• last year
(Adnkronos) - “E’ importante far comprendere al meglio ai propri studenti quanto sia importante per un uomo avere cura e amare la propria compagna, che significa renderla libera. Le ragazze e le donne per prime devono essere consapevoli che la propria libertà di scelta è fondamentale per essere felici e sicure di poter costruire il proprio futuro in autonomia e libertà. Questo è il motivo per cui uno sportello antiviolenza deve essere presente nelle università”. E’ quanto dichiarato da Giovanna Iannantuoni, rettrice università Milano - Bicocca, in occasione dell’evento ‘Gli strappi della violenza: riflessioni e azioni’ dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, che rientra tra gli appuntamenti promossi dall’Ateneo in occasione della Giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza contro le donne.


00:00Today, in my opinion, is a special day because we open this anti-violence center in Ateneo,
00:10in Campus, an anti-violence center open to the whole of our student community, students,
00:16staff, administrative staff, teachers, but also open to the population, so whoever wants
00:21can come here to talk about what is happening to them.
00:24I want to underline why it is important to open an anti-violence center within universities.
00:30In fact, when we talk about it today, we talk a lot about patriarchy, the meaning of this term,
00:37and whether we live or not in a society that, how to say, prevents, discriminates,
00:41compared to what is desired and the ambitions of a woman.
00:46We, in this country, have, alas, every three days a woman who often falls at the hands of an acquaintance,
00:53of a relative, of a person close to her, so, how to say, the femicide is the tip of a very big iceberg,
00:59which are all the forms of economic, psychological discrimination that women suffer.
01:05The fact that, how to say, I always comment with a lot of alarm, is the fact that in Italy only one woman out of two works,
01:13so it means that one woman out of two does not work, we have 40% of women who do not have an independent income,
01:19and this is where we have to start to make our female students and our students understand,
01:25even before arriving at the university, how important it is for a man to take care and love his partner,
01:33it means to make her free, and girls first, women must be aware that their freedom and their freedom of choice
01:42is really fundamental to be happy and certain and sure of their future, to build their future in autonomy and freedom.
01:51This is the reason why an anti-violence supporter must be present at the university,
01:57because at the university we do not deal with research, and it is important to deal with these issues,
02:02starting with research, but also with training, the training of girls and boys.
02:08So I am very proud that my Ateneo also has this anti-violence center,
02:12and above all I invite everyone to reflect on these issues,
02:17but above all to prevent dramas like the one of Giulia Cecchettino or our poor Sofia Castelli from being repeated.
