125-pound golden retriever couldn't even stand up on her own β until she got motivated by tennis balls. So we sent her a box of tons of them to keep her on her weight loss journey!
00:00Oh, my God.
00:03It's an owl?
00:05She could not stand up at all.
00:07She had no light in her eyes.
00:09She just looked at us like, I'm at the end of my rope, guys.
00:12It was hard to see her that miserable and that defeated.
00:17She was very sick in the hospital.
00:19Rover's Retreat, they were looking for a foster
00:21at that time.
00:22I was like, I have to have this dog, no matter what it takes.
00:26Sweetie bubs.
00:28That's OK.
00:29I know it takes all this pain.
00:31The overarching problems with her were her mobility.
00:35She needed to lose about half of her weight.
00:39Frannie, come here.
00:41She had no interest in anything.
00:47Good girl, Frannie.
00:49But as soon as we found that she likes tennis balls,
00:53her little mentality changed quite a lot.
00:55Here she goes.
00:57That was the moment where I was like, OK,
00:58she wants to fight for this, and I'm
01:00going to back her all the way.
01:02Are you so happy?
01:07Good girl, Frannie.
01:10She started taking steps on her own.
01:12Frannie slowly started making progress
01:14and slowly started losing weight.
01:17We figured out that she really loves being pet.
01:21She wants to be pet all the time.
01:26No, Frannie, no.
01:27The tennis balls really just helped us continue her progress
01:30with chasing it, and we use it to help on walks.
01:33Go, Frannie, go.
01:34Go, Frannie.
01:35Good girl.
01:37The Dodo saw how motivated Frannie was to get
01:40moving with her tennis balls, so they sent us a surprise.
01:43We opened a box of about a million tennis balls.
01:46What do you think?
01:47There's a lot of balls there.
01:50And Frannie had the time of her life.
01:52It was probably her favorite day ever.
01:56We would play with her, and she would be wagging her tail.
02:00Good job.
02:01Love helped her so much throughout this journey.
02:04Her personality was really starting to shine.
02:09She started kind of rooting around in our toy bin.
02:13Wants to look for all the treats and all the balls.
02:15Somebody was bad girl.
02:21Being able to go on a walk without help was just huge.
02:26She's counting it now.
02:27Hitting the 0.1 mile and then hitting the 0.25.
02:31The mile is the longest she's ever gone.
02:34I still can't believe it.
02:35I was so proud of her.
02:37You got it, girl.
02:41She's the prettiest girl in the world.
02:45We've become so close throughout this journey.
02:47I wasn't going to be able to give her back.
02:50Or have someone else take her.
02:51I decided that I was going to officially adopt her.
02:58Look at those steps.
02:59Yeah, I feel like she's so much more confident.
03:01Every milestone that she gets through is a reward to me.
03:06I'm just so happy to continue her journey with her.
03:09And it just makes me so happy to see how happy she is.
03:13Good girl.
03:17Good girl.
03:19Get it.
03:21It's so fun.
03:23Get it, Mimi.