• last year
ZeroHedge posted: "Trump’s Return Equals Globalism’s Death," because of Donald Trump's anti-globalism views and his plan for the increased use of tariffs. If that is true, that did not stop the World Economic Forum's latest 'Strategic Intelligence Outlook' meeting and its push for a globalist agenda. Does the Bible warn against what sounds like the WEF's 'Great Reset'? Do groups like the WEF, Vatican, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, United Nations, and European Union have any positive goals? What is the problem with the globalist agenda according to Psalm 127:1? Has the WEF made proposals that sound like would lead to the prophesied 'famine of the word' of Amos 8:11-12? Does the Bible tell of a coming loss of sovereignty in Europe in Revelation 17:12-13? Does the Bible warn of a totalitarian '666' power in Revelation 13:15-18? What do the globalists want? Did Dr. Ted Malloch claim, "Today that Tower of Babel is the European Union and other globalist organizations"? Are their similarities between the EU and the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11? Does the Bible teach that the woman that rides the beast resides in a city that Roman Catholic scholars say is Rome? Will a Babylonian European Beast power arise for a time, before it is destroyed? Will Donald Trump be able to stop that? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'ZH: Trump’s Return Equals Globalism’s Death; COGwriter: Well, the WEF has been holding meetings and totalitarism is coming' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/zh-trumps-return-equals-globalisms-death-cogwriter-well-the-wef-has-been-holding-meetings-and-totalitarism-is-coming/


