• last year
दिल्ली: कांग्रेस के सांसद शशि थरूर ने प्रियंका गांधी वाड्रा के पहली बार वायनाड से चुनकर संसद पहुंचने और शीतकालीन सत्र में हिस्सा लेने पर कहा कि कल समिति की एक मीटिंग में हमने डायस्पोरा की समस्याओं पर चर्चा की। आप्रवासी मजदूर विदेश जा रहे हैं। घरेलू मजदूरों को समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ रहा है और कई सांसदों के क्षेत्र के लोगों को विदेश में समस्या हो रही है तो इसमें कई सारे पहलू शामिल थे। इसके अलावा प्रियंका गांधी के पहली बार सांसद बनकर संसद सत्र में हिस्सा लेने पर शशि थरूर ने कहा कि मैंने तो उनके लिए प्रचार भी किया था वायनाड में और मैं खुश हूं कि इतने बड़े बहुमत से वो जीतकर आई है। मैं उनकी इस जीत से बहुत खुश हूं।

#shashitharoor #congress #immigration #bangladesh #priyankagandhi #parliamentsession


00:00Yesterday, the committee had a meeting in which we discussed the problems of our diaspora,
00:06the immigrants, the laborers going abroad, the people being trafficked, the domestic
00:12workers who are having problems, the immigrant, the need for a new immigration bill.
00:16All of these issues were discussed yesterday.
00:19And because so many MPs have issues involving their constituents facing problems abroad,
00:26people stuck in the Russian front with Ukraine, people caught up in the Middle East, all sorts
00:32of other issues.
00:33There was a lot of interest.
00:34We had a very good turnout.
00:35Twenty-two MPs attended.
00:36It was very unusual to have such a large turnout in a routine meeting.
00:41And we had a full discussion that ran over time.
00:43So there was no time for any other issue.
00:45It was entirely focused on immigration.
00:47The House is adjourned again today.
00:49And I think that at some point, we will really need to see some genuine progress on the government
00:56and the opposition coming together so we can continue to discuss the issues interesting
01:01the public in the floor of the House rather than have this kind of discussion.
01:05Yes, we have.
01:06That will be coming up.
01:07We meet once a week.
01:09So we'll be having a briefing on Bangladesh in a couple of weeks' time, on the 11th of
01:14Next week, there are other pending issues which the foreign secretary will be briefing
01:17us on.
01:18Bangladesh will follow the following week.
01:20It seems very grave and troubling.
01:21And I think we are all very concerned.
01:23All Indians will be concerned because this is a next-door neighbor whose well-being we
01:27are concerned about.
01:28I must say that it's not only the foreign ministry that's keeping an eye on the situation.
01:33I think all concerned Indian citizens are worried about some of the reports coming
01:37in from Bangladesh.
