• 2 days ago
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 159 English Subtitles
00:03:00But Javi itin konuşacağı yok ne yapalım
00:03:05Ben biliyorum ne yapacağım ben
00:03:15İnanamıyorum gitti
00:03:19Ama geri dönebilir
00:03:21Benim buradan çıkmam lazım
00:03:46Adamın karısını elimden kaçırdım iyi mi?
00:03:48Fırsatla ayağıma gelmişti
00:03:58Kıymet anne itiraz etme
00:04:00Gidelim bak hiç iyi görünmüyorsun
00:04:02Ana sen mi haklı? Doktor etmemiz lazım artık
00:04:06Anasına da hiç dayanamaz kara kuzun
00:04:08Alerji dedim ya oğlum
00:04:10İlaç içtim gel çiçek az sabır
00:04:12Tekrar geçmiş olsun Kıymet Hanım
00:04:18Kırmızı kırmızı
00:04:20Domates salçası gibi olmuşsun
00:04:24İlaç fayda etmezse mutlaka doktora git
00:04:26Gençler haklı
00:04:30Bir bir yazıcım hanele
00:04:32Sorucum hesabına
00:04:38Odamda biraz şekerleme edeceğim
00:04:42İyi oturmalar
00:04:44Anneciğim gel
00:04:46Ben de sana eşlik edeyim seni yatırırım hadi
00:04:48İyiyim oğlum iyiyim
00:04:50Dağ gibi senin adam
00:04:52Dağ öyle kolay kolay yıkılmaz
00:04:56Biliyorum anneciğim hadi gel
00:04:58Hadi gel hadi
00:05:04Nasıl oldu bir anda hiç anlamadım ya
00:05:06Kendi çelmesine takıldı diyelim
00:05:08Çocuğunuz olmasın diye
00:05:10Hazırladığı otlardan yaptığı karışımı
00:05:12Senin tabağına koydu
00:05:16Ama bilmeden de
00:05:18O yemeği kendi yiyince
00:05:20İşte bu hale geldi
00:05:22Ne diyorsun
00:05:24Son anda fark edince
00:05:26Senin tabağında onunkini değiştirdim
00:05:30İnanamıyorum ya
00:05:32Sürekli başka plan peşinde
00:05:34Ben de diyorum ki bana niye bu kadar iyi davranıyor
00:05:36Hazırladığı otlardan yaptığı
00:05:38Isırgana allerjisi varmış
00:05:40Isırgan otu
00:05:42Isırmış anlayacağım
00:05:44Yiyince domates gibi kızıyor
00:05:46Tamam tamam sus
00:05:48Eren gelir şimdi durmasın
00:05:50Bu sinsi kadının ekmeğine yağ sürme
00:05:52Yap çocuğunu
00:05:54Kocanla huzur içinde yaşa
00:05:56Of teyze
00:05:58Benim bu evde kalmam için
00:06:00Sağlam temelli bir evliliğe ihtiyacım var
00:06:04Çocuk evliliğin temelidir
00:06:08Teyzeciğim tabii ki öyledir biliyorum
00:06:10Ama hazır değilim anne olmaya
00:06:12Korkuyorum hatta
00:06:14Ya sen doğur çocuğunu
00:06:16Korkun da bir anda kendiliğinden geçebilecek
00:06:18Oluyor mu teyze öyle
00:06:22Tamam kaptalım bu konuyu
00:06:42Tasmanı tutan sahibin nerede
00:06:46Halil Fırat'a pusu kurarken her şeyi biliyordunuz
00:06:48Bunu mu bilmiyorsun
00:07:08Bunu gönderin
00:07:14Vakit kaybından başka bir işe yaramaz
00:07:18Telefonunu da ver
00:07:24Gözüm sizin olsun
00:07:26Merak etme
00:07:28Az kaldı Zeynep
00:07:30Şu duvarı da açtın mı
00:07:32Yola çıktın demektir
00:07:34Bakalım niye
00:07:36Mektupta yazdıklarını açıklayamayınca
00:07:38Ne diyeceksin Halil Fırat
00:08:08Tostunu üst üste koyarız
00:08:10Oldu mu iş
00:08:24Sana gerçekleri ispatlamak
00:08:26Kendimi aklamak için düştüğüm şu hale bak
00:08:34Hadi Zeynep
00:08:44Bırak beni
00:08:46Ne yapıyorsun yürü şuradan
00:08:48Bırak Nihan'ı getireceğim ispatlayacağım sana
00:08:50Boşuna direnme gel
00:08:56Öyle başına buyruk hareket ettiğin her an
00:08:58Elime düşeceksin
00:09:02Suçsuz olduğumu ispatlayacaktım sana
00:09:04Kanıtla gelecektim hemde
00:09:08Zeynep Hanım'ı koridoyla bir başına görünce
00:09:10Ne olur ne olmaz diye size haber vermek istedim
00:09:12İyi yapmışsın
00:09:16Ama sorun yok
00:09:18Eşimle ben biraz orman havası almak istedik
00:09:22Hadi sen işine bak
00:09:24Peki efendim
00:09:30Hadi Zeynep
00:09:50Alışverişten geldin yorgunsun ama şu poşetleri de bir kaldırsan
00:09:58Ne demek
00:10:00Başka bir ihtiyacın olursa söyle çekinme
00:10:02Daha yenisin
00:10:04Valla seni daha çok yorucam gibi duruyor
00:10:06Baksana mutfakta benden başka çalışan yok
00:10:08Hep tek çalışan mı olurdu
00:10:12Daha önce Canan ablayla kızı Asu vardı
00:10:16Onlar gidince geçici olarak Nihan geldi
00:10:18Bak gördün mü o da tek çalışıyormuş
00:10:20Yine yetiştiremezsen yanına takviye birini alırlar
00:10:24Ama sen kalıcı olmaya bak
00:10:28Gerçi evin hanımıyla tanıştık
00:10:30Beni sevecek gibi gözüküyor
00:10:32Songül Hanım mıydı adı
00:10:34Yok Songül Hanım değil
00:10:36Evin asıl hanımı Zeynep Hanımdır
00:10:38Halil Bey'in eşi
00:10:42Demek Zeynep Hanımla muhatap olacağız
00:10:50Çay içince olsam
00:10:52Asıl sen sağ ol çok yardımını aldım
00:10:54Kolay gelsin
00:11:00Ne diyordu Canan teyzen mesajında
00:11:02Evin hanımı falan diyordu
00:11:06Arzu biz Evin hanımın açığını bulunca para kopardık
00:11:10Anca öyle Almanya'ya gidiyoruz
00:11:12Bir varalım yerleşelim seni de aldırıcam
00:11:14Ya aldırdın gerçekten teyze
00:11:16Numaranı bile değiştirmişsin be
00:11:18Sana bile ulaşamıyorum
00:11:22Sen beni yarı yolda bırakırsan
00:11:24Bende senin altın yumurtlayan tavuğuna konarım
00:11:28Şu Zeynep denen kadının ne açığı varmış
00:11:30Bir gidip onu öğrenelim önce
00:11:32Sonra yavaş yavaş konarız paralara
00:11:44Yoluma taş da koysan
00:11:46Kaya da koysan ben onun üstünden atlayıp yine gideceğim
00:11:52Bu sefer başaramadım tamam
00:11:54Ama en azından taşları üst üste koyduğumu gördün
00:12:00Bir sonraki hamlemde çok daha temkinli olacağım
00:12:02Bunu bil
00:12:08Sen beni terk et...
00:12:16Takip mi?
00:12:18Takip mi ettiriyorsun sen beni?
00:12:20Güvenlik geldi ya
00:12:22Ya ne haklısın ya
00:12:24O adam bizi bombalamaya kalktı
00:12:28Bana olan öfkesini seni yakalarsa senden çıkarmaya kalkacak
00:12:34Seni bana karşı kullanabilir Zeynep
00:12:40O adam yakalanana kadar buradan çıkmak yok
00:12:42Son kez uyarıyorum
00:12:46Beni düşündüğü için
00:12:48Bana bir şey olmasından korkuyorum
00:13:02Ağzımı kapatmana gerek var mıydı bunun için
00:13:06Madem polis Kazım'ın peşinde bana bir zarar veremez
00:13:08Ama benim Nihan'la konuşmam lazım
00:13:10O yüzden
00:13:12Madem polis Kazım'ın peşinde bana bir zarar veremez
00:13:14Ama benim Nihan'la konuşmam lazım
00:13:18Üstüme atılan bu ifsirlerle yaşamak istemiyorum ben
00:13:20Bırak da gideyim
00:13:26Lütfen kıyma beni
00:13:28Sağolun Zeynep Hanım
00:13:34Ne demek
00:13:38Nihan'ı bulup ne yapacaksın
00:13:40Yine eline para verip yalan söylemesini mi isteyeceksin
00:13:44İnanmıyorum sana
00:13:54Halil Nihan'ı bulup getirdiler
00:13:58Atölyeye götür Nihan'ı
00:14:00Ben de geliyorum
00:14:02Nihan'ı buraya mı getirdin
00:14:06Hadi gidelim
00:14:10Konuştur bakalım Nihan'ı
00:14:12Ben de göreyim şu marifetlerini
00:14:14Seve seve
00:14:32Attıklarının hesabını bir bir soğuyacağım
00:14:36Domates salçası
00:14:42Ay aynaları çatlatacaksın
00:14:44Birilerini çatlatacağım ama
00:14:46Şimdi değil
00:14:48Sinirlenmekte haklısın
00:14:50Güzelliğine nazar değdi
00:14:52En tabi güzeli
00:14:54Ne hallere düştü vah vah
00:14:56Sen bana oyun ettin
00:14:58Ben biliyim
00:15:00Şimdi karşıma geçmiş utanmadan alay edin
00:15:04Sen de benim yeğenimin çocuk doğurmasına engel olayın
00:15:06Ama pışık
00:15:12Seninle kolay mı edeyim
00:15:14Yo gayet ciddiyim
00:15:16Benim yeğenim anne olacak
00:15:18Hemde en kısa zamanda
00:15:20Sen onu rüyanda göreceksin
00:15:24Ben yeğenimi bu evde büyütürken
00:15:26Sen bize Antep'ten kışlık erzak
00:15:30Çocuk olunca Eren Selma'nın
00:15:32Bir dediğini iki etmez
00:15:34Selma'da benim dediğimi
00:15:36Çantanı şimdiden hazırlasan
00:15:38İyi olur
00:15:40Bebek olunca buradan tıpış tıpış
00:15:44O çocuk doğmayacak
00:15:46Sen de bu eve yerleşemeyeceksin
00:15:48Geldiğin deliğe
00:15:50Tıpış tıpış gideceksin
00:16:00Dağ gibi oğlumu
00:16:02Kaz gibi yolacaklar
00:16:04Anneciğim nasıl oldun?
00:16:10Giderek azalıyor
00:16:12Bak hele
00:16:14Ben sana her zaman ne diyeyim
00:16:18Karını sayacağım
00:16:20Zaten öyle yapıyorum anne
00:16:24Hiç yere aramız açılmaz
00:16:26Tutturdu çocukta çocuk diye
00:16:28Gelinim genç
00:16:30Yeni gelin daha
00:16:32Anne olmaktan korkuyor
00:16:36Peşini bırak oğlum
00:16:40Haklısın anne
00:16:42Fazla üstüne gittin
00:16:50Sen şimdi biraz dinlen
00:16:52Ben de çıkayım
00:16:56Anasını nasıl da dinliyim
00:17:02İki lafımla
00:17:04Hemen vazgeçti
00:17:14Niye beni çağırdı Halil Bey
00:17:16Ne istiyorsunuz benden
00:17:18Neden iftira attın sen bana
00:17:28İhale zarfındaki teklifi çalmanı ben söyledim öyle mi
00:17:32Neden yaptın bunu
00:17:34Ben bir şey yapmadım
00:17:36Yalan söyleme
00:17:38Bu mektubu sen yazmadın mı
00:17:48Sakin ol
00:18:04Nihat korkma
00:18:08Sadece bildiklerini söylemeni istiyorum
00:18:14Bunları tanıyacak mısın
00:18:18Annem ve babam
00:18:20Annenle baban tabi ya
00:18:26Gördün mü
00:18:28Elim kolum bunlara kadar uzandı
00:18:32Hemen planı pırtını toplayıp
00:18:34Bu çiftlikten defolup gitmezsen
00:18:36Annenle babanın yapacaklarımı
00:18:38Aklın hayalini dahi almaz tamam mı
00:18:40Mektuptaki iftiraları
00:18:42Benim ağzımdan Tekin Bey yazmış demek
00:18:44Zeynep Hanım'ı suçlayıp
00:18:46İşin içinden tamamen sıyrılmış
00:18:54Sadece bana yazdıklarını söylemen yeterli
00:19:00Çok basit
00:19:02Gerçekleri söyleyeceksin bitecek
00:19:04Mektubunda neden beni suçladın
00:19:18Nihat iyi misin
00:19:28Ben bir doktor arayayım
00:19:42Konuşacak diye aklım çıktı
00:19:54Bir problem mi var
00:19:56Yok daha Hakan
00:19:58Ne problemi olacak
00:20:02Ya kadın millet işte
00:20:04Yürüyüşe çıkacağız ortalıkta yok
00:20:06Ben de atölyeye bakayım dedim
00:20:14Geldi benim güzelim
00:20:16Hadi görüşürüz
00:20:20Kendine gelirse konuşursa biterim ben
00:20:22Ali canımı okur
00:21:00Anne nasıl oldu
00:21:02İyi oldu merak etme
00:21:04Lekeleri de azaldı
00:21:06Çok şükür
00:21:16Az önce yemekte
00:21:20Yani çocuk konusunda
00:21:28Evet sen
00:21:38Sen çok güzelsin
00:21:46Bu güzelliğe sahip olduğum için çok şanslıyım
00:21:50Bana kızdığını sanmıştım
00:21:58Kızar mıyım hiç
00:22:00Olur mu öyle şey
00:22:04Sen kocanı anlayışsız mı sandın
00:22:08Büyük bir sorumluluk
00:22:14İnsan bir aşkı endişelerini biliyor
00:22:20Gel buraya
00:22:28Annem haklı
00:22:30Annem haklıymış
00:22:32Çocuk fikri sermaye tahammülünden daha çok korkutuyor
00:22:34Merak etme hayatım
00:22:36Bu korkunu yenmen için elimden ne geliyorsa yapacağım
00:23:00Doktor ne zaman gelir
00:23:02Birazdan burada olur
00:23:08Nihan duyuyor musun beni
00:23:10Kendine gelmiyor
00:23:12Onu başta düşünecektin
00:23:14Kızın üstüne gidip bayılttın
00:23:16İftira atıldı bana
00:23:18Bunu temizlememin tek yol Nihan'ın konuşmasıydı ne yapsaydım
00:23:20Üstüne gidip korkutarak mı
00:23:22Onu bayıltarak mı
00:23:26Senin için tek gerçek benim iş birlikçi olduğum değil mi
00:23:30Bir hastaneye mi gitsek
00:23:32Birazdan gelir dedim doktor
00:23:36Halil bey doktor hanım geldi
00:23:38Hadi çabuk
00:23:40Buyurun hanımefendi
00:23:42Bir anda bayıldı
00:23:46Geçmiş olsun
00:23:52Geçmiş olsun
00:24:16Hastamız epilepsi nöbeti geçirmiş
00:24:18Muhtemelen bir olay tetiklemiştir
00:24:20Ne yapacağız peki
00:24:22Kendine gelmesi uzun sürmez
00:24:24Sonrasında temiz hava alsın
00:24:26Stres yapacak duygulardan uzak durması gerekir
00:24:30Rahatlaması için bir iğne yapacağım
00:24:52Beraber bir tatile gidelim diyorum ben
00:24:58Çok güzel bir kaplıca buldum
00:25:00Sen çok seversin
00:25:06Konuşurdun Nihan
00:25:08Ağzıma söylesen de giderken beni de götürsen
00:25:16Hem biraz baş başa kalmak bize de iyi gelir
00:25:20Topun ağzındayım
00:25:22Patlamam onun meselesi
00:25:28Bulduğum otelin yorumları da çok iyi
00:25:30Geleneksel bir mutfağı varmış
00:25:32İççi köfteydi mantıydı
00:25:34Bütün gün götürürsün ha ne dersin
00:25:38Hava soğuk ben sana şal getireyim mi
00:25:40Beni böyle düşünmen içimi sıcacık yapıyor biliyor musun
00:25:42Şalla da dışını sız
00:25:44Düşünmen içimi sıcacık yapıyor biliyor musun
00:25:46Şalla da dışını sız
00:25:50Güzelim benim hemen geliyorum
00:26:00Kasım'a olan biteni anlatacağım
00:26:02Tek umudum onun bir çare bulmasın
00:26:14Eğer o gamlancı çiftçinin hakkından gelmezsen
00:26:26Bunu sana çok kötü ödeteceğim Fikret
00:26:32Şu hale bak ya
00:26:34Kendi odamda tülerle karşılaşmamak için hapse oldum
00:26:36What are you doing in my room?
00:26:45I was wondering when you didn't answer my messages, Songül.
00:26:50I didn't see your messages.
00:26:53I'll ask you about your lies later.
00:26:58First, you will wash this carefully in your hand.
00:27:04Look at me. I'm sick of you and your filth.
00:27:09I can't wash it.
00:27:17Don't rub the laundry like that.
00:27:21I'll be careful.
00:27:22Of course you will.
00:27:24Use delicate detergent.
00:27:27If it's over, go get it from the market.
00:27:30It's none of my business.
00:27:32It's none of your business. Go get it.
00:27:44What happened?
00:27:46Are you tired of being tested for your sins?
00:27:52Wash your teeth often, Songül.
00:27:54Don't make a sound.
00:27:56If you wash it well, it'll be over.
00:27:58Okay, give it to me.
00:27:59I'll wash it.
00:28:03I'm giving you these things to improve yourself.
00:28:06Then you'll thank me.
00:28:08Tülay, don't extend it.
00:28:10By the way, I didn't want you to run away easily, so I sent the new servant to Arzu Yalışıyaş.
00:28:19Wash it well, dry it, iron it and bring it to me.
00:28:24I don't want a single line.
00:28:48I'll make you pay for this, Tülay.
00:28:51But I have to stay calm until Fikret solves this.
00:29:04Look, if you say my name, we'll both burn.
00:29:07You're crying like a child in front of me that you're looking for a way to keep quiet.
00:29:12I'm going crazy, man.
00:29:15The servant who saw me leak the offer is in the hands of Halil.
00:29:19He's going to talk.
00:29:22Okay, but you don't talk.
00:29:32No, don't kill.
00:29:35Does anyone else have a knife?
00:29:43Look at me, listen to me.
00:29:45Halil closed the port.
00:29:47I'm going out by land.
00:29:49After you get rid of the servant, go to Rıza.
00:29:51He owes me.
00:29:52I have 3 million. Take it.
00:29:55I can't go that far.
00:29:57Is it easy to get money?
00:30:03You're going to take the money to the smuggler Cemal.
00:30:05He's the one who's going to kidnap you.
00:30:07He's not a coward like you.
00:30:09If you're going to prove your manhood, get me the board tomorrow.
00:30:14If I stay here, things will be very bad.
00:30:16Did you hear?
00:30:24It's time to put my own plan into action.
00:30:39I'll do what I say.
00:30:51Have a nice day.
00:31:06Where are you, Tekin? I'm cold.
00:31:21Ms. Gül.
00:31:23Here you go.
00:31:25Here you go.
00:31:34I'm here to kill my sister.
00:31:36I'm here to kill my sister.
00:31:52Tekin was going to bring it. There was no need.
00:31:55Mr. Tekin sent it.
00:31:58Where is he?
00:31:59Why didn't he bring it?
00:32:03He didn't say anything.
00:32:05You can ask him.
00:32:19Look, you heard the doctor.
00:32:23When you come to yourself, you don't go over it.
00:32:26Do I look like a merciless person when I look from there?
00:32:30I'm just defending my right and trying to be strong.
00:32:35The sign of strength is confession, Zeynep.
00:32:37Not denial.
00:33:01Are you okay?
00:33:03Don't be afraid, okay? You'll be fine.
00:33:08Don't strain yourself. Relax a little.
00:33:12The doctor examined you. There was no problem.
00:33:15Are you hungry?
00:33:18Look, honey, if you want anything else, tell me. Don't hesitate. I'll get it ready.
00:33:26Look, if you don't feel well, let's call the doctor back.
00:33:28Let's call the doctor back.
00:33:32Zeynep, I can't tell Mr. Halil the truth.
00:33:37But my family is in danger.
00:33:41What are you saying, Nihan?
00:33:43Why is your family in danger?
00:33:46My family was examined. I can't talk.
00:33:50Who examined you?
00:33:53I can't say.
00:33:55Okay, don't be afraid. Your family won't be harmed.
00:34:00It's not that easy.
00:34:02I promise. I won't let your family get hurt.
00:34:08Where do they live?
00:34:10At the entrance of Köprülüköy.
00:34:13There's a nursing home. Their house is behind it.
00:34:16Okay, don't strain yourself. I'll take care of it.
00:34:21When I'm sure you're protecting my family, I'll tell Mr. Halil everything.
00:34:28I'll finally get rid of that black stain on me.
00:34:37She's awake.
00:34:39She's a little hungry. I'll go get something to eat.
00:34:51Are you better?
00:35:12I'm going to send you Nihan's family address.
00:35:17There's a problem with the village they live in.
00:35:20Put them in a safe place, okay?
00:35:22Let me ask Mr. Halil. He knows where to take me.
00:35:25No, I asked.
00:35:27Cemil knows our safe places. Don't waste time.
00:35:30Okay, I'll let you know.
00:35:35Let's see who's behind this.
00:35:47My Pasha.
00:35:49You'll get better.
00:35:52I'm listening to you, my Pasha.
00:35:55Honey, look at this.
00:35:57His father and mother say
00:36:00you can't eat biscuits without us.
00:36:03It's so sweet.
00:36:07Let me look at it.
00:36:11It's so useless.
00:36:20Do you like kids?
00:36:22It's so sweet.
00:36:25It melts in your mouth.
00:36:28Kids are like that.
00:36:30It's so sweet on the outside.
00:36:33But it melts in your mouth.
00:36:37Come on, Mrs. Kıymet.
00:36:39You have a son, too.
00:36:42Oh my God!
00:36:44I suffered so much because of him.
00:36:47I couldn't sleep, I couldn't get up.
00:36:50He's grown up.
00:36:54Thank you, mom.
00:36:56My son.
00:36:58Don't be sad.
00:37:00You'll have a son, too.
00:37:02Your baby will be just like you.
00:37:05He won't leave his mother all day long.
00:37:13You used to tell your friends
00:37:16that you loved me.
00:37:18Do you remember?
00:37:20Eren is smart, Zeki is a gentleman.
00:37:24Tell them, mom.
00:37:29Tell them.
00:37:31I don't remember anything.
00:37:38The world has changed.
00:37:39Parents don't shape their lives
00:37:42according to their children.
00:37:44When you have a child,
00:37:46the world of a person changes.
00:37:48My son knows that.
00:37:50I don't need to have a child.
00:37:53My friends have children.
00:37:55I have nieces.
00:37:57I know what a beautiful feeling it is.
00:38:02First of all,
00:38:04loneliness in a person
00:38:06is called a child.
00:38:09No, no, no.
00:38:11You said it right.
00:38:13Men are so greedy
00:38:15that they bring gold to the house.
00:38:18It's hard work.
00:38:20You're right, mom.
00:38:25I think we need to prepare for six months
00:38:28before I decide to be a father.
00:38:31Let's go to school, if you want.
00:38:34Oh, honey.
00:38:36You were always so thoughtful.
00:38:38We need to let some things flow.
00:38:42I'm sure
00:38:44you'll be a great mother.
00:38:48I think so.
00:38:50When you're on top of me like this,
00:38:52I'm more worried, you know?
00:38:54What if I'm busy with a job?
00:38:56Besides, it contributes to the family budget.
00:38:59Family budget?
00:39:01Come on, say it right.
00:39:05Thanks, mom.
00:39:07You're welcome.
00:39:16This soup is my grandmother's special recipe.
00:39:20She'll fix you right away.
00:39:22You've never touched it, have you?
00:39:25Thank you, Mrs. Zeynep.
00:39:28But I don't want to.
00:39:30Are you feeling better?
00:39:32I'm tired of you, too.
00:39:34I love it when there's a crisis.
00:39:37Look, Nihan.
00:39:39If you don't tell her the secret,
00:39:43it will hurt the world even more to get out of it.
00:39:47It's obvious that you poured what you couldn't dare into the letter.
00:39:51Now all you have to do
00:39:53is tell her what's written in that letter.
00:39:56That's it.
00:39:58I'm sure she'll tell me what's in the letter.
00:40:00If she doesn't feel under pressure, she'll tell you.
00:40:05Let's not go overboard.
00:40:07She'll talk to you whenever she feels comfortable.
00:40:11Look, I'm telling you again.
00:40:17Say it and get rid of it.
00:40:20Let's not squeeze it, if you want.
00:40:22Hasis has already fallen.
00:40:27Come on, let me give you a couple of spoons.
00:40:30It gives you strength.
00:40:42Thank you, that's enough.
00:40:47It's too hot, of course, that's why you can't drink.
00:41:04I'm sorry.
00:41:10It's better if I drink water.
00:41:14Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
00:41:16No, don't be sorry.
00:41:18A glass at the bottom, okay?
00:41:20I think I'm thirsty.
00:41:22My hands are shaking.
00:41:24I'll get some water for myself.
00:41:26I don't want to bother you.
00:41:28Don't tire yourself, sit down.
00:41:30I'll get you some water.
00:41:32Sit down.
00:41:34Sit down.
00:41:50Don't run!
00:42:08I hope you did the right thing.
00:42:13I had a hard time when you washed the ropes for me.
00:42:22You have to give your right.
00:42:24It's beautiful.
00:42:27And whatever it is, there is service in my soul.
00:42:32You can leave.
00:42:34I'll call you if I need anything.
00:42:37I'll kill you as soon as you hear my phone.
00:42:47I will regret that you were born, Türey Aslanlı.
00:42:59Hello, Ms. Songül.
00:43:01I have good news for you, Fikret.
00:43:04Unfortunately, I followed the farmer.
00:43:07But they said he went to the village.
00:43:09The village is in trouble.
00:43:11It's crowded in the middle.
00:43:13He's not answering his phone.
00:43:18What should I do?
00:43:20What should I do?
00:43:22What should I do?
00:43:24What should I do?
00:43:26What should I do?
00:43:29What do you do?
00:43:31Find that guy.
00:43:33Hurry up.
00:43:50These are the ropes.
00:43:53I bought them from Nihal.
00:43:57There is both life and design.
00:44:00I think it adds a very unique atmosphere.
00:44:02The eldest daughter of the Aslanlı family.
00:44:04Is she going to make pearl beads, Selma?
00:44:06Why are you belittling me?
00:44:08What do I have if I contribute to the family?
00:44:10No, honey, I'm not saying that.
00:44:12You'll stay there.
00:44:14Ms. Kumruk.
00:44:16There are a thousand families in the world.
00:44:18Look, for example.
00:44:20What happened to his mother?
00:44:23The lion and the tiger did not benefit.
00:44:26The new bride's daughter is a piece of cake.
00:44:33But if there was a job, would it be a plan?
00:44:42You're right, mother.
00:44:47I ordered some materials.
00:44:49Let him come, I'll show you.
00:44:52Show me, honey.
00:44:53Show me, my beautiful.
00:44:55Show me, my beautiful bride.
00:45:01I'm going to do the job I dreamed of.
00:45:04I'm very excited.
00:45:10Do it, honey, do it.
00:45:12Do it, of course.
00:45:14I'm behind you on this matter.
00:45:52I have to get out of here before he catches me.
00:46:18He must have run away for his family.
00:46:21Who are you under threat of, Niyan?
00:46:24He must have run away because he was afraid of Zeynep.
00:46:27He couldn't tell the truth to Zeynep.
00:46:37I lost my name, I'm sorry.
00:46:51I lost my name, I'm sorry.
00:47:03What did you say?
00:47:06What did you say to Korkut and kidnap him?
00:47:09What can I say?
00:47:10I want him to talk to you.
00:47:28Our former employee.
00:47:29Yes, sir.
00:47:31Did you see him?
00:47:32No, sir, no one passed.
00:47:40Keep your eyes open.
00:47:41Let me know if anything happens.
00:47:57This is Nihal's scarf.
00:48:04Apparently, he jumped out of security and went this way.
00:48:09This scarf was on him.
00:48:11The scarf on him does not fall while running.
00:48:15Apparently, he did it to burn us.
00:48:22As I guessed.
00:48:24There is a footprint in the mud.
00:48:25He didn't go this way, he went this way.
00:48:27Well, he dropped his scarf here, girl.
00:48:29Apparently, he went from here.
00:48:30And maybe that's the footprint of the security.
00:48:32How do you know?
00:48:33I won't let you mislead me.
00:48:35Apparently, you planned this too.
00:48:36This was part of the plan.
00:48:40Come on, we're going this way.
00:48:42I won't lose time arguing with you.
00:48:44I'm going this way.
00:48:45I'm going this way.
00:48:46I'm going this way.
00:48:47I'm going this way.
00:48:48I'm going this way.
00:48:49I won't lose time arguing with you.
00:48:50I'm going this way.
00:49:04My daughter, this is not a game for you.
00:49:07Don't worry, I'll get your ring when I find Ananya.
00:49:50I almost got caught.
00:50:19Take it easy.
00:50:21Come here.
00:50:22Take it easy.
00:50:30Do you have any pain?
00:50:32I'm okay, I'm fine.
00:50:34Do you have any pain?
00:50:36I said I'm okay, and you don't even believe me.
00:50:44Your face is covered in mud.
00:50:45Is it over?
00:50:52We're at the bottom again.
00:50:53That's how I get stuck.
00:51:15I guess it's over.
00:51:19It can't be like this.
00:51:20We're going back to the mansion.
00:51:22I'm not going anywhere until I find Nihan.
00:51:24Zeynep, look, you lost time because you fell.
00:51:28She must have already taken the distance she protected.
00:51:30But everything is safe.
00:51:32She can't escape anywhere.
00:51:34Now, fall in front of me.
00:51:35If she escapes, I won't be able to prove that I've been innocent all my life.
00:51:41Come on.
00:52:20There was a cargo at Selma Aslan's door.
00:52:22I ordered it for the equipment.
00:52:24Let her come, I'll show you.
00:52:26There's no wrong address.
00:52:28Are you sure?
00:52:29The address shows here.
00:52:30Oh, thank God.
00:52:32I said it doesn't fit.
00:52:33There's no Selma here.
00:52:35There's no such person in this neighborhood.
00:52:40Are you Azamayır?
00:52:42Let me forget my nephew's name.
00:52:44Don't get involved.
00:52:49Selma lives here, son.
00:52:51She'll be my daughter-in-law again.
00:52:54When the lady said there was no problem...
00:52:57Madam, the guest will be here soon.
00:53:04Mom, thank you.
00:53:14My beautiful bride!
00:53:16The cargo is here.
00:53:21Did the equipment come?
00:53:23Congratulations, dear.
00:53:26I'll start working right away.
00:53:30Praise be.
00:53:33God forbid.
00:53:35You go.
00:53:36I'll be right back.
00:54:02Arzu told me you called me.
00:54:04Come, sit next to me.
00:54:07I missed you.
00:54:09I miss you too, my beautiful.
00:54:12Tekin, I want you to be with me all the time.
00:54:16I'm struggling with my life, you're in love.
00:54:24I'm always with you, honey.
00:54:26Even if you're bored, this is how it is.
00:54:29You went to get the stuff, but you didn't come back.
00:54:32They called me from work.
00:54:34If it's not important, can I neglect you, honey?
00:54:37You won't, I know.
00:54:40Don't ever leave me, okay?
00:54:42I want you to be where I look.
00:54:45Why did I fall into a fire when I was wondering if it was him or Kazim?
00:54:53By the way...
00:54:55Did you think about the captive issue?
00:54:59Let's calm down a little bit.
00:55:05Are you okay, honey?
00:55:15Are you okay, honey?
00:55:16I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:55:22I wish nothing.
00:55:29I wish nothing.
00:55:32If you let one of the guards go, he'll let the other one go.
00:55:38How am I going to prove that I'm innocent?
00:55:43Ms. Zeynep, I was looking for you.
00:55:46Could you look at the photos I sent?
00:55:48What photo?
00:55:50I got it from the address you described Niha's family.
00:55:52I put it in a safe place.
00:55:54I sent the photos for your information, but I guess you didn't look.
00:55:57I didn't see it.
00:55:58Thank you, Cemil.
00:56:00Do you have any other requests?
00:56:01Or I'll go.
00:56:09We saved your family.
00:56:11There's nothing to be afraid of.
00:56:12Where are you, Niha?
00:56:20Come to the workshop.
00:56:38You're not on paper.
00:56:44You're really my wife.
00:56:47And we'll be a real family.
00:56:57Is that why he's calling me?
00:57:00Because I can't prove that I'm not a partner?
00:57:18Where are you, my love?
00:57:26Where are you, my love?
00:57:42It will cost you some money to get to the bed.
00:57:46I understand.
00:57:56I love you.
00:58:16It's me.
00:58:21What happened?
00:58:27What are you doing here?
00:58:31It's stuck in my hand.
00:58:34I'm sorry.
00:58:36Let me see.
00:58:37No, no.
00:58:38It's nothing important.
00:58:39I just panicked.
00:58:41That's all.
00:58:44Aren't you going to sleep?
00:58:48I was going to separate the team materials according to a certain order, but...
00:58:52You've collected them.
00:58:53Are you uncomfortable?
00:58:58I didn't know.
00:58:59I didn't know.
00:59:05You're not going to sleep?
00:59:08I'm going to work tonight.
00:59:11Are you going to work?
00:59:13I had a few ideas.
00:59:15I'm going to do them.
00:59:18No, no, no.
00:59:20I'm going to sleep.
00:59:22No, no, no.
00:59:26I understand.
00:59:29If you want, you can sleep on the couch tonight.
00:59:33I'm going to lay here a little bit because you might not be comfortable.
00:59:38You said the job was small.
00:59:39You said you were busy.
00:59:41You said you were going to get rid of the child's fear.
00:59:43One minute, one goal.
00:59:44The beds have been separated.
00:59:46Let's hope for the best.
00:59:51Okay, fine.
00:59:54I'll sleep on the couch then.
01:00:03Good luck to you then.
01:00:41I caught security at the station.
01:00:46You scared me.
01:00:47You scared me.
01:00:50Your family and me.
01:00:55I'm sick of this game now.
01:00:59I'm going to ask you a question.
01:01:02And I'm going to get your answer.
01:01:08Did Ms. Zeynep tell you to steal my tender offer?
01:01:19You're safe while I'm here.
01:01:20Don't be afraid.
01:01:23Yes, you don't have to be afraid.
01:01:24Come on, tell me.
01:01:28Mr. Halil, first of all, I'm sorry.
01:01:31I'm so sorry.
01:01:33I was afraid, but Ms. Zeynep gave me that assurance.
01:01:43It would be a shame to hide the truth.
01:01:44You took care of my sick son.
01:01:46You called me a doctor.
01:01:49Mr. Halil.
01:01:51Those who wrote that letter.
01:01:56It's true.
01:01:58It's all Ms. Zeynep's fault.
01:02:01She made me steal your tender offer.
01:02:14She made me steal your tender offer.
01:02:44She made me steal your tender offer.
01:02:45She made me steal your tender offer.
01:02:46She made me steal your tender offer.
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