• last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolto a Roma il secondo appuntamento di “FutureS”, l’evento organizzato da Sisal per confrontarsi con istituzioni, aziende e opinion maker e discutere delle sfide e delle opportunità legate all'innovazione digitale. Al centro del dibattito il tema delle infrastrutture digitali come motore di sviluppo per il sistema produttivo italiano.


00:00Challenges and opportunities related to digital innovation, new dynamics in the productive sectors,
00:10adequately trained professional figures to keep up with the digital transformation.
00:16We talked about it in Rome during the second appointment of Futures,
00:20an event organized by CISAL that saw the participation of institutions, companies and opinion makers.
00:26Digital infrastructures and data will be more and more relevant for the security of the country's tasks,
00:32so it will become fundamental to invest in infrastructures,
00:36but it becomes even more important to invest in digital skills.
00:39Italy is one of the last countries, from this point of view, in Europe,
00:43with about 50% of the people who do not yet have the basic digital skills.
00:48We must invest in digital skills to allow people to be active
00:54and therefore to make the country more competitive and above all to promote a social inclusion process,
01:00giving everyone the opportunity to acquire those skills that are necessary today to be active in the job market.
01:06Skills that CISAL has provided to its people through an open and inclusive training
01:11that allowed them not only to acquire useful skills for the company,
01:15but also to be more appealing to the job market.
01:18We then worked to build a widespread model on the territory of digital skills,
01:23therefore adding our hubs in Milan, Rome and Turin, as well as hubs in Naples and Palermo.
01:29To promote the development of digital skills, CISAL has launched a series of collaborations with the academic world.
01:35An example is the partnership with the Politecnico di Torino for the development of the second-level Master of Humanities,
01:42which allows people with humanistic skills to also acquire digital and technological skills,
01:48creating hybrid personal figures that are extremely relevant today and that are not available on the job market.
01:55Looking at the trajectories outlined by the 2030 Digital Decade of the European Union,
02:00our country still shows a strong inhomogeneity in digital investments,
02:05with PMIs clearly behind the big companies.
02:09A topic related to those people and skills, also of program management, as is usually said in this profession,
02:16which can help municipalities in the implementation of these projects.
02:21Why? Because when you have a plan, the plan is important and relevant, but then you have to implement it.
02:27Funds are obviously important, but very often they turn out to be much more strategic
02:33than the type of resources available as human capital.
02:37Here, on this part, I think we still have to take important steps forward.
