(Adnkronos) - L'INPS protagonista alla 41ma assemblea nazionale Anci, a Torino fino al 22 novembre. "Con il nuovo presidente Manfredi ci lega un rapporto antico - dichiara Gabriele Fava, presidente INPS - Rafforzeremo la collaborazione con i comuni a favore del territorio e dei cittadini".
00:00I would like to congratulate the new president of ANCI, Gaetano Manfredi.
00:10He ties us to an old friendship and esteem and therefore we will certainly strengthen
00:15the collaborations with the municipalities in favor of the territory, in favor of all citizens.
00:21The IMSS is primarily aimed at improving and contextualizing services to all citizens.
00:28This will happen through a tangible and concrete collaboration with the municipalities,
00:32through its new president.
00:35The services are at the center of the objectives of the core business.
00:39We will do it through a generative welfare that I am bringing forward more and more.
00:45A welfare that personalizes the services during the lifecycle of all people,
00:50intervening during the need that arises.