• 2 years ago
Wokeism, Disney, drag shows ...

Here's everything 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has waged a war against.
00:00Florida is where Woke goes to die.
00:03Our children are not guinea pigs for science experimentation.
00:06Today, the corporate kingdom finally comes to an end.
00:19Wokeism is really a form of cultural Marxism.
00:22The Wokeism is the new religion of the left.
00:26People do things like Woke math.
00:27And I'm thinking to myself, 2 plus 2 equals 4.
00:31It's not 2 plus 2, well, let's have a struggle session over that.
00:35There's a right answer here.
00:36We reject this Woke ideology.
00:42We seek normalcy, not philosophical lunacy.
00:46We will never surrender to the Woke mob.
00:49Florida is where Woke goes to die.
00:53Disney came out against something that was really just about protecting young kids
01:02and making sure that students are able to go to school learning to read, write, add, and subtract
01:07and not having a teacher tell them that they can change their gender.
01:10How do you give one theme park its own government
01:13and then treat all the other theme parks differently?
01:17I don't think the suit has merit.
01:18I think it's political.
01:19They're upset because they're actually having to live by the same rules as everybody else.
01:24They don't want to have to pay the same taxes as everybody else.
01:27And they want to be able to control things without proper oversight.
01:37We have seen curriculum embedded for very, very young children,
01:43classroom materials about sexuality and Woke gender ideology.
01:47And so in Florida, we will make sure that parents can send their kids to school
01:52to get an education, not an indoctrination.
01:59We're not doing the Pronoun Olympics in Florida.
02:01It's not happening here.
02:02Let the kids be kids.
02:08It's sad that we have to say this, but our children are not guinea pigs for science experimentation
02:14and we cannot allow people to make money off mutilating them.
02:18They're trying to do sex change operations on minors,
02:23giving them things like puberty blockers and doing things that are irreversible to them.
02:33And I'm not going to allow any sanctuary cities in the state of Florida.
02:37Overnight, a Texas sheriff has opened an investigation
02:40into how 48 Venezuelan migrants, legal, were flown from his state to Martha's Vineyard.
02:46I also was a little bit perplexed when I heard that the president is scrambling to get his cabinet together
02:55to try to address the fact that you have governors
03:00who are helping to relocate illegal aliens to sanctuary cities.
03:04It's only when you have 50 illegal aliens end up in a very wealthy, rich sanctuary enclave
03:14that he decides to scramble on this.
03:17It has recklessly facilitated open borders, making a mockery of the rule of law,
03:23allowing massive amounts of narcotics to infect our states,
03:28importing criminal aliens, and greenlighting the flow of millions of illegal aliens into our country,
03:35burdening communities and taxpayers throughout the land.
03:43A woman should not be in a locker room having to worry about someone from the opposite sex being in their locker room.
03:52And it's happened with athletics, with our girl athletes and women athletes.
03:57We want to make sure that our girls and our women are protected.
04:02And so this bill does that.
04:07There's no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory.
04:13Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.
04:22We want to teach history, all history.
04:24It's got to be accurate, though.
04:25And we are not going to be in a situation where we're taking George Washington's name off schools,
04:32taking down statues of Thomas Jefferson.
04:35And that's what those people who want CRT want to do.
04:38They want to change history.
04:40This course on black history, what's one of the lessons about?
04:45Queer theory.
04:47Now, who would say that an important part of black history is queer theory?
04:53That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids.
04:56And so when you look to see they have stuff about intersectionality, abolishing prisons, that's a political agenda.
05:08Florida, you know, girls are going to play girls sports and boys are going to play boys sports.
05:13That's what we're doing.
05:14And we're going to make sure that that's the reality.
05:16You can't be competing on the men's team for three years, switch to the women's and what?
05:22All of a sudden you're the champion.
05:24That is not right.
05:29And we must ensure that our institutions of higher learning are focused on academic excellence and the pursuit of truth,
05:36not the imposition of trendy ideologies.
05:40This should not be based on political litmus tests.
05:43You know, you should not have current faculty be able to veto someone because they're not towing an ideological line.
05:49What we want is we want very high performing faculty.
05:57There was a video out of Dallas where they had all these young kids putting money in the underwear of these drag queens at a bar.
06:05And that's totally unacceptable.
06:08A week or two later, there was video from a place that had similar stuff.
06:12And then that was identified as being in Florida.
06:15Having kids involved in this is wrong.
06:20My view is, is, you know, if you're going to do some type of student loan, you know, relief, it's not really relief because people are still paying for it.
06:29But the people that should pay for it is not the American taxpayers.
06:32It should be the university should be responsible.