• last year
Mientras que el abogado querellante, Juan Pablo Gallego presentó un carta documento dirigida a América Noticias, el programa Alerta 24, Nahuel Suárez y el Grupo América.

El titular de la Alameda anunció, acusa a estas entidades de complicidad e investigación encubierta. Además, reveló su intención de convertirse en querellante en múltiples casos de trata sexual y laboral. La audiencia ante la Cámara está programada para el 16 de diciembre.

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00:00We are in contact with Gustavo Vera, I named you Gustavo, sorry, we are in a situation, I don't know if you knew him, there is a presentation of a letter of documents with four destinataries, America News, not really, America or the news of 24, the alert program 24, Nahuel Suárez and the group America directly.
00:21Accomplices, investigators, cover-ups and all sorts of things.
00:25And I told, I told Gustavo, I allowed myself to remember this, the day that Juan Pablo Gallego, several interviews that we talked with him, and he started talking about you as if you were the one who took Logan, practically, or the guy who was behind a cover-up orchestra, etc., etc., etc.
00:47And I said, we don't think like him, but we don't cut him either, we let him speak, beyond the fact that we have an affection for you, that we know your work, but we don't cut him, and he, in this way ...
01:00In any case, we question that statement.
01:04That's what we have to do. But here we are seeing that what is sought is to shut us up. I don't know if you see the same, I think you yourself are suffering from this experience, right?
01:16Yes, indeed. This was something that the government of the province had already announced through Juan Pablo Viñolo, you will remember, a few months ago, when he said in a report that he was going to take care, one by one, of all those who manhandled the supposed presumed good name and honor of the management of the government of the province of Corrientes.
01:39And well, from there a systematic attack began on all the people who, in good faith, wrong or not, but in good faith, were looking, let's say, to know about the whereabouts of Logan, about his forced disappearance, about the reasons, the reasons, about the narco plot that is indisputably behind this issue.
01:58Also the plot, obviously, of Tata, because obviously the narco mixes with other types of crimes that have to do with organized crime. I came this morning, I just returned today at 6 in the morning, from an international seminar in Cartagena, in which I was the one who made the opening, together with the mayor of Cartagena.
02:18A seminar in which they participated, listen, the State Department, the Office Against Organized Crime of the United Nations, the Secretariat of Social Inclusion of the OAS, several multilateral organizations also participated, the most recognized worldwide in the matter of the fight against trafficking, and they gave me the honor of being the one who opens and traces, in some way, the general guidelines of what happens in trafficking worldwide.
02:45Therefore, obviously, they are very informed people, and of course they don't pay much attention to the nonsense and slander and slander that Mr. Gallego says.
02:56It took me a while to notice, one by one, all the slander. I would suggest to Dr. Gallego to go, seeing how he is going to try to argue and defend all the nonsense he said, because I'm going to follow it to the bottom of the bed, on the subject of non-profit, on the subject of compensation for damages and damages, with the help of the whole team of Dr. Miguel Angel Pierri.
03:21So now, this is new, you are suing Juan Pablo Gallego with Miguel Angel Pierri at the head as your lawyer?
03:31Exactly. I'm suing him, and I'm going to sue him at the height of the enormous damage he intended to do to an organization like Alameda, which was the one that installed the fight against trafficking workshops, which was the one that closed thousands of prostitutes, which was the one that messed with powerful people from any party or of any color, and which is recognized worldwide.
03:52But now, Gustavo, why do you think, beyond the fact that Gallego is the representative lawyer, along with Roberto Mendes, of the family, why do you think that he directly throws a missile at Alameda and you, your person, directly with a series of comments, right?
04:13Why? Why Gallego, who is the one who put Father Graci in prison, who worked against this abhorrent crime, why today, in the face of the same situation, the same suspicion, would act in this way?
04:28Well, let's see, Dr. Gallego was with me on one of your shows, next to me, affirming everything I said and praising Alameda, but suddenly it seems that money makes the man dance, as the saying goes.
04:42And evidently, this man, as he does not understand, does not have a heart and understands from the pocket, let's talk about the pocket. Yes, that's why he calls me to silence, because when the lawsuit comes, I promise you that I will continue this lawsuit until the end, but not only that, I will continue until the end in the search of the OAN.
05:00And that's why we ask you to be credible, the judge in the first instance rejected it, Judge Fresneda, when you pleaded, accepted our appeal, on December 16 we have the hearing in front of the Chamber and we are going to explain in the Chamber why, in multiple causes of sexual treatment, labor treatment and connected crimes, Alameda can be credible, which Mr. Gallego minimized.
05:24And I promise you that we are also continuing to investigate numerous clues, which I am not going to say publicly because this is too much, but as soon as it is credible, do not doubt it, we will go with everything.
05:42And the third question is that I am not going to remain silent either, with the methods of speaking and torture of testimonials disguised as interrogation, because this is what happened to Mr. Ramón Dupuy, and this is what happened to journalists, this is what happened to me, what happened to many people.
05:58Tell me this, Gustavo, because it is interesting, it is not the first time I heard it from you, from Gustavo, but also from some others, who tell me, look, everything I told when they give me the summary of what I supposedly said, things are different, there is not what I said, is that true, is that so?
06:17Yes, yes, this is so.
06:19This is crazy, if I am going to declare, it has to be what I declared, not something else.
06:24In my case, the substantial act, not only did they lack a lot of questions, direct questions to the judicial procedure, to the issue of Codazzi, Valdés, to the issue of drug trafficking, they were missing, because it was supposedly substantial, a very particular way of summarizing, but also, of what was written, I made 35 amendments of pun and letter, even an official.
06:47So you had to make 35 corrections to what you had said?
06:51But not because you said it wrong, but because they appeared changed?
06:56Yes, they appeared and appear, because if you look for my testimonial, they were not incorporated.
07:03So, this of denouncing the systematic adulteration of the substantial acts, that the testimonials actually become quasi-indictment, where you run the risk of being arrested at that very moment without defense law, this of depriving of freedom beyond all deadlines and all limits.
07:22Well, all these ways of proceeding, let's say, of the doctor, are involved in a complaint that we made in the Council of Magistrates, which, as you know, the doctor already has 5 or 6 cases in the Council of Magistrates, but the novelty is that last week our complaint went to the Accusation Commission.
07:42I tell you, in the Council of Magistrates, there is the Discipline Commission and the Accusation Commission. The Discipline Commission is to take disciplinary actions when there are minor problems. The Accusation Commission is capable of starting a trial by remotion.
07:59That is, this is what has happened. So, the Alameda, in silence, has done three things, has moved in three directions. First, guarantee and fight, continue fighting to be credible in the cause, and we will fight it until the Supreme Court, if necessary.
08:15But we think that the people of the Federal Chamber have good criteria, adjust themselves to the law and have drawn reasonable resolutions throughout this whole process. Second, sue those who have already crossed all lines, because, well, I can afford slander, some or the other slander, but when it is already something systematic, and even when they already place you on a criminal plane, well, naturally this affects our organization and we are going to sue.
08:45And Dr. Miguel Ángel Pierri, of Aldo Noren, in a totally solidary way, thought it was a scandal, not only to Pierri, he thought it was a scandal to judges, he thought it was a scandal ...
08:56And this of asking for five detentions from a defense lawyer, five detentions, the truth is that it is a barbarity. In fact, the other day, it is a widespread practice in the provinces, it is a widespread practice. There was a case in Tucumán a week ago, this day, a few days ago.
09:13But also, Pablo, the people who have ... people who were sincerely looking for ... that now they do not speak to each other out of fear. Lawyers, journalists, can you understand what I'm saying?
09:24Totally. Doctor, I know the subject, I know it. Gustavo, thank you.
09:28They have implanted terror, let's say, well, clearly this is not only Galician's responsibility. And that's why I'm not only going for the lawsuit, but I'm going for the cause of removal in the magistrate's council.
09:42This is already a farce, a complete farce that I have not seen in my life. Look, it's been 20 years since I've been involved in federal trials, lawsuits, very emblematic cases.
09:52The Martin case is still far from which I am a believer. Martin is in jail in Mexico, we are waiting for the extradition. But many federal judges have communicated with me, they have expressed their solidarity.
10:04They have told me that this is a farce, a farce, they have not underlined it. Also many councilors of the magistrate's council, because in addition, many of the things that we denounce have some common denominators, without us knowing it.
10:19Gustavo, I'll give you a point there. Perfect, perfect. It was clear. I have to say goodbye because I have to pass another topic. I thank you for this contact. We know you didn't want to talk.
10:29In fact, we said it at the beginning, but well, you called, so you have air, as everyone here has. We agree.
10:37I wanted to talk, but as you somehow mentioned.
10:40I mentioned you because I lived it, we were protagonists, all of this situation.
10:45Of course, they kept quiet. Well, Alameda is not only not going to shut up, but it will go to the end for finding Loan and it will go to the end also against the defamers.
10:57Very good.
10:58Do not have the slightest doubt.
10:59Very good. There they told me something about Ramón.
11:01No, that Ramón Tupú too, the same. Because, let's see, it generates the opposite effect, you see, people who walk right through life.
11:07With what each one thinks has happened with Loan. Here, Fito said it a while ago, you have a good example.
11:12You have two colleagues who are working side by side and the two of us think something different in relation to what happened with Loan.
11:20And in any case, you as a citizen, as a televident, you benefit from that situation.
11:25He believes one thing, I believe another. They are different, complementary views.
11:29They are several.
11:31Now, Ramón Tupú is going to continue, he is not going to shut up. Vera is going to continue, she is not going to shut up.
11:37And we too, each one with his booklet and with his truth, we are going to move forward.
11:41With a letter of documents, gentlemen, it is not the way. Please, recapitulate.
11:45Do not send us a letter of documents.
11:47They want to tell us what news they have in the cause, what expertise they are going to do.
11:51Why did they take us, the puppies, to the one they had to take?
11:53Why did the party experts go to the one they had to go?
11:56Do they want to explain that to us? Explain that to us.
11:58Let's talk about Loan and let's stop fucking around.
12:00Very good. Thank you, Gustavo Vera, ONG Alameda.
12:03He is the owner, committed to the Loan cause.
12:06Yes, the last one, go ahead.
12:07Thank you, and my total solidarity with Nahuel Suárez and with all the others.
12:11Very good, very good, the same, thank you.
12:13Let's see, the prosecution asks the judge to kick him to analyze everything,
12:19as the judge said and had confirmed to us.
12:22She asked for the preventive prisons of the seven who are detained
12:26and also asks to investigate Macarena and Gutiérrez,
12:29who is this fourth man, apparently, or a man they suspect could be.
12:34I don't know how it's going to be to hurry up,
12:36because we had heard that the telephone inquiries and the accident logics
12:41arrive only last week of December.
12:44Meanwhile, this letter of documents, which has the opposite effect.
12:49I think we've talked enough.
12:51I don't know if anyone wants to add something more, Fito.
12:54I think it reflects and revives the Loan issue.
12:57Let's get the positive side out of it.
13:00For us, we never left the Loan issue,
13:06but it reflects and revives in a lot of people this letter of documents
13:11that we are still looking for Loan.
13:13The letter of documents is to look for it, let it be known.
13:17It is to talk about looking for Loan.
13:19It is not to hide or remain silent.
13:22You are on the bench, I arrive, I return to the track looking for Loan,
13:28because we are here looking for it.
