Scrubs lief von 2001 bis 2010 und erhielt 9 Staffeln. Dabei steht im Fokus der Ärzte-Serie oft das Absurde mit Tagträumen oder albernen Situationen zwischen den quirligen Figuren
00:00Coming to ABC. One highly skilled team of medical professionals will find a better place to operate.
00:12Scrubs is moving to ABC.
00:17You're right, that was cheesy.
00:19The Emmy award winning comedy is taking up residence at America's favorite network.
00:24That's why we just stocked up on extra baby oil lotion and diapers.
00:28Why? Is there a party this weekend?
00:30And the entire staff of Sacred Heart has never been more excited.
00:34Hey champ, white has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap.
00:37Well, maybe not everyone.
00:40Wait a second, there's nobody here to see my what the hell face.
00:43But that still means more expert medical opinion.
00:46Either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea.
00:50More comforting bedside manner.
00:52You keep reeling him in, I'll keep reeling him out.
00:54Awesome appropriateness, Doug.
00:56And more silly high concept daydream sequences than ever before.
01:00And as you can see, BS is on the front.
01:05There's certainly been a lot of odd moments around here.
01:08And for some reason, whenever I think about them, the fray is always playing.
01:12Step one, you say we need...
01:17He's dead, Joe. He's never coming back.
01:20You called me Joe.
01:22Do you not like that as a new nickname?
01:24Just a little butch. I like banging dudes, so...
01:27I've heard that's nice.
01:28Okay, it looks benign to me.
01:31Benign? Benign and a half.
01:35New responsibilities await.
01:38I'm a dad.
01:40That's not your kid.
01:42Stop ruining it. Why do you have to ruin things? I'm having a moment here.
01:44Game on!
01:46New challenges lie ahead.
01:49Somebody get him some ice!
01:53But are there new ways to make one man's life a living hell?
01:55The answer is a sincere, emphatic, 100% definitive, never-been-so-sure-of-anything-in-my-life, unequivocal yes.
02:04Scrubs has a new home.
02:10I don't really like downstairs.
02:13Really? Well, I wanted to try it.
02:15Now operating only on ABC.