लखनऊ – दिल्ली के नेता प्रतिपक्ष विजेंद्र गुप्ता ने दिल्ली के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल पर जोरदार हमला करते हुए कहा कि पीडबल्यूडी के दस्तावेजों के अनुसार जब उस विभाग ने अप्रैल 2022 के बाद केजरीवाल के शीशमहल में कोई चीज नहीं भेजी है तो केजरीवाल के शीशमहल में सोने के कमोड और सोने के वॉश बेसिन कैसे बने? केजरीवाल के शीशमहल में कैसे जिम बनी और कैसे 28 लाख रूपए की टीवी लगाए गए? ये सब चीजें कहां से आईं, किसने केजरीवाल को ये सब दिया? विजेंद्र गुप्ता ने बताया कि इस संबंध में उपराज्यपाल को पत्र लिखकर इस मामले की उच्चस्तरीय जांच की मांग की है।
00:00Since the opening of Sheesh Mahal, every aspect of Kejriwal's corruption has been exposed.
00:07The inventory that came in after the closure of Kejriwal in 2024,
00:16was considered to be worth crores of rupees.
00:21There is lavlashkar, toilets, expensive TVs,
00:28and even gold plated, golden bowls and golden washbasins.
00:37But when we saw that on 22nd April,
00:42when this property was handed over to them,
00:45after being renovated,
00:47the inventory of PWD at that time was very less.
00:52For example, not a single gym equipment could be seen there.
00:57But in 2024, a very luxurious gym was set up on the second floor of Sheesh Mahal.
01:09A TV worth 28 lakhs was set up.
01:12And a golden bowl and a golden washbasin were set up.
01:19Where did all this come from?
01:22Because PWD's documents say that PWD did not give it.
01:28So when Kejriwal was living there between 22nd and 24th,
01:32who were spending crores of rupees to decorate PWD's Sheesh Mahal?
01:42What benefit was given to them in return?
01:45Who were those people who spent that money?
01:50The luxurious PWD was filled with luxury.
01:57After this whole matter came to light,
02:00it is clear that now the whole matter is being solved.
02:05The bribe that was taken in the liquor shop,
02:09a lot of expensive things were put in Sheesh Mahal.
02:16Because PWD's inventory,
02:19and when they vacated the inventory,
02:22PWD says that after April 2022,
02:27they did not supply any items in Sheesh Mahal.
02:35But when Kejriwal was living there between 22nd and 24th,
02:39the decorations that were done in it,
02:41the expensive TV sets were set up,
02:44the golden bowl and the golden washbasin were set up.
02:49Where did all that come from?
02:52Who were the people who were setting it up?
02:54What benefit was given to them in return?
02:56On this whole matter, today I have written a letter to the Governor of Delhi, Mr. V. K. Saxena,
03:02and have asked that all these things should be investigated.
03:06And those agencies should come forward,
03:08those people should come forward,
03:10who are spending crores of rupees on Sheesh Mahal.