• last year
महाराष्ट्र: कांग्रेस विधायक भाई जगताप ने चुनाव आयोग पर दिए अपने विवादित बयान पर जवाब देते हुए कहा कि मैं अभी भी अपने बयान पर अमल करता हूं। कृत सोमैया जैसे लोगों का ऐसा करना शोभा नहीं देता। वैसे तो यह बयान मेरा नहीं है। यह बयान महाराष्ट्र की 13 करोड़ जनता का है। यह अकेले भाई जगताप नहीं कह रहा। मैं एक विधायक होने के नाते उनकी बात सामने रख रहा हूं। चुनाव आयोग देश को मजबूत बनाने के लिए है न की देशवासियों के दिल में आशंका पैदा करने के लिए है।

#maharashtra #maharashtraelection #maharashtrapolitics #maharashtracm #eknathshinde #shivsena #mahayuti #mva #congress #bjp #pmmodi #electioncommission #eci #bhaijagtap


00:00No, people like Kirit Somia should not have done it in the first place.
00:03If we spoil the history of Kirit Somia, it will be very bad.
00:09I don't go into all that personality.
00:11It is his work.
00:13But as far as my statement is concerned, this is not my statement.
00:18This is the statement of 13 crore people of Maharashtra.
00:21And the people are saying this.
00:24This is not done by Bhai Jagtap.
00:27As a MLA, I am raising their voice to you.
00:32Because you asked me.
00:34So I am on it.
00:36I have nothing to do with it.
00:40Yes, absolutely.
00:42We said it yesterday and I am saying it today as well.
00:44Because what I am saying,
00:46the elections are to strengthen our democracy.
00:51Not to create doubt in anyone's heart.
00:55And the people are saying this after the result.
00:57I am saying this.
00:59I am not saying this to mislead any voter before the result.
01:03So whatever is coming out after the result,
01:07the election commission should take cognizance of it.
01:11And should work on it immediately.
01:14Even if the Supreme Court's order is not accepted by the election commission,
01:18then what does it mean?
01:20If the Supreme Court has ordered for recounting,
01:24then why is the election commission ignoring it?
01:29The BJP's leader, Ram Shinde himself,
01:33has asked for a recounting.
01:35So he has also been sent to write.
01:37That the data of the BBPAT machine will be erased.
01:43And there will be a new mock polling.
01:47The doubt is in this.
01:49So why will you erase it?
01:52The election commission should take a role
01:56that the BBPAT machines which are pointing out,
02:00should be counted.
