• last year
Christmas shopping is definitely a stressful time for most of us, but there’s still something special about finding that perfect present for someone, because you know they’ll love it. We all have memories of our favourite Christmas presents, it could be gestures or the must have toy when you were a kid. Whatever it is, it’s special to you.


00:00Yeah, my then-wife, she bought me a British blue short-haired cat.
00:07Oh, wow.
00:09I called Bara Mia.
00:10I bought my Nintendo DS.
00:12I did get it when I was, like, eight years old.
00:15And it still works to this day.
00:17Everything I've had, I've appreciated, no matter what it was.
00:20Probably my Xbox, to be honest.
00:22Yeah, it was a great present, still using it now.
00:24I got it five years ago, so, yeah, my Xbox, I think, I'd say.
00:27Wow, a telescope when I was nine.
00:31And then a guitar when I sold the telescope and got given a guitar a few years later.
00:38Yeah, and recently, I don't know, there's just been amazing books and things.
00:44I'd never heard of Wolf Hall, now it's massive on TV and everything,
00:47but when I got that book, it just kept me going for months.
00:50So, that's a few. I'm sure there are loads more.
00:54I haven't got it on today, but a necklace my son got me when he was really little.
00:57Like, it's not my normal style, but it was a really thoughtful gift.
01:00So, that one's always stood out.
01:02I'm a lover of socks as well.
01:04Like, really into, like, if I can get some CK Funky Pattern socks,
01:08that's the dream for me.
01:09I know that's probably the lamest thing ever, but I love a good pair of socks.
01:13Socks and slippers.
01:15Oh, yeah, classic Christmas.
01:16We're in that period of our lives now.
01:20Middle age for you, innit?
01:21But I want to be in Black Catalogues.
01:23Check for the catalogue, swipe away, and boom.
01:25They used to have a computer.
01:27And it was a desktop, but it had a Sega Mega Drive.
01:32We had a game called Lemmings, and it was all about, like, building things,
01:36getting them to build.
01:38And then there was another one of blowing up gorillas on buildings,
01:43so you'd throw the bananas.
01:45And me and my auntie had hours of fun playing that.
01:49And then, sadly, about six months later, my auntie passed.
01:52So it was just, like, that game, to me,
01:55just brings back so many memories and good fun.
