The old world order is receding rapidly as preparations are underway to receive the coming Antichrist, and there is perhaps no place more incendiary right now than what happened yesterday. We told you how Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman chose to not renew their Petro Dollar contract with the United States, something that gave America supreme financial dominance around the world over the past half century. Now the US will have to compete with the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, but that's not the worst of it. CBDC with its human-implantable microchip implications is coming like a freight train. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, look anywhere around you on the global landscape, and it's nothing but crazy town from every angle. In just the past 24 hours, we've learned that the Earth's inner core has reversed its direction, NATO says a minimum of 300,000 troops are on high readiness, Pope Francis will address the G7 as king of Vatican City, and Bird Flu continues it headlong rush forward to become Disease X. Also at the G7 yesterday, the US signed a Bilateral Security Agreement with Ukraine and will help them fight Russia with boots on the ground. If all that is not enough, how about the IDF, who possesses some of the most-advanced military technology on the planet, fighting Hezbollah with a trebuchet straight out of 2 Chronicles 26:15? Only instead of flinging stones and arrows, they are hurling fireballs! Christian, the end times are no longer knocking on the door, they have kicked it in and are swarming from all directions. Flight 777 now boarding!