• last year
00:00You were never denied that trust, but it's over.
00:04We can't trust you.
00:06And it's not because of the piercing, no.
00:08It's the lie, the deception that bothers us.
00:12I'm sorry, I know.
00:13You pierced our trust.
00:16You pierced it and used your body.
00:19And I'm warning you, a lot of things are going to change.
00:21Yes, Dad.
00:23And at first, you're going to end your relationship with Alan.
00:25But... But nothing.
00:28We already lost our trust in you.
00:31You're going to do what we think is right for you.
00:33You can't do this to me, I love him!
00:36We're not going to argue.
00:38Come on, get in your room.
00:58For me? To put it on my eyebrows?
01:00Yes, yes, yes.
01:00And I'm going to put a star on my lip
01:02to look just as sexy and cool as Kenia.
01:09I knew the piercing was going to make me more popular.
01:17I can't get tired of seeing your piercing.
01:19You look beautiful.
01:20I love that you show yours, baby.
01:23With those blouses, you look super sexy.
01:25I want the whole school to know about our love pact.
01:28It's a pact that will always unite us.
01:31Yes, we'll be together forever.
01:36There's just one thing that worries me.
01:38That my parents see your piercing
01:40the way you did it on your eyebrow.
01:41Oh, and the bad thing is that I can't take it off
01:44until it heals.
01:47It would be better if you didn't go home for a while.
01:49At least as long as you can take it off and put it on.
02:00Can I come in?
02:04Kenia, why do you have your insurance on?
02:07I'm coming, Mom.
02:08What's going on, Kenia?
02:10What were you doing?
02:12Then why did you put your insurance on?
02:14You never do that.
02:15I didn't realize, really.
02:17Well, go down and eat.
02:19Dad's already at the table.
02:21Yes, Mom.
02:33Tuvo que ir a comer a casa de una tía.
02:35Qué lástima.
02:36Alan nos cae tan bien.
02:38Dile que no nos falle el próximo martes, ¿eh?
02:40Sí, no te preocupes, Ma, yo se lo digo.
02:59Ay, mi ombligo me pica.
03:05Ay, qué bueno que ya estás despierta.
03:08Mmm, preciosa.
03:10¿Ya es hora de levantarte?
03:12Sí, Ma.
03:13¿Cómo dormiste?
03:14Muy bien.
03:15Qué bueno.
03:16Ya, floja, te hice tostadas francesas, tus favoritas.
03:19Ay, qué rico, Ma, gracias.
03:21Apúrate, de nada, mi amor, apúrate.
03:23¡Híjole, me pica un chorro!
03:31Entonces, ¿en qué quedamos?
03:32Nada de frujera, ¿eh?
03:33Okay, Ma.
03:37Mmm, que tengas bonito día.
03:39Tú también, Ma.
03:49Hola, nena.
03:50¿Estás bien?
03:51Hola, nena.
03:54Esperaba que tu mamá se fuera para que no me viera el piso.
03:57Oye, ¿a ti no te pica de duda?
03:59No, ¿por?
04:00A mí sí me pica, me pica muchísimo.
04:11Les juro que no suelte la comezón.
04:14¿Qué será lo que te está pasando?
04:16Mira, quién sabe, mejor tómate la pastilla que te dio Ranger por si se te infectaba.
04:20¿La traes?
04:21Sí, la tengo en la mochila.
04:22Yo tengo agua.
04:29No, por favor.
04:43Ay, Dios.
04:45Espero que con esto se me quite la comezón porque es horrible.
04:48Bueno, y si no se te quita, voy a hablarle a Ranger a su cel para que nos diga qué hacer.
04:55¿Qué tienes?
04:58Mi síntoma.
05:04¡Llama a una ambulancia!
05:06Sí, sí, sí. Voy, voy, voy.
05:11¡Ay, lo estoy marcando!
05:13Le aseguro que no se va a arrepentir si la compra tiene todos los servicios.
05:17Y es una zona muy segura.
05:20Un momentito, por favor.
05:26¿En qué hospital?
05:28Voy para allá.
05:29Sí, sí, voy para allá.
05:31Perdón, tengo que irme de emergencia.
05:34Mi hija está en el hospital.
05:35No te preocupe.
05:36Con permiso.
05:37Yo sigo atendiendo a la señora.
05:41¿Dónde vas, este?
07:53You are young and you have responded very well to the treatment.
07:56I'm going to give it to you today.
07:59Thank you very much, doctor.
08:01You will have to take this medicine for a while to treat your allergy.
08:05Don't worry, doctor.
08:06I'll make sure he takes it.
08:08Well, that's all from me.
08:10Good morning. Excuse me.
08:15It's time to get ready to go home.
08:18Yes, dad.
08:23It's good to be home.
08:26You're right.
08:29And more because now we're going to talk.
08:31What did you want to tell us?
08:33I disobeyed them.
08:35I got a piercing.
08:37We already know that.
08:39Alan told us and the doctor confirmed it to us.
08:43Daughter, for the love of God,
08:44how much longer do you think you can fool us?
08:47I'm sorry, mom.
08:48I shouldn't have done it.
08:50But you did.
08:52And you have deeply disappointed us.
08:55Daughter, we trusted you.
08:57We gave you permission to have a boyfriend,
08:59for Alan to live with our family.
09:01And you could do whatever you wanted.
09:03You were never denied anything for that trust.
09:05But it's over.
09:07We can't trust you.
09:09And it's not because of the piercing, no.
09:11It's the lie.
09:13The deception that bothers us.
09:15I'm sorry, I know.
09:17You pierced our trust
09:19like you pierced and mutilated your body.
09:22And I warn you that many things are going to change.
09:24Yes, dad.
09:26And at first you're going to end your relationship with Alan.
09:29But nothing.
09:31We already lost our trust in you.
09:33You're going to do what we think is convenient for you.
09:36You can't do this to me. I love him.
09:39We're not going to argue.
09:40Come on, get in your room.
09:42We're not going to argue.
09:44Come on, get in your room.
09:56But this doesn't change things, daughter.
09:59It's not enough for us to trust you again.
10:03I know it's too soon,
10:05but I'm going to regain your trust.
10:08You'll see.
10:10What store did you put that crap in?
10:13In the store where Ophelia's boyfriend works.
10:16It says in Ranger,
10:18and he gave me the pills.
10:23I'm sorry.
10:25I'm really sorry.
10:33No, I'm going to sue you.
10:35Make sure they close your business.
10:37I don't know why you get mad if my store is in order.
10:39It has all the health permits in order.
10:41But you perforated a minor.
10:43It's not enough for you.
10:45You don't need anyone's special permission
10:47to perforate a 16-year-old girl like Kenya.
10:49Besides, your daughter was to blame for the pills
10:52because she didn't tell me she was allergic to antihistamines.
10:55The laws of this country are wrong
10:57for allowing you to mutilate a 16-year-old girl
11:01who is still prepared to make decisions.
11:05Besides, you didn't realize you were doing wrong
11:09by perforating my daughter.
11:11But you know what?
11:13I hope the bread you eat from this
11:15tastes really bad.
11:17It tastes really bad!
11:24You can't break up with me, Kenya.
11:26I love you.
11:27I love you too, Alan, but we have to break up.
11:30I want to regain my parents' trust.
11:32I know, but there must be another way.
11:35I don't know.
11:36There isn't, Alan.
11:37There isn't.
11:47I want to ask you for another chance, ma'am,
11:49to regain the trust we had.
11:51Alan, this is my husband's decision.
11:53And I support it.
11:54Ma'am, please.
11:55Seriously, I don't...
11:56I'm sorry.
11:58What you did wasn't right.
12:01Get in the truck.
12:02This station is where it's always been.
12:06I'm sorry.
12:25Can I go to the station to buy some material
12:27that they gave me?
12:28I have a list of what you need.
12:30I'm going to buy it.
12:32You don't have to bother, Dary.
12:34I'm going.
12:35Because you can't go out alone.
12:37We don't trust you anymore.
12:46It's Alan.
12:47He wants to talk to you.
12:50I'm not going to answer.
12:53I'm sorry, Alan, but Kenya doesn't want to talk to you.
12:59I broke up with Alan, just like you asked.
13:03That's good.
13:04Because you don't have permission to have a boyfriend anymore.
13:07You broke our trust.
13:09And you don't have privileges anymore.
13:15I love Alan, Mom.
13:17I love him very much.
13:18Well, daughter.
13:20But you should have thought about that before lying to us.
13:34Look, honey.
13:35I know Kenya made a mistake.
13:37But I think we're being too hard on her.
13:40Not at all.
13:42Kenya should learn the value of trust.
13:46It's very serious that she broke her navel without our permission.
13:49What's next?
13:53You're right.
13:55You know how much it hurts to see our daughter suffer.
13:59But I'm going to support you.
14:04These are some of the piercings that my boy has.
14:06And they are very cheap.
14:09Did you see that Kenya has very little left?
14:11I don't have piercings anymore.
14:15Don't be stupid.
14:16You're going to close the perforation.
14:17That's what I want.
14:18That my wound is closed.
14:20Maybe that way my parents will forgive me for having broken their trust.
14:24You know, girls.
14:25Did you tell your parents that you want to get a piercing?
14:28Of course not.
14:29Then don't do any perforations until you talk to them and they agree.
14:33It's horrible to fail them.
14:37I came to tell you that Alan has just arrived.
14:41Tell him I don't want to talk to him.
14:43No, daughter.
14:44It's not you who he comes to see.
14:46But your father and me.
14:59What are you doing here?
15:00Please leave.
15:02I'm not going to go until I talk to your parents.
15:04You're going to lose everything.
15:06That way they will never trust me.
15:09Do you love me?
15:11Of course I love you.
15:14If we love each other, we have to be together, Kenya.
15:17We have to be together.
15:18My wife says you want to talk to us.
15:20Yes, sir.
15:22I know I failed your trust and I came to apologize.
15:25We did wrong by doing two piercings, but please don't separate me from Kenya.
15:30It's too late.
15:32Things are done.
15:35Here is my piercing.
15:36I will never do it again.
15:38You don't understand.
15:39It's not because of the piercing.
15:42You lied to us.
15:44We gave you all our trust.
15:46You, Alan, we received you in our house.
15:48We sat you at our table.
15:51You went to the square, to the movies, to have coffee, to parties.
15:55And all those proofs of trust.
15:57What did they serve?
15:59You both lied to us.
16:02I'm really sorry.
16:04What can I do to regain your trust?
16:08Respect my decision.
16:10And please leave.
16:12Because I will never forgive you for having misguided our daughter.
16:16Because you told her to do that piercing or not.
16:22Yes, sir.
16:23You're right.
16:25I don't know how, but I'm going to regain your trust.
16:29Alan is not responsible for anything.
16:31The only one to blame for losing his trust is me.
16:36It was not the idea.
16:38I think Alan sometimes didn't even want us to get the piercing.
16:40You need a lot of courage to tell the truth.
16:45Don't you think it's time to start rebuilding trust?
17:13But you just said it.
17:21And it's going to be little by little.
17:24Thank you, Dad.
17:26I swear I learned my lesson.
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