• l’année dernière
Experience the gripping tale of Killers of the Flower Moon, directed by the legendary Martin Scorsese and featuring an all-star cast including Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone. Set in the 1920s, this epic Western crime saga unfolds against the backdrop of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma, where a series of following the discovery of oil on their land. The Osage people, once among the wealthiest in the world, become targets of greed and betrayal as they are systematically for their newfound wealth.
The film intricately weaves together themes of love, loyalty, and injustice through the story of Ernest Burkhart (DiCaprio) and Mollie Kyle (Gladstone), whose relationship is tested by the dark forces at play. As the FBI steps in to unravel this chilling conspiracy, viewers are taken on a journey that reveals both personal and societal struggles. Killers of the Flower Moon not only highlights a tragic chapter in American history but also serves as a poignant reminder of resilience in the face of adversity.
Killers of the Flower Moon is a must-see film that combines masterful storytelling with powerful performances. Don't miss your chance to witness this cinematic achievement that has already garnered critical acclaim and numerous awards.
