• yesterday

Postales de lo que dejó la catástrofe. Marcas del agua en portones y paredes, autos apilados y casas destrozadas. Voluntarios pasan a dejar mercadería.


00:00...showing postcards of this catastrophe, that's how you have to call it, because still in this place, in this street, this is the neighborhood Napostá,
00:10just like the stream that overflowed because it is here a few meters away, and this was transformed into, as in an arm of that overflowed stream,
00:19and everything that was there was taken away, because, look, you see, the level of the water in this place, we are going to get to the gate so that it is clear,
00:29up to here it reached, at least, up to the pear, 1.60 meters, quietly, at the level of the gate, if you wanted to go down to the street, you were going to be at least 2 meters,
00:44that's why you're going to see this, incredible, this truck, that the stream brought it, they still couldn't remove it,
00:53no one has come to remove it yet, but the stream brought it, put it on this other car, which was also dragged by the stream, that's why you see the state it is in,
01:02it still has the waste that the stream was bringing, and this other car that is also stacked, let's say, it is below the truck with the grass,
01:14look at the height of the antenna, it has grass, that all that was brought by the stream, and a third car, just that you were talking about this situation,
01:22well, this is part, these are 3 of the thousands and thousands of cars that were destroyed with the passage of the stream, and obviously, all this was like this,
01:33in this block, then we are going to pass, unfortunately, there is the story of one of the deceased, Betty, a woman who could not escape,
01:42because when, look at the height of the water that reached this level, obviously this woman, an adult, no one could save her,
01:51the neighbors tried in every way to try to help her, but this woman could not, here look, today one of these stories has to do with Alfredo,
02:03who was left with the opposite, how are you Alfredo? Alfredo is also a story of those that, let's see, we pass to tell you, look,
02:14up to here was the height, here the height of the gate is marked, behind this gate is Alfredo's life, Alfredo is someone who does a job that is very difficult,
02:26that you have to be very prepared to do it, look at the mark of the water, how far it reached, and below the water was this work material,
02:38this that Alfredo does, which is luthier, a very specific luthier, very special, and that all your work material ...
02:48It is all the work material, two years of work, each instrument, and this one was floating, unfortunately, as you can see,
02:58tell me, tell me a little Alfredo, what is it?
03:02This instrument is a virginal museum from the year 1600, I took it from a plane of the Rookers builder, in Argentina, when mine was there, there were only 4,
03:17now there are 3 of this instrument, this model, this is a clavichembalo, also from the year 1600, manufactured by Rookers, and it is a replica.
03:32What happens to you Alfredo when you look at it?
03:37When I saw that it was floating, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it, two years each work instrument, a lot of money invested, the treasured wood deposit, of course, finished.
03:54I'm going to give you permission to put you on the headset, there is Marina and Facundo Pastor, Marina Calabro, Facundo Pastor on the other side,
04:02and here is Alfredo telling us part of his story, Marina and Facu.
04:07Yes, first thank you for welcoming us to your house, it is very shocking to see how far the water has come, and it is also tremendous to see those instruments that you said,
04:16those two years of my life invested there, in addition to the cost that this has, it is your way of life, it is your livelihood, how does it continue, how is the day after, once the water went down?
04:28I think it will take a long time, in Argentina there are only 3 people trained to make these instruments, I am one of them, and when something like that happens, it's like losing your life, a lot of work.
04:45But I think I have restored worse things, when this is dry, it can be restored.
04:52What is the story, Alfredo? You were telling something recently, what is the history of this instrument? What year does it date from?
05:01Well, this instrument dates from the year 1600, from the builder Andreas Ruckers, I got an original plan, I made the replica, and well, that's how the luthiers worked.
05:19This one that I'm hitting here is a clavichembalo, also from that time, I can't open it because it got stuck, so it's not a surprise that I'll find myself.
05:31Beyond what is invaluable and intangible, can the loss be quoted? Do you have any idea how much money was lost in this disaster? For you, I say.
05:42Here, $5,000 was lost.
05:46I imagine, Alfredo, it was an effort, an effort of many months, many years.
05:50No, no, no, I want to rectify the answer, I want to rectify the answer.
05:56For sale, it is several thousand dollars.
06:00In cost, $5,000.
06:02In cost, of course. This is a replica of an original from the year 1600?
06:06In cost, calling time, time, that is, calculating time, effort, and all that is $5,000.
06:13The cost is much higher.
06:14Then the sale price is higher. To understand about the instrument, that is a replica of an original from the year 1600, is that so?
06:22Let's see if we can make a string sound.
06:27Put the microphone here.
06:29Oh, sorry.
06:34Don't worry, don't worry.
06:36Sorry, I'll transmit it to you, don't worry.
06:38Don't move, don't worry.
06:42This works like this.
06:44This works like this.
06:46When the key is pressed, this is raised, which is called a shack, which is also made by hand, entirely by hand.
06:54Of course.
06:55Now it is locked by humidity.
06:59And you have to take that apart to be able to dry it, or does it dry like this, as it is?
07:08It makes the sound. When it goes down, this is the muffler, that is, it turns off the sound.
07:16But now all the wood has swollen because of the water, Alfredo.
07:19It's still a little wet. This is going to take about a year or so.
07:23All the wood has swollen because of the water.
07:25It's swollen, of course.
07:27And does that dry as it is, Alfredo, or do you have to take it apart and leave the pieces separate?
07:34No, first I have to dedicate myself to rebuilding the house, that is, to be able to inhabit it.
07:43Then I'll wait for it to dry by itself, and then I'll start disassembling it, polishing it one by one.
07:51Ah, sorry.
07:54No, no, no.
07:55Polishing it one by one, and then see if it works.
08:00And Alfredo, the drawing that this piece has replicated with a lot of passion.
08:08I painted this, I painted this.
08:10That was saved.
08:11I painted this.
08:13Yes, a lot of work.
08:17And I'm going to tell you about the models only as an anecdote.
08:20Let's see.
08:21This is a flamenco model.
08:23Of course.
08:24And the interior represents a garden.
08:32This blue are the fences of the garden.
08:36The garden has flowers, birds.
08:40And what this is, represents a water source where the sound comes out.
08:52Of course.
08:53Well, you talk about the sound, Alfredo.
08:55Here is the tool deposit.
08:57I don't know if you can hear us well.
08:58You talk about the sound, and we have a video.
09:01Where you can enjoy.
09:03Of course, where you can enjoy.
09:05When he walked, when the water had not caught him, we share it.
09:11I think you have a video.
09:13There is the air.
09:14Look, beautiful.
09:18It gives me a lot of excitement, a lot of joy.
09:20That people enjoy it.
09:22Of course.
09:26This is how it should work.
09:33The difference between this instrument and the other is that this one sounds in the middle.
09:38And it has a longer sound.
09:41The key does not sound from the operator.
09:47Of course.
09:48And the other one, you can't even open it.
09:50Because of the state in which the wood is.
09:52No, I couldn't open it.
09:54It seems to me that you don't even want to open it, Alfredo, because you don't know what's inside.
09:57I found this one floating.
09:59So I was very lucky.
10:01I consider myself very, very, very lucky that this did not get wet.
10:04Of course.
10:05Of course, which is the heart.
10:06If this had not gotten wet, the rest will recover.
10:08Of course.
10:09And you also said, Alfredo, first I have to recover my house.
10:13Leo just showed us that you had 1.80 meters of water, practically.
10:181.60 meters at least.
10:20That is, the kitchen, bathroom, the whole house.
10:23First recover the house.
10:25We leave this for the last, when there is more tranquility.
10:29Of course.
10:30Little by little we do it.
10:32Look where the water came from.
10:34Look, Alfredo.
10:35Now we are going to air a document that shows.
10:38There you can clearly see the level of the water.
10:40Everything is very sad.
10:42But it is a document that you yourself filmed at the time when all that enclosure was with water.
10:48And all your house.
10:49Let's see.
10:50Look at it.
10:51Look at what this is.
10:53Look at what this is.
10:54It's tremendous.
10:56Well, at that time the water was going down.
10:59There it was going down.
11:02It was going down.
11:03It's amazing.
11:04We were already on the street.
11:06The height at which the cars take the trucks.
11:10For the water to come out of the house, go to the street.
11:16And also a water, first of course, dirty, because it is all mixed, water that comes from different sources.
11:23And it also impacts the current.
11:27How did you experience this, Alfredo?
11:29How was it to be there at this moment that you recorded?
11:36It can not be explained.
11:37Well, here I interrupt you for a second.
11:40Well, you also know what is happening.
11:42What happened?
11:43Water, washbasin.
11:44A truck passed.
11:45They are screaming, Leo.
11:47A voice that comes.
11:48Let's see.
11:49Yes, yes, they are screaming.
11:50Let's see.
11:52I wanted to make a parenthesis.
11:53Do not miss it.
11:55I want to point out that the volunteers spend two or three times a day to leave things.
12:01Very good.
12:02The municipality in this street or in this area has worked a lot, a lot.
12:10Every day they go to collect garbage on time.
12:14Come closer, Alfredo.
12:15Yes, Alfredo, come closer.
12:17Yes, of course.
12:18It is the priority, Leo.
12:20Well, all the neighbors come out because they all need something to be able to clean the washbasin.
12:29Washbasin water.
12:31There they are distributing.
12:32A little later.
12:33Thank you, Alfredo.
12:34Thank you very much.
12:35There are so many stories to tell.
12:38There is the story of José, which we told early today.
12:42There is also the story of a man who was able to escape with his dog and there was nothing left.
12:51He is there, he is Portuguese, he is fighting.
12:56I'm going to advance a little bit, if you allow me, Marina, Facu.
12:59Yes, of course.
13:00To tell you, look at what the street is, right?
13:03Still, the amount of mud, all this was taken to many people.
13:08Well, and in this house, unfortunately, is where we have to tell this story, the story of Betty.
13:14This woman is one of the tragic stories of this whole catastrophe.
13:19Betty lived in this place.
13:21Betty could not escape.
13:22There was the fence, there was the door.
13:24The water began to enter and, unfortunately, when all the neighbors entered and tried to help her,
13:33Betty had not found any place to hide.
13:36The frame of the windows impacts me, Leo.
13:38There you can see the level of the water.
13:41Imagine, Betty's house, the mud, look at you.
13:46Because that's not what the water level was.
13:49In the windows, notice that there was mud, that is, mud was entering.
13:53Of course, it is water with mud.
13:54Look at what the door is.
13:56Of course, look at the door.
13:57I tell you, Leo, I don't want to go back.
14:02I don't want to go back in history, but I've seen this.
14:05That Luthier has found his instrument floating.
14:09It's a miracle.
14:10It's a miracle.
14:11It's a miracle.
14:12I tell you, I don't want to go back.
14:14I let you advance, but it's shocking.
14:18Look, this is Boris's house.
14:21Another of the stories we are going to tell.
14:24Leo, Leo.
14:25This is the outside.
14:26Imagine, and here is the whole inside.
14:29Now you tell us the story of Boris, because I think it's about that, right?
14:33To put a face and a name to these hard realities, because you have to help.
14:38You have to lend a hand.
14:39We have a video to share.
