• last year
Matías Garfunkel ha sido deportado a Argentina tras su liberación bajo fianza en los Estados Unidos, en medio de un escándalo que involucra violencia, drogas y problemas psiquiátricos. Su ex pareja, Victoria Vanucci, ha revelado detalles sobre la relación tóxica que vivieron y el consumo de cocaína por parte de Garfunkel. La situación ha reavivado el debate sobre la salud mental y las adicciones en Argentina.


00:00They have deported Matias Garfunkel from the United States.
00:03The latest information, after the release,
00:06under bail,
00:07bail paid by a rabbi there in the United States,
00:10after this scandal of violence,
00:14and psychiatric issues that have been talked about over the weekend,
00:17they confirm that Matias Garfunkel would have been deported to Argentina.
00:23Let's remember that Victoria Banucci
00:25was telling the calvary that has been living for a long time,
00:29it's not that there was gender violence here,
00:32but that my ex-partner was under a major psychological affliction,
00:36rather psychiatric,
00:37a bipolarity apparently also built on cocaine consumption,
00:44which she claims to have thrown at him on several occasions through the toilet,
00:47a situation that would have generated acts of violence against Garfunkel.
00:52The latest information,
00:54after Banucci herself said she didn't feel calm
00:58because she could kill her,
01:00attention, because she fears a femicide,
01:03Victoria Banucci,
01:05who was recalculating and saying,
01:07well, I'm going back to live in Argentina,
01:09but now this latest information
01:11that speaks of the possibility
01:15that Matias Garfunkel has been deported.
01:20Of course, because he doesn't have, he's not an American citizen,
01:23he has the green card,
01:25let's say what is needed to work,
01:28that they give it to you for 10 years,
01:29but you have to handle yourself proligately,
01:32let's say, that's what didn't happen,
01:35first the logical actions that corresponded were made,
01:39and now yes, in the United States,
01:41don't fuck, they don't care.
01:43Now, it was assumed, Diego,
01:46that the possibility was,
01:48after a fiancée,
01:51the internment in a psychiatric institution.
01:53Not there, not there,
01:54because apart there are other issues,
01:56remember that he also had other legal problems,
02:00there, really, Diego,
02:02you don't play much with these issues,
02:04directly, you are from another country,
02:06you are deported and that's what has to happen.
02:08Now, this is a topic,
02:10I was thinking about how to talk about the Banucci issue,
02:12because you have many issues that have to do with
02:16that people can sometimes understand or not
02:18what one is saying and they kill you,
02:20but I say, Victoria Banucci
02:22is not a year ago with Garfunkel,
02:24she has children in common,
02:26Victoria Banucci,
02:27I don't get into the professional field,
02:29which I could talk about a lot,
02:31I don't get into the personal field,
02:33directly from her,
02:35which I could talk about a lot,
02:36but if we understand that Victoria Banucci
02:38was a partner of this person
02:40and went through many issues exactly the same,
02:45exactly the same,
02:46as the ones she lived in this last moment.
02:48Ah, there were already these episodes
02:50that are told, now we are going to listen to it,
02:52it was already happening to her from here?
02:54Here in Argentina too,
02:55that's why I say,
02:56if I have to look at the photos,
02:57if I have to look at the video,
02:58I say, this woman was saved from a Farré case.
03:02And we still don't know.
03:03But I say, in this case,
03:05if he is deported.
03:06If he is deported and she stays there.
03:09But I say, how did I get to see this photo?
03:12How did we get to this photo?
03:14Because sometimes what we don't ask ourselves is,
03:16how do you get to the photo?
03:18Now you're going to tell me.
03:19And they're probably going to bomb me.
03:20It doesn't matter, but I say,
03:21we don't know in detail,
03:22the whole story behind this scandal,
03:26to call it in some way.
03:28It's a woman who asks for help,
03:30who tries to intern her husband.
03:32Her husband doesn't want to.
03:33There is a situation with her children.
03:35We're going to talk about everything,
03:36but first let's listen to her,
03:39when she told us
03:40what her torture was like every day.
03:51I don't know.
04:21Obviously, it's been a long time.
04:23I was listening to some detail from Vanucci,
04:27that she, in some way,
04:29to not complicate things even more with her children and everything,
04:33gave her place again in her house.
04:35Like Wanda, it reminds me of Wanda.
04:37Well, tell us there, tell us, Pablo, please.
04:40Pablo, mental health and addictions.
04:43Once again.
04:44Once again.
04:45Three days ago, in Hudson,
04:46we also had the same situation.
04:49We are completely abandoned
04:51in the subject of mental health and addictions.
04:54We have to review the Mental Health and Addictions Act.
04:59This happens in the United States.
05:00Yes, yes, but let's say,
05:01why do I say this?
05:03Because this situation refers to thousands of couples,
05:06of women and people,
05:09who are neurologically injured
05:12and today do not have access to treatment.
05:14In this situation, we can understand
05:16that there are basic issues,
05:17which we call structural comorbidities,
05:20which have to do with psychosis, with schizophrenia.
05:23And many times addiction marks and masks the picture.
05:27And many times cocaine, basically,
05:31leads to psychosis and leads to de-structuring
05:34and neurological pathologies, such as schizophrenia.
05:37This bipolarity that is also talked about
05:38can be built from consumption.
05:41Yes, I would still be very careful
05:42with the concept of bipolarity,
05:45because there are pictures very similar,
05:47such as personality disorder, which are not bipolarity.
05:50What is true, I repeat,
05:53I can't make a diagnosis in this situation,
05:56but cocaine consumption basically leads
05:59to a rapid, violent change,
06:02many times, of emotional states.
06:05Depression, mania and many times violence.
06:08Supposedly, Matthias Garfunkel
06:10had a fortune of 1,200 million dollars.
06:12You know, he left the country due to complicated issues
06:16with an editorial, Editorial 23, was it?
06:18Yes, CN23.
06:19He left without paying his colleagues, basically.
06:23He disappeared with Banucci.
06:25They escaped, it seemed that they had escaped
06:27and lived a life of safaris, of luxuries,
06:30that we were seeing, right?
06:32Very well, I remember it.
06:33I remember it perfectly.
06:34Because, let's say, these things come later, right?
06:36That happened.
06:37That happened.
06:39The children appeared and the relationship
06:41began to wear out.
06:42We are going to listen to her with Karina Masoco,
06:45who did an exclusive interview with her.
06:47But tell me about that background that came.
06:49Sure, because, let's see, we have to remember this,
06:51that is, Victoria Banuccia marries Garfunkel,
06:54a Garfunkel that we see in a note, for example,
06:56with Infobae.
06:57I don't see a guy so crazy or so crazy.
07:01I mean, one is degrading, right?
07:04In life.
07:05And it can be degrading for many reasons.
07:07Because you can lose your fortune
07:09because you have your partner who is sickly crazy too.
07:13So I say, Garfunkel is in a terrible situation.
07:17And thank God that the American government
07:20transfers him, takes him out to Argentina,
07:22and she stays calm so that nothing physical can happen to her
07:26or her children.
07:26But, but, let's not forget that it was a couple that we,
07:33Garfunkel, beyond knowing that he was an economic delirium,
07:37no teníamos otro tipo de novedad.
07:39Pero aparentemente algo se quebró en la familia, Garfunkel.
07:42Se le terminó la plata, se le terminaron las buenas vidas,
07:46y estas mujeres, estas mujeres llegaron,
07:49estas mujeres siempre conquetearon con el poder.
07:52Pasa que es muy difícil hablar de mujeres y hablar de casos,
07:55porque la mujer que está del otro lado de la casa con la pava
07:57y el mate, como está mi mamá, como está mi hermana,
08:00creen que yo estoy hablando mal de esas mujeres.
08:02Yo no estoy hablando mal de esas mujeres,
08:04ni siquiera de Victoria Banucci ni de Wanda Nara.
08:06Pero a Mauro Icardi no le conocíamos la voz.
08:09A Garfunkel nunca escuchamos que era mal padre.
08:12Siempre es perfil bajo.
08:13Siempre es perfiles bajos.
08:15Hasta que tienen problemas, hasta que pasan estas cosas,
08:18y acá encontramos una Victoria Banucci llorando ante la cámara.
08:21Bueno, vamos a escuchar entonces a Victoria Banucci
08:24hablando con nuestra compañera Karina Masoco.
08:27Drogas ilegales.
08:28¿Qué drogas, Victoria?
08:33¿Cuánto tiempo hace que consume cocaína, Matías?
08:37En el momento de Argentina, en especial en las malas decisiones
08:41que tomó, en especial cuando yo estaba embarazada,
08:46yo siempre le dije que trataba de no hacerlo delante mío,
08:51porque sabía que no estaba de acuerdo en absoluto.
08:56Era muy fácil para él conseguir drogas o medicamentos,
09:01porque cuando tenés plata, creeme, podés conseguir lo que querés.
09:05¿Se ponía violento, Victoria, cuando consumía?
09:09Mirá, se puso violento cuando yo le tiro todo por el inodoro.
09:13Yo agarré una vez y tiré absolutamente toda la cocaína
09:17que vi que tenía escondida en un cajón, se la tiré,
09:20en el cual en el mismo cajón tenía también para su ex esposa,
09:26de la cual no quiero hablar ni siquiera mal de ella,
09:30pero tenía una bala que él decía que era para ella.
09:38¿En algún momento te dijo que la iba a matar?
09:42Él sí tenía armas en la Argentina,
09:45pero lo que él hacía era poner una bala en su mesa de luz
09:51dedicada a ella.
09:52En ese mismo cajón es donde él guardaba absolutamente
09:56toda su droga cuando él un día se va a hacer que trabajaba o whatever.
10:04Es ahí que yo le tiro todo por el inodoro,
10:06y cuando vuelve es que otra vez más tuvo otro episodio conmigo.
10:15Pero eso fue...
10:15De violencia, ¿no?
10:16¿Qué veías?
10:17¿Qué veías?
10:17Ya vamos con lo último.
10:18Mirá, todo vínculo tóxico tiene una historia que contar.
10:22Nadie se cae arriba de una línea de cocaína
10:23y nadie se queda arriba de un vínculo tóxico.
10:25Lo que quiero decir que siempre en las relaciones tóxicas
10:29hay dos cuadros muy parecidos, pero distintos.
10:32Uno es la codependencia y la otra es la coadicción.
10:36La codependencia es el vínculo emocional simétrico
10:39y la coadicción es el consumo de ambos de alguna sustancia.
10:44Muy bien.
10:45Te reiteramos la información.
10:47Habrían deportado desde los Estados Unidos a Matías Garfunkel
10:50hacia la Argentina.
10:51Así que posiblemente en los próximos días lo tengamos aquí.
10:55No sé si estará más tranquila Victoria Abanuchi,
10:58quien teme que tras la libertad que le consiguieron
11:02por la fianza pagada por un rabino en Estados Unidos,
11:05ocurra un femicidio.
11:06Dice, si le agarra un brote, puede venir a atacarme,
11:09puede venir a matar.
11:11Ella lo está advirtiendo.
11:12En principio, la justicia de los Estados Unidos
11:14habría decidido la deportación del ex millonario,
11:18llamémosle, en conflicto con su propia familia,
11:20con los Garfunkel, porque aseguran incluso algo
11:24que tendrían que ver con que este hombre,
11:26que tenía un caudal importantísimo de dinero,
11:311.200 millones de dólares,
11:33que tenía a sus espaldas algunas denuncias por estafa,
11:36finalmente se ha quedado sin nada.
11:39De hecho, vivía en un contenedor, como se le llama,
11:42y la propia Victoria Abanuchi le pasaría una cuota mensual.
11:45Fijate vos, la caída de un millonario.
11:48Vamos con más informa...
