“An action guy with eight packs, girl on my side, a glock in my hand, and speak in baritone.” That’s the kind of actor SRK wanted to become but the universe had other plans…
Short filmTranscript
00:00I've never been off in the film in Hollywood or in England supposedly allegedly slumdog millionaire you turned down
00:07Yes slumdog was there
00:09Now that you mentioned it, but I was doing who wants to be a millionaire on television
00:13And I just felt in the story that was being told the guy who was hosting was very mean and the guys who were producing
00:19The show wanted me to do the film. I just found it
00:22You know this guy's I was cheating and being dishonest as the host
00:26So I just found that it's very strange that I'm being a host and I'm cheating in the film
00:30So I explained to mr. Boyle that I wouldn't like to do it, please
00:36If you had to define
00:41SRK film what would it be I
00:44Never wanted to be someone who's like I say
00:48peddling love or
00:50Sell it off dreams. I wanted to be an action guy with eight packs and beat up people being a white
00:58girl on my side with a Glock in my hand and
01:02speak in baritone
01:05And things like that, but I never got the opportunity
01:08I don't know when I started off suddenly everybody started think of me as someone who's
01:13You know promising hope giving hope and spreading love
01:18Like I spread my arms again and again supposedly
01:212011 DiCaprio never happened
01:24Supposedly allegedly Slumdog Millionaire you turned down allegedly
01:28Why hasn't the crossover taken place? I don't see why it should you're a big enough name in your own
01:36Genre, but why has crossover not taken place? I've said this honestly, but nobody believes it
01:42So I'm gonna say to you very very honestly
01:45Nobody's ever offered me any work
01:47crossover of
01:49Substance I may have had conversations with people
01:52I know lots of lovely people from the West from the English film industry from the American film industry
01:57But nobody's offered me any good work. You know I hear actors talk about oh, yes. I want to cross over
02:03I won't take Indian cinema
02:04I think I'm I still have to learn how to be able to deliver to the audience that likes me and
02:09You know instead of spreading myself too thin and then yeah of course if you've not been offered a job
02:14How do you take it so really I've never been offered a film in
02:17Hollywood or in England yes Slumdog was there
02:21Now that you mentioned it, and I spent a lot of time with mr.. Boyle. He's very sweet
02:26But I was doing who wants to be a millionaire on television
02:30Successfully successfully at that time, and I just felt in the story that was being told the guy who was hosting was very mean
02:37In the story that was being told and I'm like you know I'm here
02:41Slumdog million and the guys who were producing the show wanted me to do the film
02:44I just found it. You know this guy's I was cheating and being dishonest as the host
02:49So I just found that it's very strange that I'm being a host and I'm cheating in the film so I explained to mr.
02:55Boyle that I wouldn't like to do it, please and they're way better actors than me
02:58And I think mr.. Anil Kapoor did it and he was fantastic as the host
03:03When the person's getting close to a million
03:08The top in who wants to be a millionaire that moment, what do you feel?
03:16Genuinely when I was hosting it, I would hope they win it. I really really
03:22Done a quiz show myself
03:25And there comes a point
03:28When you think how close can I get
03:32To getting them to win it without yeah, did you know what I mean?
03:36I always did that you know when I was
03:39Because there's so many people from different parts of the country
03:42And I really want them to win and you yes you do try to be a little helpful
03:46But you can't you can't you can't because the producer keeps shouting in your ears don't you've said enough
03:52You can't talk about it and unfortunately the last four questions or the last two questions are extremely difficult
03:58You know suddenly they're thrown upon you, and you're like oh my god
04:00This person is not going to get the answer and I feel really bad
04:03And I try to think I wish I had some hint
04:05And I can't mislead the person by trying to give that in because I also mostly didn't know the answer