• last year
00:00I'm going to the park as soon as I leave class, Jonathan.
00:04And did you take the test in the bathroom of your high school?
00:10Yes. And it came out positive. I'm expecting a baby of yours.
00:20No, no, no, no. It can't be.
00:23I didn't expect this to happen either, Jonathan. But we're dating and we were in a relationship.
00:31Now what are we going to do? My dad can't know.
00:37And my mom can't either. She'd kill me if she found out.
00:42What a mess you got yourself into, bro.
00:46Don't even mention it, Tomas.
00:49I'm going to the park as soon as I leave class, Jonathan.
00:53And did you take the test in the bathroom of your high school?
00:58Yes. And it came out positive. I'm expecting a baby of yours.
01:04No, no, no, no. It can't be.
01:09Don't even mention it, Tomas. I'm afraid of my dad's reaction. He's capable of skinning me alive.
01:15No wonder you came to the workshop instead of your canton. You're making your dad look bad.
01:20Why would I say no?
01:24Look where I find you, Jonathan.
01:27Dad, I...
01:29I was making you at home and you're here wasting time looking at my face.
01:33Oh, don't get mad, Tomas.
01:36Let's go home. You don't have to do anything here.
01:39Let's go!
01:40I can do it by myself.
01:41Don't argue with me.
01:47Open the door.
01:48Shut up!
01:51I wasn't going to let you go so you could try to get away.
01:54Like the bottle that never lets go?
01:56Shut up!
01:59You're not going to tell me what to do.
02:02I'm in charge here.
02:04That's enough, Dad.
02:06What about you?
02:09If you do this again, I'll let you know.
02:12Because I'm going to forget that you're my son.
02:15And it's going to hurt you to the bone.
02:18Did you hear me?
02:21Did you hear me?
02:23You'd better.
02:26You'd better.
02:35I still can't feel my stomach.
02:39Whatever it is.
02:54What if my mom were to pass it on to me?
02:58So she could realize...
03:00So she could realize...
03:17Oh, my child.
03:19I'd love so much not to come home almost always at dawn
03:23so I wouldn't find you asleep.
03:26But this is what we had to go through
03:29and we're doing the best we can.
03:48I'm seeing you two really black with Elisa's pregnancy.
03:53Well, you and I...
03:56would take her to a place where they can have the baby.
04:01But I don't have any money.
04:03That's what we're here for, right?
04:05I'll lend you the money you need and you'll pay me.
04:09So you can get over the problem right away.
04:17Do you want me to have an abortion?
04:21Do you want me to have an abortion?
04:26It's for the best.
04:28I'm getting the money and it'll be the end of the matter.
04:31No, Jonathan.
04:32I'm scared.
04:33I don't want to die.
04:34And no, I'm not going to have an abortion.
04:37I wasn't thinking about having it
04:39and giving it up for adoption.
04:47Well, what now?
04:57We came to the Family Dependency
05:00to ask for information to give a baby for adoption.
05:03It's for a friend of a cousin
05:07who went out with her on Sunday the 7th.
05:11I understand.
05:12The friend of the cousin is a minor?
05:15Yes, ma'am.
05:17In that case, we need the authorization of the parents
05:20to be able to receive the baby.
05:23But the parents of my cousin's friend don't know anything.
05:29It is an indispensable requirement
05:31that the parents or the adult responsible
05:34authorize the adoption of the baby.
05:36Otherwise, it is not possible.
05:46I thought that giving an adoption would be the solution.
05:49What are we going to do when the baby is born?
05:55We can leave it at the door of an orphanage
05:58without anyone seeing us
06:00and that it doesn't stay with them.
06:02Yes, you're right.
06:04That's what we're going to do.
06:06Yes, and so we continue with our lives
06:08as if nothing had happened.
06:37How nice, Poncho.
06:38I didn't know you bought it.
06:40Yes, mom.
06:41Since I'm very frugal, I bought it
06:43so I wouldn't be shaking.
06:45Hey, let's take advantage of the fact
06:47that it's Sunday to go out together.
06:49I'd rather not, mom.
06:51Besides, I have a lot to study
06:53for an exam I have tomorrow, Monday.
06:55Okay, fine.
06:56If it's for school and your education,
06:58we're not going anywhere.
07:00For nothing in the world
07:01I want you to neglect your preparation.
07:03Do you understand me?
07:04Yes, mom.
07:31No, no, no, no, no.
07:33No, no, no, no, no.
07:35No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:37No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:39No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:43No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:45Jonathan, it's me.
07:47I need you to come to my house to help me.
07:50What's wrong?
07:52It hurts a lot.
07:53I think the baby is going to be born.
07:59I'm on my way to your house.
08:41What's going on?
08:48Wake up, daughter!
08:49Wake up!
08:58Familiares de Lisa Vargas Bermudez.
09:01Es mi hija, doctor. ¿Cómo está?
09:03Ya despertó.
09:04No, señora.
09:06Su hija continúa inconsciente.
09:09Debió de pasar mucho tiempo sin respirar,
09:12por lo que no le llegó suficiente oxígeno al cerebro.
09:16No pudimos hacer nada por ella.
09:18No, no.
09:20Su hija está en coma.
09:24No, doctor.
09:26Mi hija no puede estar en coma.
09:29Le vamos a hacer unos estudios.
09:30La vamos a revisar.
09:32Cualquier cosa, le voy a informar.
09:36Trate de tranquilizarse, ¿sí?
09:39Con permiso.
10:10Buenos días.
10:14Buenos días, señora Vargas.
10:16Buenos días, doctor. ¿Cómo está mi hija?
10:18¿Ya despertó?
10:20No, señora.
10:21Su hija continúa en estado de coma.
10:25Es impredecible que reaccione.
10:28No sabemos cuándo va a despertar.
10:32Entiendo, doctor.
10:35Siéntese, por favor.
10:45Hay algo que debo decirle.
10:48Los resultados de los estudios
10:50y las revisiones que le hicimos a su hija
10:53arrojaron que el cuerpo de Lisa
10:55tiene signos propios de un parto.
11:01¿De un parto?
11:03No, no, no puede ser, doctor.
11:05No hay duda, señora.
11:07Su hija dio a luz.
11:09Estaba embarazada.
11:13No es cierto.
11:17Yo no sabía que Lisa estuviera en Cúcaro.
11:22Ni siquiera sabía que tenía novio
11:24y mucho menos que esperaba un bebé.
11:28Pues no tuvo.
11:30Incluso hay rastros de que sujetaron el cordón con grapas.
11:36Me imagino que fue para tapar la hemorragia.
11:41¿Debió hacerlo ella misma o alguien le ayudó?
11:47No tengo idea de lo que me habla, doctor.
11:51No sé si alguien estuvo con ella ni tampoco nada de ese bebé.
11:57Pues habrá que esperar a que Lisa reaccione
12:01y a ver si recuerda lo que pasó.
12:04Pero mientras tanto voy a dar aviso a la policía.
12:08¿A la policía?
12:11En casos como este es mi obligación.
12:16Sí, perdón. Estoy como choqueada.
12:20Doctor, ¿cree que pueda ver a mi hija?
12:25Voy a pedir que la preparen para que pueda ingresar.
12:28Gracias, doctor.
12:29Acompáñeme, por favor.
12:45Hijita de mi vida.
12:50Cuánto debiste de haber pasado sufriendo,
12:55padeciendo en silencio,
13:00y yo sin saber nada.
13:05Te pido, por favor, que despiertes
13:09y lucha por vivir
13:12para que entre las dos aliviemos todo eso
13:18y no vuelvas a ponerte en riesgo
13:22por un silencio equivocado.
13:27Te lo ruego, hijita.
13:32Mi amor, abre tus ojos.
13:36Abre tus ojitos, mi amor.
13:47Gracias por comprender, licenciado.
13:52Yo le prometo que me voy a poner al corriente
13:54en cuanto pueda para regresar al trabajo.
13:58Por ahora tengo que colgarle
14:00porque voy de salida al hospital a ver a mi hija.
14:03Gracias. Hasta luego.
14:15¿Qué es lo que huele tan feo?
14:20Viene del cuarto de mi hija.
14:34Ay, parece que lo que apesta está en el closet.
15:01Un bebé muerto.
15:04Debe ser el bebé de Elisa.
15:07Mi hija escondió a su bebé en el closet.
15:30El paciente con dolor de espalda.
15:32Pase, por favor.
15:35La llamé vecina porque estoy aterrada
15:39del macabro descubrimiento.
15:42Por todo lo que he descubierto de mi hija
15:45en estas últimas horas.
15:47Pobre de Elisa, es una chamaca.
15:50Y recibir el baldazo de agua fría
15:52de todo lo que estaba viviendo
15:54debió de asustarla tanto
15:56que decidió guardar silencio
15:58y tomar toda una serie de malas decisiones.
16:04Debió de decirme, debió de hablar conmigo.
16:10Y ya sé que me la pasé mucho tiempo trabajando,
16:14pero siempre le daba sus vueltas.
16:17Y llegar a la hora que llegara y estaba yo
16:20en mis días de descanso.
16:22Le juro que traté de compensarlo.
16:26Por favor.
16:43Estoy sola.
16:46Estoy sin ayuda de nadie.
16:49Y a medida de mis posibilidades
16:51le juro que hacía lo que podía.
16:54Así es la vida, Esther.
16:56Y ahora que lo sabe, tiene que seguir
16:58haciendo lo mejor por su hija.
17:02Ya lo sé, Carmen.
17:04Al momento no supe qué hacer.
17:09Aunque sé que tengo que avisar a la policía.
17:13No quiero que eso vaya a terminar
17:15perjudicando a mi hija.
17:17Más la perjudicarías si la solapa, Esther.
17:20Ni modo, tiene que hacer de tricuas corazón.
17:36Los elementos del forense
17:38ya se están llevando al cuerpo del bebé
17:40para analizarlo e integrarlo
17:42a la carpeta de investigación.
17:45Sí, sí, está bien, agente verde.
17:48El hospital que está atendiendo a Lisa
17:50nos informó acerca de las condiciones del parto.
17:53Así que ya estábamos indagando.
18:05Me costó mucho trabajo porque sabía
18:07que estaba denunciando a mi hija.
18:10Pero era lo correcto.
18:12No sabemos si dio a luz ella sola
18:14o recibió la ayuda de alguien.
18:16If you are the last one,
18:17it is most likely that it is the father of the baby.
18:22You do not know the identity of your daughter's boyfriend?
18:25No, agente verde.
18:27I do not know who my daughter's boyfriend is.
18:30I'm very sorry, but I did not even know
18:33that I had a girlfriend.
18:36I understand.
18:38Surely in your daughter's cell phone
18:40we can find valuable information.
18:44Yes, yes.
18:49Excuse me, agente.
18:50This is Lisa's cell phone.
18:52I found it lying in the bathroom.
18:54I'm going to send you to analyze it with the cybernetic police
18:57and we hope you find something that is of no use.
19:01Wait a minute.
19:04Did you find out anything about Elisa's high school?
19:07No, Carmen, nothing.
19:09These days I have tried to investigate something.
19:11I asked the teacher, the principal,
19:13and they both did not know that Elisa had a boyfriend.
19:17Much less they could tell me who it was.
19:20Oh, well.
19:21And your classmates, your friends, did you talk to them?
19:25No, I did not talk to them.
19:28I did not talk to them.
19:30And your classmates, your friends, did you talk to them?
19:33Yes, also, but apparently they were not so friends.
19:37They were not even aware that Elisa was pregnant.
19:41They never saw anyone around Lisa
19:44or that she lived with any boy in particular.
19:48Maybe it's someone who doesn't study with her.
19:51And if so, the police are already taking care of it
19:54and they will deal with that boy.
19:56I hope to have all the pieces of the puzzle
20:00and support my daughter better.
20:02Rest, okay?
20:05Yes, thank you, Carmen.
22:27Come in, Agent Verde.
22:29Take a seat.
22:30Thank you, ma'am.
22:32I came to inform you that the cyber police
22:34could enter your daughter's phone.
22:37They found several searches on the Internet
22:40about how to stop a bleeding.
22:43Yes, the doctor told me that there were traces
22:45that they held the cord with staples
22:47to stop the bleeding.
22:50With those searches on the Internet,
22:52that's how Lisa should have done it.
22:55And they also found several messages and calls
22:58from your daughter with a certain Jonathan?
23:02No, I don't know.
23:04From the content of these,
23:06everything seems to indicate that this Jonathan is the boyfriend
23:09and was the father of the baby.
23:12Do you know where he is?
23:14No, ma'am.
23:15But a judge ordered the release of his number
23:18so that the cyber police could find him
23:21and we found him.
23:23Unfortunately, we only found the cell phone
23:26lying in a trash can.
23:28Jonathan must have left it there on his escape
23:31so that we couldn't find him
23:32because of the geolocation.
23:35So we only know his name is Jonathan?
23:38For the moment, yes.
23:40But I used Jonathan's profile picture
23:43and ordered a search that has already spread.
23:48He may have seen it by chance.
23:54No, agent, I've never seen him.
23:58Let's hope someone recognizes him
24:00so he can give us information and give us his whereabouts.
24:24We love when you drop it.
24:40I've been on this journey for over a decade
24:44Never thought I'd make it this far
24:48Never thought I'd make it this far
24:51Never thought I'd make it this far
24:54Never thought I'd make it this far
24:57Never thought I'd make it this far
25:00Never thought I'd make it this far
25:03Never thought I'd make it this far
25:06Never thought I'd make it this far
25:09Never thought I'd make it this far
25:12Never thought I'd make it this far
25:15Never thought I'd make it this far
25:18Never thought I'd make it this far
25:21Never thought I'd make it this far
25:24Never thought I'd make it this far
25:27Never thought I'd make it this far
25:30Never thought I'd make it this far
25:33Never thought I'd make it this far
25:36Never thought I'd make it this far
25:39Never thought I'd make it this far
25:42Never thought I'd make it this far
25:46Girl, you tried to make it so
25:48That no one loved you
25:50But I made everything better
25:54I used to be sensitive
25:56But now the pain is stifling
25:58I've been on this journey for an eon
26:02Never thought I'd make it this far
26:06Never thought I'd make it this far
26:09Never thought I'd make it this far
26:12I'll spend your sentence
