AI, Ibarra (Engineering): “Determinante nelle trasformazione di aziende e PA”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’AI ha un ruolo immenso nel processo di trasformazione che vediamo oggi nelle aziende e nella PA perché permette maggiore efficienza e velocità. L’intelligenza artificiale è determinante anche nella possibilità di lanciare nuovi prodotti e servizi sul mercato”. Così Maximo Ibarra, Ceo & General Manager Engineering, in occasione dell'evento “Intelligenza Artificiale, Rischi e Opportunità” organizzato oggi da Adnkronos a Palazzo dell'Informazione.


00:00 What role does AI play in the transformation process?
00:07 AI has an immense role in the transformation processes
00:13 that we see today in companies and in public administration
00:16 because it allows to reach different goals.
00:20 On the one hand, it is more efficient than internal processes,
00:24 so it makes companies work much better inside than in the past.
00:31 It allows to be more productive, more efficient and, above all, to shorten the times,
00:40 so that we can give a much higher speed to the various internal productive processes.
00:46 As for what is done towards the market,
00:49 the Go-to-market, the possibility of launching new products and services,
00:54 AI is becoming more and more important and significant.
00:59 Because even in this case, the productive processes are faster,
01:04 they have fewer defects,
01:06 and it is possible to launch products much faster on the market,
01:10 and, above all, products and services that have a greater relevance
01:13 compared to those that are the needs of customers.
01:16 In terms of efficiency and efficiency, I would say that the role of AI is extremely important.
01:21 Obviously, working on AI for many years,
01:24 we have created a specific competence center,
01:28 so we have put together all the skills,
01:30 the people who work on AI, and those who can work on the front.
01:35 Meanwhile, we use many of the applications internally,
01:38 so we test them internally in our company,
01:42 and then we also propose them outside.
01:44 But what we do is to put in common
01:47 what all our competence centers do,
01:50 also in terms of other technologies.
01:52 Because many of the solutions that exist on the market today
01:55 do not only see the participation or the role of the AI protagonist,
02:00 but the important and relevant role of other technologies that work together,
02:04 such as the cloud, the digital twin,
02:09 rather than other technologies related to quantum computing.
02:13 So, we work together on these technologies,
02:16 building solutions that we propose to companies
02:19 to be able to solve problems, everyday problems,
02:22 or much more complex problems,
02:24 through various applications in the various industrial sectors in which we operate.
02:28 In the meantime, we will have to try to put even more in place
02:32 the network of skills that all companies have today.
02:37 Recently, in the agreement that was held at Como,
02:40 so Como Lake, we proposed an initiative
02:45 to bring together all the academies that companies have in Italy at the moment,
02:51 there are more than 100,
02:53 so as to be able to create a network of skills
02:56 that can act at different levels, in different areas,
03:00 to be able to enhance what training is today in Italy.
03:04 So not only in a specific technology like AI, but in all technologies.
03:08 This is relevant because we will be able to build,
03:11 to create a critical mass,
03:13 important to be able to give an added value
03:15 to the development of technologies,
03:17 in particular AI, which is what we have talked about today.
