• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il gruppo Iren partecipa alla 41ma assemblea nazionale Anci, al Lingotto Fiere di Torino fino al 22 novembre. "Mettiamo a disposizione la nostra esperienza per migliorare, senza più investire grosse cifre, l'efficienza degli edifici delle pubbliche amministrazioni - commenta il presidente di Iren, Luca dal Fabbro.


00:00A public administration does not have to invest money, it has to decide which buildings it
00:12wants to make more efficient, and then companies like IREN, we have shown this in Turin, make
00:18their own know-how available, projects are made, schools are put in place, public buildings,
00:27hospitals, and they become more efficient thermically and energetically, which means saving money,
00:32and with this saving money the financing is repaid, so the municipal administration does not
00:37invest money, it makes the buildings more efficient, even with better comfort.
00:44Think of the examples we have talked about today, schools, children will have, and they will have,
00:49with the new schools we have made in Turin, a better lighting, safer fuses,
00:56and a thermal situation of great comfort, different schools for our children, I think they deserve it.
