राजस्थान - राजस्थान में छोटी काशी कही जाने वाली बूंदी में बूंदी महोत्सव शुरू हो गया है। इस महोत्सव के लिए जिले के पर्यटन स्थलों और हर ऐतिहासिक इमारत को दुल्हन की तरह सजाया गया है। पर्यटन विभाग के अनुसार बूंदी महोत्सव के तहत आज सुबह 8.30 बजे श्री गणेश पूजा की गई । इसके बाद गढ़ पैलेस में ध्वजारोहण और अतिथियों का स्वागत किया गया। इसके बाद 9 बजे शोभायात्रा शुरू की गई। उसके बाद 9.30 बजे कैनवास पेंटिंग समारोह उद्घाटन किया गया।
00:30Every year, the society is present, the tourists are also present, and we are talking to various artists to see their enthusiasm, and this enthusiasm will last for three days.
00:40How many days?
00:41It will end on this date for three days.
00:43Today is Ganesh Pujan and tomorrow is the day of Surabai Yatra.
00:47And after that, today evening is Deepdana, tomorrow also is Sanskriti Karikram Heritage Walk.
00:50And other events will continue for three days.
00:53During this time, various programs will be held in various places.
00:56The police have given free security arrangements.
00:59And people are very enthusiastic.
01:02You can see all the programs in peace and tranquility.
01:06Free security arrangements have been made.
01:08You can see the cultural places and the enthusiasm of the public.
01:14All arrangements have been made by the police.
01:19We also have mobile phones.
01:22We have also installed them in the civil area.
01:25You can talk to anyone.