• l’année dernière
Elemental is a charming animated film from Disney and Pixar, released on June 16, 2023. Set in the vibrant Element City, where residents embody the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, the story follows Ember, a fiery young woman with a strong personality. Ember's life takes an unexpected turn when she forms a friendship with Wade, a laid-back water element who challenges her preconceived notions about their world.
As Ember and Wade navigate their differences and learn to embrace their unique qualities, they discover that their elemental backgrounds may not be as opposing as they initially thought. The film beautifully explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the importance of understanding one another despite differences.
Directed by Peter Sohn and featuring the voices of Leah Lewis as Ember and Mamoudou Athie as Wade, Elemental combines humor and heartfelt moments to create a captivating story for audiences of all ages. With stunning animation and a compelling narrative, this film is a delightful addition to the Pixar legacy.


