• l’année dernière


00:00🎵 Read and write 🎵
00:02🎵 and surf the net all of the day and all of the night 🎵
00:06🎵 Cornille, you can talk! 🎵
00:07🎵 and much more, Bernie, but keep it to yourself 🎵
00:10🎵 If you let the cat out of the bag, you'd be a celebrity! 🎵
00:13🎵 Then you'd wanna lead a dark life 🎵
00:15🎵 The secret's gotta stay with you and me! 🎵
00:17🎵 Watch my chops, shush! 🎵
00:19🎵 It's no joke, the dog is broke, he said, watch my chops 🎵
00:22🎵 They must never hear a word a talking dog... 🎵
00:27How absurd.
00:36Ha ha ha, yeah!
00:39I don't care if it IS family!
00:41Uncle Rico can't make me get my hair cut!
00:43I'd rather sacrifice my best friend.
00:45Excuse me?!
00:48Cornille, old buddy, old pal!
00:50Say, you're looking downright shaggy I'd say.
00:55You think so?
00:57You need a trim.
01:00Hi Beth, don't you think it's time to have Corneal groomed?
01:10You're so right, Bernie. I'll make an appointment with Van Goose, his favorite dog groomer.
01:17Hey, I've got a better idea. My Aunt Gina just opened her own grooming parlor. I'll take Corneal to her.
01:24Well, Corneal is used to Van Goose. I don't know...
01:29Don't worry Beth, my Aunt Gina is the Quaffer Queen.
01:41Bernie, you really are the world's best dog sitter.
01:51Bernie, you know that I'm not in the least bit fussy about my appearance.
01:56But I somehow doubt that your Aunt Gina measures up to Van Goose's standards.
02:01Don't worry, Aunt Gina's got ten times the standards of, uh, what's-his-face.
02:05His name is Van Goose, and his manicures are divine. Can your aunt say the same?
02:12Aunt Gina? Sure!
02:16Hey, Bernie, weren't you going to see your Aunt Gina? You know the family has to stick together.
02:21The bodges for all and all for the bodges!
02:25Uh, as a matter of fact, Uncle Rico, I'm on my way there with Corneal.
02:34Bernie, how did your uncle know you were going to see your Aunt Gina?
02:38Well, uh, because, uh, she's my favorite aunt. Let's go!
02:44Mustn't be late for your grooming session.
02:47Aunt Gina's hair salon?
02:50Oh, Dad! Uh, well, Aunt Gina's giving up hairstyling and going into the dog grooming business.
02:55She's really amazing, you'll see!
03:09Bernie, my favorite nephew!
03:12Bernie, my favorite nephew!
03:23But look at your hair! We're giving that mop a good trim right now!
03:27No! Wait, Aunt Gina!
03:29We're here to get Corneal groomed.
03:32A dog?
03:35Yeah, remember you said you wanted to open a dog grooming shop?
03:38I did.
03:39Yeah, you said, this shop is going to the dogs.
03:41And since we bodges stick together, I brought you your first client.
03:46You know, Bernie, you're right. It's time for a change.
03:50Come back this evening and I'll give Corneal my first grooming session.
03:56Tomorrow, Gina will take care of your mop.
03:59How bad can it be? She's a grooming disaster!
04:03Bernie, I know you'd like to help your Aunt Gina, but for the last time...
04:10Look, Corneal, give it up! You're getting groomed by Aunt Gina.
04:14Because there's no way she's getting anywhere near my head!
04:18I mean, uh, oops.
04:20Wait a minute! You're sending me to be butchered by Aunt Gina instead of you?
04:27In a word, yes.
04:29Yes. Uncle Rico palmed it off on to me and now it's your turn.
04:37Watch my chops!
04:39If your aunt so much as touches a hair of my coat, I will sue you and the whole bodges family!
05:00Go for it! I can see it now!
05:03Talking dogs whose dogs hit her family. Looks like you're stuck, old buddy.
05:09I'm sorry, Bernie, but he who laughs last, laughs longest.
05:22Bernie, it looks like we'll have to cancel with your Aunt Gina.
05:26No way!
05:31I mean, no way I can let Corneal suffer like this.
05:35I'll be right back.
05:41Here, hold this.
05:43See? You'll see, his temperature will go down.
05:46You're right, Bernie. How did you do it?
05:49An old family secret. Pure honey. It works every time.
05:52And after his grooming, he'll feel even better.
05:55What would we do without you, Bernie?
06:00Bernie, are you sure you want to stay here?
06:03Yes, I'm sure.
06:05I'm sure.
06:07I'm sure.
06:09I'm sure.
06:11I'm sure.
06:14Bernie, are you sure Corneal is all right?
06:18Yes, hello. Van Goose's Dog Grooming Parlor, please.
06:23Trust me, when you get back from your exhibition, you won't even recognize him.
06:29Yes, I'd like you to come right away. Perfect. Goodbye.
06:34Now to get rid of a certain dog-sitter.
06:37You know, Bernie, I've been thinking.
06:40All this fuss over a simple dog grooming.
06:43I feel ridiculous.
06:45I'm ready to go to Argentina's.
06:47That's the spirit, Corneal. You've finally come to your senses.
06:50Okay, let's go.
06:52Oh, wait.
06:54I can't go without my collar.
06:56I think I left it at your place this morning.
06:58Would you mind checking for me?
07:00Sure. Boy, oh boy.
07:02You're just lucky I'm such a nice guy.
07:05Bernie, what's this?
07:07I thought I told you to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:10Um, actually, Aunt Gina doesn't give haircuts anymore.
07:14She's starting a dog grooming business.
07:16And Corneal's going to be her first customer.
07:18Ah, poor little fella.
07:21You're going to have to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:24No, I'm not going to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:27I'm not going to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:29I'm not going to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:31I'm not going to get a haircut at Gina's.
07:34Well, at least he doesn't know what he's in for.
07:37Looks like you got lucky this time.
07:41Hello there, Von Goose. Come in.
07:44Sorry, but I'm on the phone.
07:46I'll send Corneal right out for his grooming.
07:49Man, the things a dog-seater has to do.
07:54Oh, dear. My little cupcake.
07:57Oh, dear. Oh, dear. You do need grooming.
08:00Never mind.
08:01You'll be lovely again in no time.
08:04How could he leave his stupid collar down here this morning?
08:07When he wasn't even here this morning!
08:10That dirty dog!
08:12My, my, my. You are in a hurry.
08:17So, you thought your little scheme would work, did you?
08:21Excuse me, young man.
08:24I am Theodore Marie Von Goose, dog groomer to the stars.
08:29I'm talking to the dog, not you.
08:32I'm going to file a complaint.
08:35Go on, then. With my dog, that will make two.
08:40Well, well. Foiled again.
08:42Look, Corneal, I know it's not fair,
08:44but Aunt Gina can shave you and dye you bright green.
08:46She's not touching my hair.
08:48Got it.
08:50Help! Police! I'm about to be shorn like a pitiful sheep.
08:52Good grief, Corneal.
08:54You think the police are going to get you out of this now?
08:56So, let me get this straight.
08:58You called the police to play a joke on your dog?
09:01Well, yeah. I mean, no.
09:04It was actually the dog who called you.
09:06I mean, I called you, but we're over it now.
09:09Aren't we, Corneal?
09:11Your jokes will cost you a lot, young man.
09:14I hope you can afford to joke with the police.
09:18Oh, dear me, Bernie.
09:20After paying your fine,
09:22I'm afraid you won't have any money left to pay for my grooming.
09:25Nice try, Corneal.
09:26But Aunt Gina's family,
09:28she'll do you for free.
09:31Bernie, I beg you, please.
09:33I'll do anything.
09:37End of the line. Everyone off.
09:41Here we are, Gina.
09:43Just like we promised.
09:45Like Uncle Rico says,
09:47we barges have to support one another.
09:49Yeah, right.
09:51First, Rico bails out on me,
09:53says I should give you a haircut instead.
09:54Now you show up with a dog?
09:56It'd be nice if we barges could finally just make up our minds.
10:00What's wrong with him?
10:02He looks sick.
10:04No, nothing like that.
10:06He's just upset.
10:15And now, the clip-ins.
10:25All right, Corneal, that's enough.
10:27I'll help you hold him, Aunt Gina.
10:29Here, go ahead.
10:31Stand back, Bernie. You never know what might...
10:50Bernie, are you coming?
10:52First tell me there's nobody out there.
11:00I'm ruined.
11:02With a haircut like this, my friends will make fun of me for weeks.
11:05Come on, Bernie.
11:07As you said, how bad could it be?
11:09Oh, and Bernie,
11:11Vongoose's shop is just down the street.
11:13Would you mind dropping me off for my manicure, please?
