What was the biggest challenge for Roger Crawford?
He tells the touching story of a lesson his daughter taught him.
He tells the touching story of a lesson his daughter taught him.
00:00Why do kids make fun of me?
00:04You know, I can remember this experience very vividly even today.
00:07I used to sit outside on my parents' front porch, and I'd watch all the neighborhood children play outside.
00:14And I remember thinking, gosh, I wish I was just like them.
00:17Wish I had normal hands and normal legs.
00:21I remember asking her, Mom, why was I born this way?
00:23And she used to tell me, well, honey, it's because you're not a carbon copy, you're an original.
00:29I remember asking her, Mom, why do kids make fun of me?
00:38And my mother used to say to me, well, honey, that's just a weak person's imitation of strength.
00:46I had an audience member come to me and say, you know, Roger Crawford, I think that quote that you attributed to your mother came from Eleanor Roosevelt.
00:55I said, I'm shocked.
00:57I can't believe Eleanor Roosevelt stole that quote from my mom.
01:03My mom was my hero.
01:05In fact, I remember on the playground, the kids saying, my daddy can beat up your daddy.
01:10And I used to look at them and say, that's no big deal.
01:12My mom can whip him, too.
01:17But my friends, the essence of my life is really not far different than your life.
01:22All of us are going to face adversity.
01:27Real handicaps can be overcome.
01:30It's the imaginary ones in life that really disable us.
01:36My wife and I knew that there was a 50-50 chance that any child we have would have limbs similar to mine.
01:47And I look at my hands and ask this difficult question.
01:53If I had to live my life all over again, would I change my hands or my legs?
01:59And the answer I come up with is no.
02:03Challenges have so many positives in our life.
02:08They teach us compassion and gratitude and empathy.
02:13I was there when Alexa was born.
02:18And there was fear.
02:24I also counted the fingers and toes.
02:27One, two, three, four, five.
02:30Hands and her feet were perfect.
02:34She was in the third grade.
02:37She came to me and she said, daddy, daddy.
02:41I want you to come and speak at my school during an assembly.
02:47I thought to myself, what if she's embarrassed of me?
02:52What if the kids tease Alexa about her dad?
02:58I said, honey, do you realize that if I stand in front of all the boys and girls,
03:03they're going to know about your daddy's hands and about his legs.
03:08Here's what she said.
03:10Daddy, you were born to be an inspirational speaker.
03:17She said, yeah, daddy, you got a peace sign on one hand and a thumbs up on the other.
03:25But I think the degree that our lives and our work are ultimately defined by what we choose to dwell on.
03:31Focus on the opportunities in life or the obstacles.
03:34Problems or the possibilities.
03:39I believe that the greatest resource that we have is our mindset.
03:44It's our ability to choose our attitude.
03:47It is volitional.
03:48And here's why I think it is so crucial.
03:51You very rarely, if ever, perform better than you believe you can.
03:57That's how powerful our beliefs are.
03:59Because our beliefs drive our behaviors.
04:03Some of us have had this experience that if our belief system says something is impossible,
04:09we will then look for evidence in our lives to support that negative mindset.
04:15In the same respect, if you believe that something is possible, something is attainable,
04:20you will look for evidence that will support that optimistic view.
04:25Challenges are inevitable.
04:28But defeat is optional.
04:32Never let acceptable get in the way of exceptional.