• last year
(Adnkronos) - “É un appuntamento veramente importante a livello di comunicazione strategica perchè mettiamo insieme mondi apparentemente lontani ma che in realtà sono molto vicini tra loro" con queste dichiarazioni, Alessia Galimberti, direttore artistico dell'evento "La Sensibile Magia dell'Acqua e consigliere di BrianzAcque, ha parlato da Palazzo Pirelli, Milano, dove si è svolta la seconda edizione di “La Sensibile Magia dell’Acqua”, progetto evento di BrianzAcque.


00:00This is an appointment that we consider very important at the level of strategic communication.
00:13We did it last year for the 20th anniversary of Brienzacque, we did it in Villa Reale in Monza,
00:18while instead this year we moved here to Palazzo Pirelli.
00:21I must say that putting together worlds that apparently seem so far away,
00:26but instead are so close, is an important synergy.
00:29Because we realized how important water is for architecture, for design,
00:33for medicine, for health, therefore for everything that is well-being,
00:37and well-being today is really considered a new luxury.
00:40Well, the theme of sustainability is very important.
00:43I believe that many abuse this word, and therefore the word sustainability.
00:47For me sustainability is education, therefore it is coherence.
00:50So I believe that everyone should make projects that are consistent with everything,
00:53from architecture, from design to the use of water.
00:56So coherence and education.
