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Season 5 | show | 2023| S5 | Official Clip | dHNzX1hPaExmLTZFd0Vn


00:00Christmas with the Villagers!
00:02Villager number 27!
00:04No, this is with all of us!
00:06Shut up! I did not talk to you!
00:08Oh, will you guys stop? Can we please just play the fifth?
00:31I've got the body!
00:34I've got the head!
00:36Yay, put it down!
00:40There we go!
00:42Oh, he looks so happy!
00:45Uh, I don't think it's supposed to look like...
00:49Yay! I'm going to open all of my presents now!
00:52No, you must wait until later.
00:55Oh, who could that be?
00:57Hello, fellow citizen!
00:59I am here to share the Christmas spirit with you.
01:02Here you go.
01:18Can I come inside?
01:28Alright, you know the rules.
01:31The first person to the bottom wins five emeralds.
01:34Are you ready?
01:36Three, two, one, go!
01:41I am winning! I am beating you!
01:47So what do you want for Christmas?
01:50You're not the real Santa! You're just a fake!
01:55Get in the bag!
02:01Look! A present!
02:04No, wait! It could be a trap!
02:08Goodbye! I'm going to go steal that guy's wood who really cares about wood.
02:19Let's see what happens.
02:26Woo-hoo! I got an emerald!
02:29Merry Christmas!
02:44Merry Christmas!