• last year
Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on September 16 in Wanaparthy, Telangana. Now it appears the couple has celebrated their union once again, this time with a royal ceremony in Jaipur. The couple exchanged wedding vows again at Alila Fort Bishangarh in Rajasthan. On Wednesday, Aditi and Siddharth posted dreamy photos from their second wedding on their respective Instagram handles. Aditi looks pretty as a bride in a traditional red lehenga choli, while the actor compliments her in an ivory white sherwani. The 'Heeramandi' actress completes her look with traditional Indian jewelry, including a matha patti, nose ring, earrings, and gold ornaments. Sharing photos, Hydari wrote in the caption, “The best this to hold on to in life is each other.”

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00:00Aditi Rao Haidari and Siddharth tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on September 16 in
00:06Wanaparthi, Telangana.
00:08Now it appears the couple has celebrated their union once again, this time with a royal ceremony
00:14in Jaipur.
00:15The couple exchanged wedding vows again at Alila Fort Bishangar in Rajasthan.
00:21On Wednesday, Aditi and Siddharth posted dreamy photos from their second wedding on their
00:26respective Instagram handles.
00:28Aditi looks pretty as a bride in a traditional red lehenga choli, while the actor compliments
00:33her in an ivory-white shirwani.
00:36The Hiramandi actress completes her look with traditional Indian jewellery, including a
00:40mata patti, nose ring, earrings and gold ornaments.
00:45Sharing photos, Haidari wrote in the caption,
00:48The best this to hold on to in life is each other.
00:52Shortly after Aditi shared the post, her fans and friends from the industry flooded the
00:57comments with heartfelt well-wishes.
01:00Aditi and Siddharth have officially registered their marriage on Diwali this year, two months
01:05after their wedding.
01:06The duo got married at a temple in a traditional South Indian ceremony in Telangana, after
01:11being in a relationship for nearly three years.
01:14Sharing the photos, they wrote,
01:17You are my sun, my moon and all my stars.
01:20To being pixie soulmates for eternity.
01:23To laughter, to never growing up.
01:25To eternal love, light and magic.
01:28Mrs. and Mr. Adu Sidhu.
01:30Earlier this year, Siddharth proposed to Aditi at her favourite childhood spot, proposing
01:36at a moment when she least expected it.
01:38The couple first met on the sets of the 2021 film Maha Samudram.
01:44Aditi and Siddharth fuelled dating rumours with their frequent outings together following
01:48their film.
01:50Last year, the couple confirmed their engagement.
