• last year
मुंबई: महाराष्ट्र कांग्रेस के अध्यक्ष नाना पटोले ने आईएएनएस से महाराष्ट्र चुनाव के नतीजों समेत अलग अलग मुद्दों पर बातचीत की। उन्होंने कहा कि नतीजों से महाराष्ट्र की जनता को झटका लगा। महायुति के नेताओं को जनता सपोर्ट नहीं कर रही थी, किसान नाराज थे, युवा नाराज थे, आम आदमी परेशान था और ये सब होते हुए भी ये सरकार कैसे आई ये लोगों की भावना में उद्वेग हुआ है। एक गांव ने तो कह दिया कि हम अपने पैसों से बैलेट से वोट करेंगे। चुनाव आयोग और बीजेपी मिलकर इस देश के लोकतंत्र का दिनदहाड़े खून करने का काम कर रहे हैं।

#nanapatole #maharashtraelectionresult #congress #electioncommission #inflation #ballotpaper


00:00Look, we are political parties, but the people of Maharashtra are more shocked than us.
00:07Because the people of Maharashtra were against the government of Maharashtra and the sins committed by the leaders of the BJP in Delhi.
00:19And this time, the people of Maharashtra had decided to change the government.
00:24The leaders of the BJP in Delhi did not support the people of Maharashtra.
00:29The leaders of Maharashtra did not support the people of Maharashtra.
00:32The people of Maharashtra did not go to their assemblies.
00:35The farmers were upset, the youth were upset.
00:38The common man was upset because of the inflation.
00:41And despite all this, how did the government come to power?
00:45This is the sentiment of the people in Maharashtra.
00:50A village has said that we will vote with our money.
00:55This means that in democracy, the BJP has also abolished the right to vote.
01:03And the election commission and the BJP are working together to kill the democracy of this country.
01:14This sentiment is in the minds of the people.
01:16And the Congress Party will do the work of taking the sentiments of the people forward and saving democracy.
