• last year
Things don't sound good for Wendy Williams ... her battle with dementia has left the former talk show host "permanently incapacitated" ... at least according to her guardian.


00:00Wendy Williams condition is not getting any better. In fact, it is getting worse
00:05You know, of course that she was diagnosed with dementia and it's the same form that Bruce Willis has, right?
00:12And it is gotten temporal way worse. It is permanent according to these new filings and
00:21The Guardian is alarmed that information is getting out
00:25Wendy is being taken advantage of and they want to put a stop to all of it now, right?
00:30This is a financial guardian that was put in place by Wells Fargo Bank
00:34but the financial guardian is now really
00:38stepping up and
00:40Defending Wendy against what the Guardian sees as people trying to exploit her now
00:46Exploiter in terms of look
00:48I mean there was a big documentary on her and the Guardian was opposed to that even coming out
00:52Tried at the last minute to get it and and in these documents they say this was cruel this you know
00:58She was clearly not with it disheveled yet. They did it. Anyway take an advantage of their take an advantage of
01:05financially by people right and the Guardian says this is so alarming and I think
01:10The reason the Guardian wants things now private in all of these filings is because if they're not private
01:18It's gonna show everybody how vulnerable Wendy is
01:21And that she's gonna be exploited
01:23And so they want to redact as much as possible from the various documents
01:29That they're gonna have to file to maintain this guardianship
01:32Yeah, essentially they're just trying to protect Wendy
01:34But the biggest thing I felt like in this letter that was filed is by them saying permanently
01:39Incapacitated I mean to me that that sounds pretty bad because we got that photo
01:44I think just a few months ago in August she was at like a New Jersey
01:48Holistic shop or something and some fans spotted her and honestly when I saw the photo
01:52I thought she looked pretty good
01:53So I don't know I mean obviously you could dementia you you can look like you're doing great
01:58And maybe maybe she's not but it's obviously shows that Wendy's not doing very well right now
02:03I mean we never see her and I think you're right that the Guardian is
02:08Doesn't want all of that information out there to protect her not just for her image. That's part of it
02:13I'm sure but
02:16Financial guardian so they're worried about exploitation and look we've seen unfortunately we've seen some of the effects of this
02:24Condition because we've seen Bruce Willis go through it and his family at times has been more open and that they are want people to see
02:32What Bruce's life is like from time to time there's a difference because in Bruce Willis's case
02:38He's really being protected by the family exactly that's what I was gonna say that that's the difference
02:42He's not right. I mean she really doesn't have a family. She has a child, but you know
02:48look she had a very rancorous divorce and
02:52You know when you read this document. They're saying she has been taken advantage of left and right
02:59Hi, I'm Ava from Phoenix, Arizona
03:02I think we all want Wendy Williams to be protected from exploitation
03:08But there's also a desire from her fans to know that she is being protected and
03:13There's a concern there that if there's too much privacy and too much emphasis on protecting her privacy
03:18Then people aren't going to know that the people around her have her best interest at heart
03:24there are going to be a lot of questions regarding who these guardians are and
03:28What their authority is and how far they're willing to go to protect her privacy and are they in fact making the best?
03:35Decisions for her Ava you triggered me
03:39And I'll tell you why to me
03:41that's the problem that when fans think that they should be informed and
03:47Voice how they feel about something like this glad you said it
03:52But I just I just think that the legal system when you have a guardianship like this
03:57It needs to be looked at by the Guardian and not what the public wants
