• el año pasado


00:30So, as your governor, I've never been more proud of what the men and
00:39women of our state have stepped up to done.
00:43I know that your service has taken you away from your families and from other endeavors,
00:48but I know this also.
00:50There's nothing else you could have done in your life during the time of your service
00:53right now that's either more important or that would have played a more transformative
00:59role in your state and your country.
01:02So, as your governor and as your commander-in-chief, I say thank you for your service.
01:11You have made Texas proud.
01:14Governor, you're a great leader, it's been an honor to have President Trump stepping
01:26up, coming in, and taking care of the border once and for all.
01:30Things like what have happened over the past few years have never before happened in the
01:34history of the United States of America.
01:36It required an unprecedented response to an unprecedented threat.
01:43When I'm using the word threat, I don't do it offhandedly.
01:47Every governor would have had, unfortunately they didn't.
01:50A lot of them supported the effort.
01:56At the heels of the biggest illegal immigration crisis we've ever seen in this nation, there
02:04has to be a massive deportation operation, because 9 out of 10 of these people, based
02:09on 10 years of data, they'll lose their case, get oil removal.
02:13If we don't remove them, what the hell are we doing?
02:17The whole world's going to know, enter the country leaving with the crime, make a false
02:20claim to asylum, get oil removed, but you still have to go home.
