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مدي 1 تي في : الموقف المغربي من تطورات الأحداث في سوريا بعد سقوط نظام الأسد - 10/12/2024


00:00Welcome, our viewers, if today's number of your magazines with the medium-length news
00:16talk, we specify the first part of the Moroccan position on the developments of events in
00:23And the second part, our viewers, we specify to follow the latest events related to this
00:30development since the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime three days ago.
00:38So, at the beginning, there will be details in the Moroccan position, as the Minister of
00:45Foreign Affairs and the African Cooperation and the fighting outside, Nasser Bourita,
00:51who confirmed that the Kingdom of Morocco is following the developments in Syria and
00:56hopes that the hopes of the Syrian people in stability and development will be achieved.
01:03Bourita added that Morocco confirms its support for the unity and stability of the country
01:09and the unity of the Syrian people, emphasizing the necessity of preserving the sovereignty
01:17of the Syrian people and not interfering in their internal affairs.
01:22Following this topic, we join us from the city of Wajda, Dr. Khaled Shiyat, a professor
01:28of international relations at the University of Mohamed I in Wajda.
01:32Welcome, doctor.
01:33Welcome, my dear, and thank you for your kind words.
01:39And in the city of Rabat, or he joins us from the city of Rabat, Professor Hussein Gnoun,
01:45the head of the Moroccan Institute for Political Studies International.
01:49Welcome, Professor Gnoun.
01:51Welcome, Ms. Eman, and greetings to the honorable guest and to everyone.
01:57Greetings to you, my two honorable guests.
02:01I start with you, Dr. Khaled Shiyat, the position of the Kingdom of Morocco, which
02:08was clearly expressed yesterday, and put many points on the letters.
02:16What stood out to you in the words of the Foreign Minister of Morocco, Nasser Bourita,
02:24and what are the most important confirmations that this statement includes regarding what
02:30is happening in Syria?
02:35I would like to welcome you and the viewers.
02:39I think that from the practical point of view, from the point of view of reading the Moroccan
02:43situation first, we must put into context the many differences that have been in contact
02:49with the Syrian regime for a long time, almost since the beginning of the Baath regime,
02:53which continued either with Hafez al-Assad or with his son Bashar al-Assad.
03:00I think that it is placed in a historical context, but it did not affect the firm position
03:06of Morocco, not only with Syria, but also in its international system.
03:16In what the Foreign Minister preferred to say, he may have deduced many things,
03:22but I think that from the first point of view, it should be confirmed that the first element
03:29is related to the soil unit of Syria.
03:33This means that Morocco should preserve this soil unit, its routes, its geographical areas,
03:41as it is known in all its details.
03:45This is also the side...
03:49Dr. Chiat, we are losing your voice.
03:53We will try to overcome this.
03:58Of course, your thoughts and input will be continued later.
04:04In the meantime, I will ask the same question to my guest, Professor Al-Hussein Gnoun.
04:10As I mentioned earlier, the situation in the Kingdom of Morocco was expressed
04:16in the language of the President of the Diplomacy.
04:21There was a strengthening of the two basic givings.
04:25Support, of course, the unity of the Syrian people
04:29and confirmation of the sovereignty of the country
04:33and non-interference in its internal affairs.
04:37This is the position of the Kingdom of Morocco, regardless of the dispute
04:41that has been going on for many years, as Dr. Khaled Al-Chiat pointed out.
04:47We remind you that the Kingdom of Morocco closed its embassy in Damascus in 2012
04:53and asked the Syrian regime to close its diplomatic representation in Rabat.
05:05Yes, Madam, I agree with you.
05:09I can tell you that the situation in the Kingdom of Morocco,
05:13despite the fact that the Foreign Minister,
05:17in his capacity to represent the foreign diplomacy of the Kingdom of Morocco,
05:21was always in favor of the Syrian people.
05:27Because before the Kingdom of Morocco,
05:29His Excellency General Samim Jalal al-Tamalik,
05:31had a field hospital in the Zaatari camp.
05:35In fact, General Jalal al-Tamalik visited him,
05:39and he reassured the wounded, the displaced, and the refugees there.
05:47Moreover, as you know, Madam,
05:51and the National Council of Tunisia knows,
05:55the Kingdom of Morocco hosted the Syrian Friends Conference in Marrakech.
05:59On the other hand, and in parallel with it,
06:03General Jalal al-Tamalik sent aid to the Syrian camp in Turkey.
06:09This shows that Morocco has always been,
06:13and will continue to be in the future,
06:17with the great Syrian people,
06:21without any interference in its unity and sovereignty.
06:27Morocco has always, as you know,
06:31been a leader of the Arab sects.
06:35And the best proof is that his attendance at the Syriac Conference on the Libyan issue.
06:39In other words, Morocco has always been
06:43advising and calling for unity,
06:47and not to interfere in affairs within the Arab countries.
06:51Our example in this is the Riyadh Summit,
06:55in which General Jalal al-Tamalik confirmed
06:59in 2016 that the national security of the Arab nation
07:03should be a red line,
07:07and should not interfere from anywhere.
07:11And as you know, and the National Council of Tunisia knows,
07:15as you mentioned, Madam Iman,
07:19when Morocco worked on its ambassador from Damascus,
07:23and therefore, in parallel with it,
07:27it is a person who is not welcome,
07:31and should leave the ties,
07:35this shows that Morocco is a clear,
07:39firm, and clear position,
07:43that the Syrian people should be secure,
07:47safe, and peaceful, and build their state
07:51so that it is there, and the future, of course,
07:55should be built by the Syrian institutions,
07:59based first on the formation of a transitional council,
08:03which will be transformed...
08:07We will return later, Mr. Hussein Gannon,
08:11to talk about what happened after the fall of the Bashar regime.
08:15Al-Assad again went to my guest in the city of Wajda,
08:19to interact with what came on the tongue
08:23of the President of Western Diplomacy,
08:27and his expression of the position of the Kingdom,
08:31and the Kingdom's position is firm,
08:35regardless of who deals with it,
08:39regardless of its position,
08:43of course, it is also the position of the regime,
08:47President Bashar Al-Assad,
08:51as well as his concern
08:55for the better future of the people,
08:59Dr. Khaled Al-Shayyat.
09:03Of course, I think that
09:07he is thinking about Morocco,
09:11and its historical positions,
09:15as Mr. Al-Assad said earlier,
09:19which are based on the issue of Syria,
09:23or other international issues,
09:27because it is one of the centers
09:31of Moroccan diplomacy and foreign policy,
09:35not a high-level policy,
09:39even at the time of the conflict,
09:43or the agreement,
09:47which was at a very bad stage
09:51due to this relationship,
09:55but Morocco never had a position
09:59contrary to the Syrian soil unity,
10:03and this was a valid position,
10:07and also to understand the national state
10:11and the sovereignty of this state
10:15based on ideological data,
10:19because it was seeking to overthrow
10:23the monarchy regime in Morocco,
10:27and this was done in various ways,
10:31Morocco did not deal at all
10:35with the Syrian political system
10:39in the same way,
10:43and it has internal and external
10:47alliances, and this should be taken
10:51into account in the words of Morocco,
10:55and secondly, I think that
10:59there should be a possibility
11:03to find a solution on the level
11:07of the internal democratic process
11:11in order to find a solution
11:15to the situation in Syria,
11:19because Morocco will also be ready
11:23to play its role in all directions
11:27that will lead to stability in Syria,
11:31whether it concerns the situation
11:35in which the Syrians will live,
11:39and I think that this building
11:43in which the Syrian-Moroccan relations exist
11:47is a conscious building,
11:51because the relations in a traditional system
11:55have collapsed, and now we are talking
11:59about a new future.
12:03Once again, I turn to Mr. Hussein Jannoun
12:07regarding the difficulties
12:11that Morocco is experiencing
12:15around the world,
12:19the Moroccan diplomacy
12:23with the Kingdom of Samia
12:27is having a very strong value,
12:31what is the nature of this value
12:35while it is approaching, as I mentioned before, difficult, different moments,
12:41transformations, crises that are being prepared by the countries.
12:47Yes, Your Honour, we must know the knowledge of certainty.
12:50Because we are in front of an extraordinary country,
12:54we are in front of a nation, a part of it.
12:57The honorable Kingdom of Morocco,
12:59which is more than 12 centuries old,
13:03has accumulated experiences
13:05that make it a leading country in South Africa,
13:09which plays the role of acting on the level of decision-making,
13:14regional, regional and international,
13:16in all honesty and in all clarity,
13:19within the framework of the policy of ambition and clarity,
13:21which was developed by the Kingdom of Morocco,
13:24under the leadership of Jalal al-Kamal.
13:26This is the first point.
13:27The second point is that,
13:28since Jalal al-Kamal,
13:31Mohammed VI, the late Ashrafi,
13:33gave a push and a light to the Moroccan diplomatic policy in general
13:41and the monarchic diplomacy in particular,
13:44since the Kingdom of Morocco took on the responsibility
13:48to raise the issues of justice,
13:50and not only the issues related to the Arab and Muslim Ummah,
13:56but also the issues related to the African continent,
13:59and it is he who raises all these issues,
14:02not only in the international conferences,
14:05but also within the institutions of the constitution,
14:08institutions and regional organizations,
14:10especially the Arab League,
14:13since Morocco has always been clear
14:16with the Arab and Muslim countries
14:18that it does not accept the intervention
14:23in internal affairs of any kind,
14:25of any kind, without exception.
14:27Therefore, he calls for the security of the people,
14:34of the Arab and Muslim Ummah,
14:36to be surrounded by red lines
14:41that should not be touched.
14:44The other important point is that Morocco,
14:48if we link history to the present,
14:52and in this case to the future,
14:55Jalal al-Kamal,
14:57the second Athenian,
14:59rose and rose through the army in the October War,
15:03with the divisions in Syria,
15:06at the level of this battle of Joulan.
15:09But history records,
15:11and history records,
15:13records the defeats,
15:15records the victories,
15:16records the positions,
15:17and records the losses.
15:19He recorded that Hafez al-Athen,
15:21that he had led the army,
15:24or led the Moroccan army at the time,
15:27but Morocco, as you know,
15:28Ms. Kareema,
15:30and I will also include in your question,
15:33the foolish and the smart at the same time,
15:35is that Morocco's policy
15:37did not always have a response,
15:40but it smiled with wisdom,
15:42and gentleness,
15:43and subjectivity,
15:44and guided the matter strictly,
15:47according to every specific event.
15:49And therefore,
15:50Morocco, as I said,
15:52as long as it is a nation,
15:54an old nation,
15:55a nation of traditions and noble values,
15:58it shares this with all its subjects,
16:00and with all its brave people,
16:01with the Arabs and the Africans,
16:03and all the Moroccan partners
16:06in the five continents,
16:08without exception.
16:09This is Morocco.
16:10We will dedicate,
16:11my dear guests,
16:12what is left of the first part,
16:14of the middle part,
16:15perhaps to honor the future,
16:19not only in the Syrian interior,
16:22but also in the relations
16:23between Rabat and Damascus.
16:25Dr. Khaled Darshiyat,
16:26while you are following
16:28the developments of the Syrian scene,
16:31do you see any good news,
16:36more than that,
16:37a warning of a third transition to power?
16:42And is Tayyeh successful
16:45for the Assad government
16:50as a son and before him as a father?
16:53Or are there some fears
16:56that indicate the entry of Syria
17:00into the stage of uncertainty
17:02that leads to the unknown?
17:05Among all these developments,
17:08which direction do you think it will go?
17:12I think that on the one hand,
17:14there is what I called good news.
17:18First, before this last operation,
17:20there was a group of opposers in Syria.
17:23There were opposing groups,
17:25there were multiple groups.
17:28And let's not forget that the failure
17:30of the Syrian revolution
17:32in terms of armaments,
17:33in terms of military,
17:35was also due to the shift
17:38of these directions
17:40and the lack of unity
17:42in one front.
17:43Today, this is the result
17:45of this unity.
17:46Of course,
17:47there are many sides
17:49on the regional level,
17:51especially it was a major factor
17:53in winning this speed
17:55and these three,
17:56if we can say.
17:57But let's not forget
17:58that this is an internal factor.
17:59The second factor is that,
18:01I mean, in terms of Syria,
18:04it is not a country that has grown
18:07from the mercy of the international law,
18:09or that it is a modern country
18:10or something like that.
18:11Because it also has a memory,
18:14and it has status,
18:15and it has a great ability
18:17to build itself on its own.
18:18This is not the first time
18:20that it has been subjected to destruction,
18:21to colonization,
18:23but it has always been a witness.
18:25And this, I think,
18:26is a very important
18:27spiritual factor for Syria.
18:28But I think that in terms of the process,
18:30there are many threats.
18:31First, that this group
18:34that exists now,
18:35including its leaders,
18:37are considered leaders
18:39for certain countries
18:41such as the United States,
18:42which is a terrorist organization
18:43or is required on this basis.
18:45Even our leader today
18:48is required to pay 10 million dollars
18:51for it, or it was the same
18:52for the United States,
18:53and it is classified as a terrorist group.
18:56And there is also,
18:57I think that there is this matter,
18:59then, as I said,
19:00by a group or by a united country,
19:03and it was not a worker
19:04based on the strength of the opposition in it.
19:07But this, in any case, remains.
19:09But another threat
19:10is in terms of the oil wells
19:12that Israel is now exposing
19:14in the region,
19:15including the isolated area
19:17in the Golan Heights,
19:18by declaring that the Golan Heights,
19:20on the tongue of Netanyahu,
19:22that it is the land of Israel
19:25And there is also a dispute
19:27from the east,
19:28because there is, of course,
19:29the Iranian side,
19:31which will not allow
19:32that there are lines
19:35such as the Nasser,
19:36with him at the level of the Iranian borders,
19:38with what he calls his enemies,
19:39the West Bank.
19:40If it were also Iraq,
19:42it might be a platform
19:44for this policy and this strategy.
19:46So, if Iraq were also
19:49a station of robbery,
19:50Syria might be a door
19:52from these doors to the door of robbery.
19:53Also, the presence of the Russian
19:55on Tartus and on the face of it,
19:57there may be many misunderstandings.
19:59So, these are all threats,
20:00but I think that the good news
20:02also in what the opposition did,
20:04is that it is not dealing with revenge,
20:06it is dealing with a kind of rationality,
20:08in addition to the many experiments
20:10that a group of leaders
20:11and revolutionaries have carried out.
20:13But it announced that
20:15the involved will be pursued
20:17in torturing and killing the Syrians,
20:20which is what some considered
20:22a contradictory indicator
20:24of the logic of turning the page
20:26and not moving towards revenge.
20:29This was a matter for some people
20:32who are in charge,
20:33who are aware of these matters.
20:34I think it is natural,
20:36as is the case with the International Criminal Court and so on.
20:39But if it goes to the appropriate people,
20:40ordinary people, soldiers,
20:42this will be a problem.
20:43But I think that many lessons have been learned
20:45in the last ten years
20:47for the opposition.
20:49Building a state is not based on revenge,
20:51and I think this is the basis
20:54for building a new Syria.
20:55My last question is for Mr. Hussain Gannoun,
20:58and he is in touch with Mujibat,
21:00opening the page of relations again
21:03and on new foundations
21:07and affected by new values
21:10between Rabat and Damascus.
21:14How do you see the horizons
21:17of moving this relationship
21:21towards a better and more profitable horizon
21:24for the two countries,
21:25and will it help the Syrian people
21:28in raising a set of challenges
21:30related to development,
21:33as well as stability?
21:35Of course.
21:36Yes, Mrs. Karima,
21:37you raised the wrong question,
21:39which is that the great Syrian people,
21:42their rulers,
21:43their leaders,
21:45and they are all,
21:47with all certainty,
21:48aware of the role
21:50played by Morocco
21:53under the leadership of Samir Jalali Malik,
21:55that it is a support
21:57and a helping hand
21:58from the Syrian people
22:00to the Syrian people in crises.
22:02What do you think,
22:04while we are facing a new sunrise,
22:06will the Syrian people
22:09force Syrian institutions
22:11to maintain sovereignty
22:13and the Syrian unity?
22:15Of course,
22:16the leaders of these leaders
22:18who will be in the leadership,
22:20of course,
22:21and that the Syrian people,
22:23through their leadership,
22:25will not break the promise with history,
22:28because they fully realize
22:30that Morocco
22:31has now become
22:34a safe, national and international
22:37and that it continues in Africa
22:40and has partnerships
22:41with the Gulf Cooperation Council
22:43and has relations with the European Union
22:45and with the great power
22:47between the United States of America
22:49and the FISGRAD group
22:50and the Caribbean countries
22:51and Latin America,
22:53with all certainty,
22:53the friends of Morocco,
22:55that they will also be
22:57friends of brotherly Syria.
22:59Therefore, they realize
23:00and the next leadership will realize
23:02after the institutions of Syria
23:05and the safeguarding of security
23:07and the fight against insecurity
23:10in the region,
23:10which is the reason for the security crisis.
23:12Of course,
23:12the support from the Kingdom of Morocco
23:15will come as a king
23:15and the institutions of Syria
23:16and as a people,
23:17because Syria deserves better.
23:20The Syrian people deserve better.
23:23Thank you very much.
23:24We will discuss this.
23:24Thank you very much.
23:25We have reached the end of our time.
23:27Your idea is clear.
23:30Professor Hussein Ghanoun,
23:32President of the Moroccan Institute
23:34for Political and International Studies,
23:36as well as my guest from Wajda,
23:39Dr. Khaled Shiyat,
23:41Professor of International Relations
23:42at the University of Mohamed I.
23:45Our viewers,
23:46we will have a short break.
23:47After that,
23:49we will continue with the second part
23:50of today's issue
23:52of your newspaper,
23:53Al-Muntasaf Talk,
23:54and we will dedicate it
23:56to the developments of the Syrian scene
23:59with analysis and comment.
24:01Please stay with us.
24:06Al-Muntasaf Talk
