(Adnkronos) - 'Trasformazione digitale, dentro l'AI'. Questo il titolo del nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A, svoltosi a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma. Tra i temi cardine dell’evento le nuove tendenze del tech, i passi in avanti e i nuovi dubbi che nascono con le applicazioni sempre più marcate dell’intelligenza artificiale. Una trasformazione, quella digitale, che ha assunto velocità diverse nei settori più esposti e che genera conseguenze per il mondo del lavoro: l’offerta cambia e si affermano nuove competenze.
00:00From the new trends of tech to the doubts born with increasingly marked applications of artificial intelligence, the digital transformation travels fast, the changes that it brings with it reflect on the world of work, change the supply and generate the need for new skills.
00:21He talked about it during the new ADN Kronos Q&A appointment, entitled Digital Transformation Inside AI, at the Palazzo dell'Informazione in Rome.
00:31I see many opportunities because certainly the speed of the processes of building, for example, websites or digital information is quite evident.
00:43Under everyone's eyes, clearly this within what I believe is the anthropocentric approach, that is, human control, the so-called seen is printed first.
00:53For companies, one of the most important challenges is called speed, a fundamental tool for intercepting the digital transformation and favoring corporate investment.
01:02So to ensure that the data can be well protected and certainly there is also the computational capacity necessary to be able to develop the algorithms that then allow to make the correct predictive analysis.
01:14Then, as far as human resources are concerned, then the talents, the people with the skills, the skills that know how to manage this new technology.
01:22Finally, companies must work to review all the governance in order to be able to intercept this speed in the best possible way.
01:29Artificial intelligence offers a series of opportunities, but it is not without risks.
01:34The risk, especially in the world of companies, but not only, we also see it in the world of education, training at the university, we also see it in the world of medicine, public health, is to lose sight of who is behind.
01:50In this case, the client, the supplier, the other company, the people.
01:54It is not a desired risk, it is a risk that is unfortunately present to us as a so-called side effect, that is, as a secondary effect of something good.
02:06It means having a lot of data, it means having more information, working with data with intelligence, through artificial intelligence, automating where possible.
02:15It means being more effective, more efficient, but it also sometimes means risking not having more present who is behind these data.
02:24To keep up with the digital transformation, training is essential.
02:28Therefore, training is important, both the specific technique and the one as an agency.
02:34We have contacts with universities, with ITS, where we organize specific courses.
02:40We have a continuous dialogue of effective partnerships to make certain training processes faster and more effective.