'ब्रेन रोट' (Brain Rot) 2024 का वर्ड ऑफ ईयर यानी साल का शब्द चुना गया है। इसे ऑक्सफोर्ड डिक्शनरी में भी शामिल कर लिया गया है। वर्ड ऑफ ईयर की लिस्ट में ब्रेन रोट समेत 6 शब्द- डेम्योर, डायनेमिक प्राइसिंग, लोर, रोमैंटेसी और स्लॉप शामिल थे। ये सभी वर्ड उन सामाजिक बदलावों और रुझानों को दिखाते हैं जो 2024 में हुए। 2023 में ऑक्सफोर्ड ने रिज (Rizz) को वर्ड ऑफ द ईयर चुना था
'Brain Rot' has been chosen as the word of the year for 2024. It has also been included in the Oxford Dictionary. The list of Word of the Year included 6 words including brain rot – demure, dynamic pricing, lore, romance and slop.All these words show the social changes and trends that happened in 2024. Oxford chose Rizz as the word of the year in 2023.
#2024Wordoftheyear #Oxfordwordoftheyear2024 #Brainrotwordoftheyear #Brainrotwordsof2024 #Brainrotmeaninggenz #Brainrotwordsmeaninginhindi
'Brain Rot' has been chosen as the word of the year for 2024. It has also been included in the Oxford Dictionary. The list of Word of the Year included 6 words including brain rot – demure, dynamic pricing, lore, romance and slop.All these words show the social changes and trends that happened in 2024. Oxford chose Rizz as the word of the year in 2023.
#2024Wordoftheyear #Oxfordwordoftheyear2024 #Brainrotwordoftheyear #Brainrotwordsof2024 #Brainrotmeaninggenz #Brainrotwordsmeaninginhindi