Follows a pair of police officers on patrol as they respond to a new radio call, arriving on the scene to resolve incidents.
On Call is an upcoming American procedural drama television series created by Tim Walsh and Elliot Wolf that is set to premiere on Prime Video
On Call is an upcoming American procedural drama television series created by Tim Walsh and Elliot Wolf that is set to premiere on Prime Video
00:00We think we know what this job is until we get that one call.
00:18Rocket fuel.
00:21How'd you do at the Academy?
00:22Second in the class.
00:24Out of how many?
00:30You know I'm big on effort.
00:32And if you give me effort, I can teach you the rest.
00:34Got you.
00:36Narcotics unit requesting backup.
00:39Diaz, what's your 20?
00:41Drop the hatchet!
00:44Don't do it!
00:54I feel like you know everything about me, and I know nothing about you.
00:58I work.
01:00Take care of my dogs.
01:01If I'm lucky, I serve.
01:06Police, open up!
01:08Requesting additional units.
01:09Requesting backup on suspicion.
01:11Move, move!
01:12Need additional units to respond.
01:15Hey, who's that guy?
01:16Ma'am, open up!
01:18Take the door.
01:19He's my new trainee.
01:20Is he cool?
01:22Jerry's still up.
01:23I've got some people gunning for me.
01:25I don't want that coming off on you.
01:27Heard what they say about Harvey.
01:29Can't trust him.
01:31You are either 100% with me, or not.
01:34It is no question.
01:40I'm 100% with you.
01:44I'm calling in every division.
01:46Every move we make is under a microscope.
01:50We try to do the right thing.
01:52We are kicking the hornet's nest.
01:55Get out of the car!
01:56Hey, hey!
01:57Open footprint to the suspect.
02:14No fear.
02:16No hesitation.
02:18No doubt.