• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Si deve partire dalle nuove generazioni, spiegare che l’acqua è una risorsa preziosa” ha spiegato Enrico Boerci presidente di BrianzaAcque. A Palazzo Pirelli di Milano si è svolta la seconda edizione di “La Sensibile Magia dell’Acqua”, progetto evento di BrianzAcque ideato e a cura dell’architetto Alessia Galimberti, consigliere d’amministrazione della monoutility pubblica dell’idrico brianzolo. È stata anche l’occasione per parlare della nuova sede a impatto zero di BrianzAcque.


00:00We have a great responsibility because we are dealing with a precious resource, which
00:10we give too often for granted, but this resource must be preserved, it must be valued, it must
00:17be told and today we tell it in an ideal conjunction between water, the world of business,
00:25the world of institutions, outside our historical borders, because we came to Milan, but in
00:31reality we came as guests of the Lombardy region, which for us is a fundamental partner.
00:36We believe that we must start from the new generations and therefore explain to the boys
00:43how much work is behind the ability to bring to the taps of the Brianzoli an
00:51absolute quality water, but above all explain that water is a precious resource that must
00:57be consumed, because from the point of view of organoleptic and physical chemistry, tap water
01:01is an absolute quality water, oligomineral, but it is a resource that should not be wasted.
01:06Yes, a project that starts from the idea of ​​having a headquarters in which to gather our
01:14collaborators, we will still maintain a territorial presidium located on the territory
01:21because we must be close and ready to intervene in case of emergency, but we have thought of a
01:26new headquarters that from the point of view of the emission will be a zero-impact headquarters, we think
01:31that the heating and cooling can be guaranteed by a geothermal source, therefore relevant
01:37to what we do and therefore a headquarters that also becomes a presidium of knowledge
01:44regarding the consumption of water because a water house will be placed, it is a balcony on the
01:50Monza Park, very close to the Villa Reale and close to a future stop by the Metropolitana.
