lot
21:46about the past.
21:48What would have been of us
21:50if after being together in that room
21:52we had been given an opportunity.
21:54If you had listened to me
21:56when I went to tell you
21:58that I was pregnant.
22:00Yes, I feel bad about that.
22:02But at that moment
22:04I didn't know what to do.
22:06In fact, I didn't know
22:08why you were looking for me.
22:10And yes, you,
22:12unless anyone else, deserved a deal like this.
22:14It's silly of me to think
22:16about what I could have done.
22:18The only thing that matters is that we're together.
22:20We have to be very strong
22:22to face whatever comes.
22:24United as the new family
22:26that we are.
22:28It won't be easy.
22:32I love you.
22:36What does it feel like to have a boyfriend?
22:38Have you had a girlfriend before?
22:40I don't think anyone
22:42wants to be my girlfriend because of the chair.
22:44Although I had transportation included.
22:50I would like to be your girlfriend.
22:52I mean, when we're older.
22:54When we're older.
22:58And Scarlett,
23:00do you miss your dad?
23:02Yes and no.
23:04He's been a little mean to me.
23:06And I still don't forgive him.
23:08But poor thing,
23:10when he finds out that my mom and I are not dating,
23:12he's going to be very sad.
23:14I don't think so because your dad
23:16is Federica's boyfriend.
23:20Tell me what you said
23:22to Federica.
23:24No, no, no.
23:26Tell me.
23:28All the documents
23:30of your properties are in order.
23:32So you won't have any problem
23:34when you put them up for sale.
23:36Oh, that's good. And being such good properties,
23:38I trust that very soon we will find buyers.
23:40Oh, yes.
23:42But they are very large and very expensive.
23:44That's why they could take a long time to sell.
23:46So let's go with Tequirici.
23:48And don't make them cheap
23:50and sell them later.
23:52It's my advice. It's what I think.
23:54Anyway, I'm going to ask for a bank loan
23:56to buy his shares from the partners.
23:58If I'm honest,
24:00for all the problems you have, I see you very relaxed.
24:02I mean, Circe,
24:04your ex,
24:06the company's relations.
24:08Oh no, I would be hanging from the lamp.
24:10On the other hand, look at you.
24:12I know what the reason is.
24:14You're a newbie.
24:16Oh, Federica, please, no.
24:20Because just as I thought,
24:22obviously without bad faith,
24:24they will start saying the same thing in the corporate.
24:26Because that's how people are, you know.
24:28They don't take long to ask where Tino came from,
24:30what privileges he enjoys
24:32to deserve such a mega-ultra-incre project
24:34like the one you're giving him.
24:36Do you think?
24:38I bet you whatever you want.
24:40How much do you want to bet?
24:42They will surely say that Tino earns his favors
24:44with you in another way.
24:46That's what you think, right?
24:48It's just that the plebs are very ill-considered.
24:50They love gossip.
24:52They talk for talking. That's how the plebs are.
24:56I came to apologize.
24:58I know I went too far with my comments.
25:00Insults, rather.
25:02Well, not as much as insults.
25:06The thing is that
25:08there are many things in my past that tormented me
25:10at that time.
25:12But what do I have to do with your past?
25:14It's okay if you don't want to be a father
25:16or make a commitment to that nature,
25:18but think of Pipe.
25:20I think of him much more than I think.
25:22Then the best thing
25:24is to get away from him once and for all
25:26because later it will be much more difficult.
25:30If I'm not his father, I can't see him anymore?
25:32It's the best.
25:34I know you didn't ask me,
25:36but I'm going to tell you about my past.
25:38If you want.
25:40Please sit down.
25:44My father,
25:46although he was never physically
25:48away from my mother,
25:50from my brothers,
25:52did very little for us.
25:56we were many children.
25:58In my house we were also many brothers and sisters.
26:00Six in total.
26:02Some died, others lost contact.
26:04In my house we were eight.
26:06We lived in a small town in Argentina
26:08near Bariloche.
26:10My mother had to put up with
26:12that overwhelming husband,
26:14good for nothing,
26:16who also
26:18physically abused her.
26:20I'm very sorry.
26:22I don't understand
26:24how men like that exist.
26:26In my house I saw many things.
26:28A lot of pain,
26:30a lot of hunger,
26:34That's why I left
26:36as soon as I had the opportunity.
26:38You did very well.
26:40Destiny and someone
26:42who trusted my talent
26:44brought me to Mexico with my mother.
26:46I couldn't travel alone
26:48because of my father's position.
26:50And thanks to that you were successful in music.
26:54For a while I succeeded.
26:56I sent money to my brothers,
26:58but I never got to them.
27:02My father spent it on his vices
27:04instead of helping his family.
27:06I'm very sorry, Rodolfo.
27:08Yes, me too.
27:14I'm sorry, Niña Pura.
27:16I have so many memories.
27:20I want to know what happened. Where is Checo?
27:22Look, Chofis.
27:24Your brother had to go
27:26to the military service.
27:28To the camp or to the military service?
27:30Don't play with me.
27:32To the military service.
27:34No, the other way around.
27:36That's it.
27:40I fell for your lie.
27:42My father is playing with you.
27:44Don't scold me if I'm lying to you.
27:46I learned it from you.
27:48The truth is that Checo made several mistakes
27:50and he has to fix them.
27:52So he's going to be away from home for a while.
27:54But he's far away.
27:56Is he coming back or did he leave
27:58because he was being punished?
28:00No, don't worry.
28:02Your brother is where we told you.
28:04They told me half the truth.
28:06That's not fair.
28:08I'm going to do my homework.
28:12Sooner or later,
28:14Chofis will find out the truth.
28:16She's not a child anymore.
28:18And just like you see her,
28:20she knows everything.
28:22Let's wait for Checo to be free.
28:24And before he leaves,
28:26I hope you get a job too.
28:28I already have one.
28:30When I tell you that I start training tomorrow,
28:32I'll tell you later.
28:36Were you surprised by the news?
28:38Yes and no.
28:40But I'm grateful that you told us
28:42and that you're not hiding from us.
28:44Aide and I are not alone.
28:46We value your opinion
28:48and above all we value that you are well.
28:50And it's okay if you want to have a relationship.
28:52You're not that old.
28:56I love how you see the world.
28:58I hope you do well as a couple.
29:00I really wish you well.
29:04Can I...
29:06give you a hug?
29:16Ready for your first therapy session?
29:20I think so.
29:22I'm very proud of you.
29:24You're a traitor.
29:26We're twins.
29:28We've been growing up together for 16 years.
29:30And in your most schizophrenic moment
29:32you turn your back on me
29:34and you leave like an idiot.
29:36Things are not like that, okay?
29:38Tell me that you need a dad so much
29:40that you follow Constantino.
29:42You're dying to make your dad an altar.
29:44Yes, I know. Calm down.
29:46Yes, I get along with Tino
29:48but I'm still years away from calling him dad.
29:50What's your problem?
29:52You're romanticizing being daddy's son.
29:54All ridiculous, playing house
29:56with my mom and Constantino.
29:58Self-analyze yourself.
30:00Self-analyze yourself, sis. Are you crazy?
30:02Choose. The happy family or me.
30:04I'm not going to choose between the two.
30:06It's absurd.
30:08From now on you stop being my spiritual animal.
30:10Get out!
30:12Get out!
30:16Of course I tried to bring my siblings to Mexico
30:18but I couldn't.
30:20Your dad didn't let you.
30:22And on top of that
30:24he's resenting me.
30:26I don't know how my dad,
30:28a man so full of malice, can be a father.
30:30It's not that you need permission.
30:32Everyone can be a dad or a mom.
30:34Well, they shouldn't.
30:38That's why I doubt my ability to be one.
30:40You learned from all those experiences
30:42and I'm sure you could
30:44transmit with wisdom
30:46all that to a child.
30:48I don't think I have what it takes to be a dad.
30:54Well, Mrs. Pura, I think I went too far.
30:56I spoke too much to you.
30:58Sorry about that.
31:00No, on the contrary.
31:02Thank you for your trust.
31:04Thank you very much
31:06for listening to me and forgiving me.
31:08I assure you that Pipe
31:10can count on me.
31:12Not as your father, but perhaps
31:14as a good mediator between him and Guzman.
31:16Now that you mention it,
31:18it's a fact that
31:20Guzman will take care of Pipe
31:22for a while.
31:24I don't like it when you come like this.
31:26How hard is it for you to call and notify
31:28like decent people?
31:30And how hard is it for you to reach a legal agreement
31:32on Scarlett's custody and the visitation plan?
31:34Your lawyer and Federica are looking at that.
31:36Yes, me.
31:38Don't you know?
31:40Yes, I know.
31:42And when we agree, I will obey
31:44what the judge has.
31:46Meanwhile, analyze everything about the economic agreement.
31:48Rina, please
31:50tell Scarlett to come.
31:52Yes, sir.
31:54Leave that subject for peace.
31:56I am determined to make my participation
31:58in the company count and work there.
32:00And do whatever you want.
32:02And you too.
32:06Fede, we're going to leave Facundo
32:08only when Scarlett. Do you agree?
32:10Because it smells very ugly here.
32:18Hello, Dad.
32:22Look what I brought you, baby.
32:26Scarlett, take it.
32:28Is it true that you and my aunt Federica
32:30are dating?
32:34Who told you that?
32:36I came running when you sent me the message.
32:38What's up?
32:40What's up?
32:42Well, it turns out that invalid
32:44doesn't pay any attention to you.
32:46He opened his mouth.
32:48My daughter just told me that we are dating.
32:50I can't believe it.
32:52Well, believe it. Because Scarlett told me that Emiliano told her.
32:54I calmed her down.
32:56But you better put a label on that motorized kid.
33:00I heard you.
33:02Sorry, but I forgot to tell Scarlett.
33:04I swear I won't do it again.
33:06You know I hear everything you say
33:08because of the microphone in your chair.
33:10Yes, but I swear I didn't say it in a bad plan.
33:12I forgot.
33:14Don't talk about that idiot again.
33:16I'm going to put a bomb in your chair
33:20No, please, no, please.
33:22Oh, honey, I don't want to.
33:24You scared me.
33:26That's why you should shut up.
33:28And don't talk about anything else
33:30so that Aunt Fede can keep protecting you.
33:32Oh, I love you so much.
33:36Oh, what a sublime image.
33:38Emi, I'm going to be jealous
33:40because you're stealing
33:42the love of my Aunt Fede.
33:44Oh, look how beautiful she is.
33:52Oh, you don't know how cool it is
33:54to get together like this to support each other.
33:56And talk about our problems.
34:00Thank you very much for inviting us to dinner.
34:02No, man.
34:04Oh, and the coolest thing is that you brought the dessert.
34:06And it looks so good.
34:08Oh, no, no, no.
34:10Oh, no.
34:12Gary's pudding is missing.
34:14The most important thing.
34:16Oh, my.
34:24Oh, did you see that?
34:28It looks delicious.
34:30Chufis, Chuchitos, come and eat dessert.
34:32The dishes.
34:34If you can accompany your brother a little bit.
34:36Just in what I work with Aide.
34:38And are you going to work?
34:40Or rather, make a boyfriend?
34:42I have to review a presentation
34:44of a project that we launched at Maxi Click.
34:46And also, princess,
34:48I ask you to respect our relationship.
34:50It's been ten minutes.
34:52And besides, you already know
34:54what I think of you two about that relationship.
34:56I know, my love.
34:58And all day I was thinking about that.
35:00And I don't want to pressure you.
35:02But I do want us to talk about it.
35:04Don't answer me right now.
35:06I love you.
35:14Why is there light?
35:24Calm down, calm down.
35:26I was dreaming.
35:36I was dreaming.
36:26This is an annual event of e-commerce.
36:28Everything is going to be amazing, as always.
36:30Come on, my love.
36:32I help you, my son?
36:34Can we talk for a second?
36:38I don't know. About what?
36:42I know we can't stand to leave.
36:46But we do agree on something.
36:48That neither you nor I want our parents to be together.
36:52And what do you want to do?
36:54Unite to separate them.
36:56In fact, is it something that might interest you?
36:59Let's see.
37:02A few days ago I went to talk to your mom and Federica
37:05about the gossip that's going to build up in Maxiclip
37:08when they find out that my dad is responsible for a very important project,
37:13also being the boss' boyfriend.
37:16Of course!
37:18They're going to think that he won the favor in another way.
38:20Welcome to the annual e-commerce fair,
38:23where we will meet the most innovative proposals
38:26in terms of online sales.
38:29On this occasion, the theme that governs our event is honesty.
38:34And the company that best represents this value
38:37is led by an example not only of honesty,
38:40but also of empowerment and professionalism.
38:44This year's award goes to
38:47Aiden Mosqueda Guerrero!
38:59Thank you very much to everyone present for this recognition
39:02and also for your applause.
39:04I am very proud to share with you that Maxiclip is a company
39:07that is being reinvented.
39:09That's why I want to ask Tino Guevara,
39:12manager of new projects,
39:14to join me on stage
39:16so that he can present our most recent proposal,
39:20made for all our subscribers.
39:23Go ahead, Tino.
39:25Thank you. Thank you very much.
39:29Thank you to everyone, and of course,
39:32to the Cocktail band for joining us.
39:35First of all, I want to tell you that this project
39:39is the result of the effort of a team led by Aiden Mosqueda.
39:46And each one of us who is part of it
39:50put the best of us
39:53to be selected as the product
39:56that starts a new stage in this company.
40:01And now, with you,
40:04the pride of Maxiclip.
40:29we want you and your family to be well informed
40:32about topics such as gender-based violence,
40:35sexual transmission infections,
40:37and prevention of pregnancy in adolescents.
40:40Keep an eye on this.